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real or not, he's gonna have a jedi grade headache in the morning:D


I guess thats when you use the rare and odd force pull and force heal combo:D i can just see the head floating back on to his body, small shake of head and back to sliceing:D :D :D

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Originally posted by Ihatetheblind

Its not a multiplayer cause of all the storm troopers just hanging around with blasters, and I find it hard to believe that its a single player map where the player took a screenshot the instant a reborn threw(if they can) his lightsaber.




Reborns can throw sabers. The angle was most likely taken from one of thoose SLOW MOTION thingys that happen when someone die (probably uncluding yourself, can be turned of in meny acording to PC GAMER SWEDEN ; 90% rating).


u know.. when the camera spins around in slow-mo. dont need to be to fast to take a screenie there.


And second of all, PC ACTION appears to be a popular well respected game mag, why on earth would they unclude fake screens? GET REAL!!!!!


* * * * *


From Vagabond: Lorewin, I don't want to have to warn you again - if you continue name-calling, you're going to find yourself in the time-out corner until you get it. Your offensive remarks have been removed and I expect you to discontinue your personal attacks. Have a nice day.

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calm down Lorewin, you kind of sound like a tool,


I dont think it slows down every time you kill someone. Go back to jk1, you cut off a body part every 30 kills or so. Factor that in with the fact that you have to get killed by a reborn throwing his lightsaber (which means your some distance away from that reborn) in a room full of storm troopers, without getting shot to death or killed in some other way (i am assuming that the same body part cut off ratio goes for the computer). So this guy plays this level like 100 times waiting for the one time when he is A) killed by the reborn saber throw and B) it cuts his head off so he can D) press the screen shot button. I guess it's possible.

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Have u ever played Max Payne?


It goes into slow mo when something cool happend, not just usual kills(unless u active it ahead).


That will probably be the case here....




walks into a room of troopers, activate agressive stance so he can dispatch them quickly, while in agressive mode he´s blocking is worse, so a reborn tosses his saber and VOILA, head goes off, engine figured its a cool event and did it slowmo.


lol. NOOOO!!! not a chance!! that cant happen!! the odds are 1/5000202000. right.. It will happen quite often im shure.


muaha... Lets all pray and hope we can cut off heads :) :) :)

Aww.. Im not buying it if we cant... ok maybe I will.. but still .. I want it AHAHAhaHAhahHAAH!!!!!!

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The screenshot can't be faked, unless it was by someone with immense clone brushing skills. Look where the head would have been if it wasn't cut off. Now, either someone has actually managed to exactly recreate that area of that image (including sparks/black smoke etc) or his head was actually cut off.


And that head couldnt have come from that image, look at the neck, the lightings all different. Unless someone managed to re-colour his entire head it would not fit into that screenie at all.


And don't forget, normal photoshop editing tools don't allow you to re-create that pattern that was caused by bad scanning. Unless that was overlayed afterwards of course, but what would be the point of that?

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Perhaps when you die it pans around in slo mo...




Is there an echo in here?

u cant set specifics, either its off or its on.


I know this from PC gamer sweden, wich I bet none of u have read heeh

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some people are just to stupid ...
That's "too stupid."


The picture is a cut and paste job that was printed in a magazine or newspaper, then scanned and posted by Jedi Outcast TH. The head is from the second picture posted in this thread, just with half the head cut out so that it appears to be at a different angle. The perspective is off. Kyle is way too large in comparison to the storm trooper standing right next to him. I suspect that he's covering up whatever is actually emitting the sparks from being hit by a thrown light sabre.


I'm guessing that the original shot was taken in a multiplayer session by someone who was playing in first person mode with their sabre. That blob at the lower right hand side of the shot is the player's hand. The picture has been cropped to remove the hud elements. Still, that doesn't rule out the final as being a composite Photoshop job. Which it clearly is.

