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Popup Ads = Bad!!!


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Okie, i jsut browsed the forums, and i now have 7 pop-up ads.


Ad-substract only stops cookies, you have to buy the "pro" version to stop pop-ups


The rest jsut clean up bad cookies.


Unless someone stops it, i wont be comign to these forums anymore

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I never EVER see pop-ups here when browsing on my home PC. In fact, I never see any ads at all on this site when I'm at home. Period. I kid you not.

I use all of these things going at the same time, and usually set for all options enabled and everything at the max level.

Pop-up Stopper NUKES all pop-ups (even the ones you want, like the IM function window. I have to disable it temporarily if I wish to send someone an IM here.) If you are have it and are using it, then are you sure you have it turned on and set correctly?

Web-Washer has a clearly marked option to stop pop-ups. It doesn't get everything, but it's pretty good. You can also set it to reject everything from a certain URL, like Doubleclick.

I also have the security settings set pretty high on both IE 6 and Netscape 4.79. This keeps certain cookies and things from getting through as well.


Internet advertisng is here to stay,.. it's not going away no matter how much we complain about it. But you don't have to see it if you don't want to.



How the site looks with all my filtering off.



How I normally see it.

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Probably because they get paid a lot to put the ads up here.

Every one of those ads go toward keeping this place free for us to use. I have no problem with them loading this place with ads as long as it's still free to subscribe... as long as they understand that I will be filtering those ads and not looking at them. It would make sense for them to get rid of the ads if none of us are looking at them, but then we would probably have to pay a monthly fee to come here.

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The fact that you don't have any ads doesn't impress me edlib BUT on the other hand I am impressed with your StartBar... how many Icons do you have there ?? :eek: !!?!


I once had a "Go away you stupid Ads from hell" software but it took longer to get rid of the ads than it took for the ads to load.

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All the start bar icons are the stuff I use just about everyday, but don't want sitting on the desktop. And I hate scrolling up through menus. I figure what else am I going to use that space for anyway?


Let's see... I have, from left to right:



Windows Explorer

Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.05

Outlook Express 6

Netscape 4.79

Internet Explorer 6

NS 6.2.2

MSN Explorer (Piece of crap, but I still haven't deleted it yet)

Copernic 2001

Webferret 4

Media Player 7.1

Quicktime 5

RealOne Player

MusicMatch Jukebox 7

Winamp 2.79


Windows DVD Player

Ravisent DVD Player

ACDSee 32

Adobe Photoshop 5.5

Paint Shop Pro 7.4

Adobe Illustrator 8


Cubase 5

Zone Alarm 2.6

MyNetWatchman App. (Not shown in screenshots)


The system tray is starting to get crowded too.

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What surprises me is the UGO banner that mysteriously didn't dissapear as well as that great big black space...

A-The banner shouldn't be there.

B-If the banners are gone shouldn't there not be a big black space there?



I saved and looked at the picture...

I filled in the black area with white and noticed some strange markings in the lower-right corner and under the buttons beneath the XWA banner as well as around the posts.


I think the picture was tampered with...



I'd post my version but I don't have any webspace.

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Internet Explorer looks a bit different:


I'm not sure what the difference is, but I think Netscape takes away the space that the ads would have used.


EDIT: Ah, now I know the difference! It's Web-Washer. I normally have WW configured to run with Netscape 4.79. I just reconfigured it to work with IE, and now the Explorer screen looks like the Netscape ones, with the banner lower than normal.

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the most annoying popup i've had to far is that one that says i better protect my computer....cuz it pops up like it's a virus or something and says 'internet explorer is attempting to close the page yes|no' that one is a pain!!


hehe i did a scandisk on my computer and it found and fixed errors. :D defrag tonight!

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