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OMG! Check it out!


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Look at how the lighting on the head doesn't match the scene, but would match the lighting of the body were it attached. Look at the poorly cut edge around Kyle's right foot. Look at the lack of a neck stump. Look at the sharp definition around Kyle, as opposed to the blurred definition around the stormtroopers. Look at Kyle's scale compared to the storm troopers.



I attend an art school and watch people cut and paste with Photoshop daily. You develop an eye for this sort of thing.




It's a fake.

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Like I said before, this apparently spinning reb saber has managed to decapitate him without so much as interfering with Kyle's readied bluesaber held in front of him? (And of course, Kyle would be just standing there doing nothing with his blue saber whilst there are stormtroopers and some supposedly dark jedi in the room with him.. ? ;))


And he doesn't have to get pixel perfect. You just cut out Kyle from another image as closely as possible, and by putting him into a new layer on Photoshop, he covers what was there originally. Thus the space where his head should have been didn't need any work anyway. And indeed, what looks like a nice clean cut at the base of the neck, is not reflected in the flying head.


Add in all the other points people have made about proportions, lighting, the disparity between Kyle and the background, etc, and there you go. :)

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Well since i do ps myself, i can say this is iffy... the flying head is bad lighting but jsutm giht be the game, the stormtrooper floating is either very bad photoshop skills or it's a flaw in the engine or it's the old batasaber in use (he's getting redy ot fly)

i'm going to check hte screen with the probe flying thing to see it compared to the sparks on this, might be the same.

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I think this is an early build and we won't see this in the final game... Not in the US, not in Germany...



From my experience, that does not look like a faked screenshot to me... not that that means that you'll be seeing something like that happen in the final retail version of the game (especially in Germany).


Now if you listen to ChangKahn, it looks like this screenshot was taken from an early build with all the GHOUL 2 stuff in place, before it was edited out (Star Wars Universe as no gore like this, read the interview with Chris Foster at the Mod Central).


So it could be an old but real screenshot... and we won't see this in the final game...

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First of all, I think one reason for the saber to be completely still might be that hes in a death animation, that tends to make other animations dissapear since death anims use the entire body.

Second, the thrown saber woudln´t have to fly through Kyles saber to decapitate our protagonist. Remember when vader throws his saber? Remember the thrown sabers in the preview movies? Yeah, thats right, they spin. It is entirely possible that the blade of the thrown lightsaber just missed the Kyles saber.

Oh, and the proportions? Ok, you have a point =)

However, how tall is a stormtrooper? Taller than Luke for sure but hey, hamill isnt that tall! Ehmm so if like hamill is 1.5 meters tall and an average joe stormtrooper is 1.80 and Kyle is 2.3 meters.. THE PICTURE MAKES SENSE!

Ok, jokes aside, the stormtrooper is a weirdo as it is with the floating thing and perhaps, ok ok farfetched farfetchec, he doesnt float at all but stands as normal only the model is compressed so that his head is where his head should be but his feet aren´t.

Yeah, thats right u clever ppl, I dont have a clue but I want to believe! Keep digging!

The truth is out there...

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I'm a graphic designer, experienced in PhotoShop, PaintShop Pro, and FireWorks. If this screenshot was faked, it was done by a master. And to what avail? Why would anyone fake this screenshot? In TPM, you can jump into a fan and parts go everywhere. I am pretty sure Raven could get away with putting this in the actual game being as no red blood is shown. Even if it's not, it could be from an earlier build of Jedi Outcast. That scenario seems to be very possible. Just because there are stormtroopers around doesn't mean Kyle couldn't get killed by a lightsaber thrown from a reborn dark jedi. And we know that blocking is not perfect, especially if that lightsaber was thrown from behind. This screenshot doesn't look fake to me.

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If hes had his head cut off then he wont be swinging around will he? : )


anyway, If ChangKhan says its prolly not faked then there is a pretty good chance he is telling the truth.


(Its not like he made the game or anything is it?) :D





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Well as I look at the pic in my copy of the PC Action (along with all the other neat screenshots which show VERY interesting scenes hehe), I think I can tell that it's not faked.. I think it's a death animation where the scene goes slomo, rotates about Kyle and during that it's lowering the camera position, that's why the camera is as far down as that....

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Look, we know that dismemberment exists in the game, but to what extent, we don't know.


So what are the possibilities?


1- That German site posted the pic in good faith, but it was a hoax. And who could prove them wrong, since German players aren't getting "the uncensored version" anyway? Just a joke to make them jealous then?


2- That German site knowingly posted a fake/edited pic. Why? It isn't April 1st.. maybe to make players jealous and stir up support for anti-censorship. However, once it is found out that the pic is fake, they could just say they posted it in good faith. This would imply of course that the source is not trusthworthy.


