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Wally the space dolphin says that an advanced alien civilization seeded our world millions of years ago with a species of elongated, yellow-peeled fruit that had a self-replicating nanotech sleeper matrix included in its genetic makeup that was intended to lie dormant until activated by the pulse emissions of an emerging civilization's first controlled anti-matter reaction, whereupon it would immediately create billions of ant-sized titanium assassin drones wordwide that would strangle the possible threat in its crib before it could leave its world and challenge the older civilization for supremacy.


:rolleyes: Yeah, whatever. Who want's banana bread?

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Once a spacecraft full of militant ursine creatures took me captive and informed me of just such a conspiracy. They told me that they were part of an active resistance movement against these "seeders." It seems on their world, they never achieved anti-matter reactions and then the seeders tried to active the assassin drones and didn't entirely succeed. Following that encounter, I've formed a group preparing to unleash a specially bred insect to wipe out the seeder's malevolent plans. We use broadcasts of "Survivor: Marquesas" to covertly distribute information concerning this movement.

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sorry, i'm not combining posts from other usernames, only correcting post counts from other usernames. I'm not even going to add Fondas' current small post count to his older one.



Fondas, having some trouble getting to the admin control panel. will fix it when i get a chance!

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Cracken

In THEORY, what would happen if the two samples were brought togeather. My friends theorize a large scale energy release (Military applications abound)



However, the estimates of energy release from a total annihilation reaction tend to be somewhat exaggerated, such as a mere gram leveling a city block. While we have already conducted a matter/anti-matter reaction on a small, small scale, it was an incredibly small amount that released an incredibly small amount of energy. While it would pack more boom than a pound of TNT, a few grams of anti-matter isn't going to be a clean nuke. Sadly, it seems the cobalt salted plutonium implosion device (you know, the H-bomb) IS the end all, be all of weapons. That is, until directed energy weapons of unimaginable destructive power are built.

Imagine, if you will, an obscenely large array of solar cells, batteries, and mirrors in orbit above our pathetic world. Collecting solar energy for weeks on end and charging it's batteries, America's superweapon slowly orbits into position over it's target. Then, as it looms high above, uh, London, it almost instantly converts all the energy in it's batteries to light energy. It's mirror array forces the light energy into a single massive beam. London is incinerated. While no monster explosion would appease the quasi-intelligent beings of this planet, the consequences of such an event would be staggering. At first, only the hypocenter of the beam's collision with the Earth would destroy structures, but the intense thermal energy around the beam would kill many. Quickly, the thermal release would ignite massive firestorms. Slow? Yes. Effective? You bet.

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Chernobyl could have been a lot worse, if you think about it. It was only one goony reactor instead of all four.

Chernobyl means wormwood in Ukranian

<i>"When the third angel blew his trumpet, a large star burning like a torch fell from the sky. It fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. <b>The star was called "Wormwood,"</b> and a third of all the water turned to wormwood. Many people died from this water, because it was made bitter."

--Revelation, 8:10-11</i>


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