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Very intriguing. Though think on this. Kyle's in a room full of stormtroopers, and his lightsaber is completely stock-still. No blue arc or trail at all. And note too, that this spinning red saber would have had to have hit his raised saber for it to continue on and decapitate him. Doesn't quite add up. Nearly every action scene you see, Kyle's blue saber is in mid-motion, leaving a massive bright blue trail. I find it hard to believe he could have missed blocking this.. let alone the red saber not hitting his raised saber but somehow managing to behead him. ;)

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PraetorJudis, sorry, but you're wrong. In the first picture of Kyle's head, you can only see one of his eyes, while in the second photo you can see both of his eyes. The fact that you can only see one eye in the first photo is not due to any editing. It's because the picture was taken when Kyle's head was at a different angle of rotation, than his head in the second photo. Conclusion: the two photos are distinct, period.


Does this prove that the first photo is authentic? Not necessarily, but we do know that it's not a cut-and-paste job from the second photo in this thread.

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Vag, I went into Photoshop to proove my point, but you're right. I can edit that pic to make it close to the flying head, but not close enough. That'll teach me to make a stand in the morning before I've had several cups of coffee!



p.s. I still believe the photo to be a fake. ;)

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I don't know if anyone noticed this, but there is a faint cloud of smoke eminating from Kyle's chest. What I believe we are seeing is an edited screenshot of Kyle being hit by a blaster bolt.


Also, it is impossible that the German version won't have any gore while other versions will have. I remember it clearly being stated in an interview that all versions of the game will be identical in content, with the exception of translated documentation.

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its obviously fake..... I see the sabor from one of those twisted dark jedi dudes but no dark jedi. At 1st i was thinking the dude floating was because the lightsabor was hiting him in the neck or whatever and knocking him backwards (or something =P) But i doubt that enemy lightsabor users will be able to hit other enemies with it when they throw it. Fuzzy cause its taken from a newspaper but that just made it more easy to fake. The person who faked the pic just cut the head off rotated it and put it up higher. Then added his own backround where the head should have ben but sence its in such poor picture quality u can hardly tell. A trained monkey could have done this. (and prolly did) If anybody knows for a fact this is real then please let us know =).

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Well it could be edited.. the smoke coming from his neck could have been used to smudge out something that otherwise would have showed. (it's been done since the dawn of special effects) So right now I say are that the odds are 60% that it's edited.. but ofcourse.. then there's a 40% chance that it's real.. but if it's real.. I don't know.. I wouldn't want to see the head of the character that I'm playing fly somewhere. O_o I've grown fond of kyle over the years, I don't want to see his head come off. His hand sure it happened to Luke, but his HEAD?! anyways I'm done ranting ^_^"

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I guess we need somebody from Raven to convince everybody here that it's a fake. -sigh-


Look, people, like the developers have said oh-so-many times, this is Star Wars. YOU. CAN'T. CHOP. HEADS. OFF. IN. STAR. WARS. Comprende? Someone before me said this: It's a scan from a magazine, the head has been cut off an' rotated with Photoshop (or the like), pasted back, add some smudge that people think is smoke and there you go: fooled people dipped in dumb-sauce.

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Originally posted by Kuluwen

its obviously fake..... I see the sabor from one of those twisted dark jedi dudes but no dark jedi. At 1st i was thinking the dude floating was because the lightsabor was hiting him in the neck or whatever and knocking him backwards (or something =P) But i doubt that enemy lightsabor users will be able to hit other enemies with it when they throw it. Fuzzy cause its taken from a newspaper but that just made it more easy to fake. The person who faked the pic just cut the head off rotated it and put it up higher. Then added his own backround where the head should have ben but sence its in such poor picture quality u can hardly tell. A trained monkey could have done this. (and prolly did) If anybody knows for a fact this is real then please let us know =).


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From Vagabond: Coby, let me take this opportunity to both welcome you to our forums, and to inform you that name-calling is not tolerated. Your offending comments have been removed. I look forward to your cooperation in the future. Have a nice day.


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What so the guy who "edited" this managed to take the head off this 2d picture rotate it and place it half way across the screen. Then he managed to fill in the spot where his head was to be pixel perfect and look exactly as it will in the actual game. Also the light saber has been thrown, the dark jedi would be somewhere off screen. If this was faked then the magasine would be sued or some of its staff would be fired.

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Exactly coby. couldnt have said it better myself.


There loos like theres a dead reborn in the corner. damn this guy thought of everthing... or maybe ITS JUST REAL!! HAhaAHAH


Stupid stupid people. seems like a 50/50 stand off here.

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