3- The pic was posted in good faith by both the German site and the newspaper/magazine (Action Games) but was a hoax that was sent in and fooled them. Wouldn't be the first time this has ever happened. Good job to the hoaxer...


4- The pic is real, but is not what we think it is: ie, it was in an early version of the game before going gold and taken as a joke or leaked, but the final version of the game does not have this feature, it was done by the developers in 3ds Max or something as a joke, but was misunderstood to be a gameplay shot, or it's something that can only be done via a cheat code in single player, etc.


5- The pic is real, and it's in the game... perhaps it was leaked and the feature wasn't supposed to be known. The feature is locked out in the German version however.


Which it is, I don't know... the quality is too poor for me to tell if it was faked in Photoshop or whatever. We'll probably, as was said, need LEC/Raven confirmation to decide this once and for all.


And yes, as to this comment:


Look, people, like the developers have said oh-so-many times, this is Star Wars. YOU. CAN'T. CHOP. HEADS. OFF. IN. STAR. WARS. Comprende?


In ESB, Luke chopped off Vader's head with a lightsaber in his "vision" on Dagobah. You saw sparks, and the head roll off, etc etc, you remember the movie. That's the only instance of us seeing a HUMAN HEAD cut off ONSCREEN.. but there are other examples of non-human creatures getting their heads severed (notably in Episode I). So it's not exactly "unstarwarsy." And without the blood and gore, and if it's somewhat rare, it would not necessarily break the "T" Rating (note the dismemberment in TPM game).

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Perhaps somebody out there who has the actual magazine article, could do a much higher quality scan and post it up here?


Perhaps Mr. ChangKahn can't reveal that information at this time? Why get our hopes up if it's not in the final game...?

; )


These questions and more should be answered week of the 29th... (we hope)

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Very good points Kurgan. The voice of wisdom, quelling the masses. ;)


Well .. a couple of things then I'll let it go. I'm not fussed, it's interesting speculating about this rather unique image. Firstly, agreed: having head chopped off would certainly stop you doing stuff, hence saber just pointing up. I can understand that, but I just thought that in the split second of the head flying off (and it hasn't had far to travel yet) you may have still seen his last action in effect. Perhaps he was standing still anyway. Lastly, I do feel that the spinning saber would have come from the front. If you chop into the tree from one side, which way will it fall eventually. Yeah? :)


Anyway, one thing's for certain; it's incredibly amusing.

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Well, for all we know this could have been done in q3a itself, its not hard for people to make 2 fake models and put them in the game, and q3a has head gibs. I know its stretching the point a bit, but when someone like Lorewin blindly calls by his count 50% of the people here stupid I have to bring something like this up. Calling people stupid only shows how ignorant some people can be. Leave some of us to our illusions "if" they are illusions or just argue in a way that makes sense. Calling someone stupid about a point like this is pointless.

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  • I swear I saw the far stormtrooper in another pic. which makes me think "edited"
  • In a interview I swear they said only arms or at least limbs could be cut off which makes me think "edited"
  • They also said everyone version shares the same content except for some documentation which makes me think "edited"
  • I seen this done before for a joke which makes me think "edited"
  • The game is biult on an engine which head dismemberment whick makes me think "Early version"

All in all I would have to say that is NOT a final version of the game. I have taken the oppositions points into account but it just doesn't make sense.

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Originally posted by T-Dogg



- In JKI you can chop off Stormtrooper's arm :)


- In A New Hope Obi Wan chopped off a poor creature's arm :)


- In The Empire Strikes Back not-a-Jedi-yet Luke got his hand sliced off :)


- In The Empire Strikes Back Han sliced open the poor creature to keep Luke warm (yuck!)


- In The Phantom Menace at-last-we'll-have-revenge-is-my-only-word Maul got SLICED from the waist :mad:


- In The Empires Strike Back Luke sliced "Darth Vader" aka Luke himself's head off :)


Quite a few chops and slices I say. :)

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Agreed - if I see Lorewin continue to call people names, he's going to eventually find himself banned. He's been thorougly warned, so his destiny is in his hands.


Back to the topic of this picture - the one thing that makes me questionn the authenticity of this picture is the angle that the head is severed - it's vertical, where I would expect the cut to be horizontal. If not for that, I'd have no hesitation believing the picture is genuine. It still may be real, but that one thing looks kind of weird to me, so I'm unsure.

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I have an idea.. maybe this IS in the game, but it's not we think...


Perhaps there is a cutscene or "test" or something, much like Luke's "test" in the cave on Dagobah...


Perhaps in Kyle's "dream/vision" he gets his head cut off by that lightsaber, and then he wakes up!


So perhaps it's not in the gameplay at all.. but part of an in-game cutscene!


Just a thought.. ; )

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