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tah tah for now

Guest Luke Skywalker

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Hey guys... I havent been around muh lately.... so Im going to leave the forums for good. Im still going to be actively involved in the GB community and as a member of Nexsis. Yah who wouldve thought a month ago that I would be in Nexsis..... well tah tah for now....

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Gungan Warrior

yeah i don't remeber luke causing any trouble and now he has to leave:(


He doesn't have to leave, he is choosing to. No one is force him to stay or go.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Gungan Warrior

Tie Guy:when I am typing I am not trying to get every thing I type right okay:rolleyes: and xwing guy also posted that why did he have to leave


That wasn't anything against you, and i wasn't picking you out for saying something wrong, i was just using your post as a reference for mine. And by what you said it seemed like you thought that he was being forced to leave, so i was just clarifying that. And the italics are just for emphasis, like i would use in my voice, if you could here me talk, nothing more.

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chao luke

and may the force be with you(hasnt that been said a lot recently)



i remember the day when you had less than 100 posts

look at you know youve grown so much and going off to college:(


you were the first person on my buddy list:)

ok see ya later dude

come back often

saying goodbye doesnt mean youll never come back again


drop by once in a while and say hello to the guys here


ok cya

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