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Watch the skies in March 2880


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"An asteroid recently rediscovered after a 50-year absence could be on a collision course with Earth, NASA astronomers reported. But the planet has 877 years and 11 months to prepare for the potential catastrophe."


The asteroids size is roughly 0.6 miles (1.1 km) across. More details here


Ok so we have 877 years and 11 month to build a big gun, like in Quake II, so we can blast that thing out of it's course! Scramble! Let's get working!


I'l be the head engineer gun building coordinator, so who's got a lead on the way the "Big Gun" should be built ?


Or maybe we should just build a Death Star ? :deathstar


Or maybe we should just stop caring about this because none of us will be alive when the collision happens, let the future generation worry about it...


R2D2 ! Report in on status!

:r2d2:: "T minus 27 685 584 000 seconds left..."

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Yeah,.. I'm really gonna lose a lot of sleep over this one, let me tell ya'. :rolleyes:

If the human race is still alive and not extinct by then, and we still choose to inhabit this planet, then it's thier problem.

I think, right now, we need just to be worrying as to whether or not we will even make it that far. A few, more pressing issues need to be dealt with first, if you know what I mean. Then we can think about the big, doom rock.

Chances are there's another one out there scheduled to slam into us long before that that we know nothing about right now anyway...

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hehehe the news is stupid. they claim an asteroid is heading towards earth, yet they don't say 'you'll be dead before it hits earth so u won't feel a thing' and also they don't say anything about the odds. stupid rating bs. hehehehehe

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Haven't any of you seen those asteroid/comet movies?


All we have to lose is Bruce Willis or some other idiot! Humanity will be safe!


300:1 chance of it hitting at all. Almost impossible with 28th Century technology.

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The title on that sounded like it came from a tabloid newspaper!


Woman pregnant with Clone

Woman pregnant with alien

Woman pregnant with the son of Satan

Woman pregnant with alien twins

Woman pregnant with the son of Hitler

Woman pregnant with the son(s) of Satan

Woman pregnant with the son(s) of Hitler



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Now,.. all we gotta do is clone a race of super soldiers, arm them with all the cyborg technology from n00t's "Holy Cow!" thread, and sic them on the big, bad space rock.

Ahh,.. if that all comes true I'll never go to the movies again.

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Or we could just let the Chinese take care of it since they're planning on having their own Space Station


<bgsound src="http://membres.lycos.fr/zetorealm/DOOM2T.MID" loop="1">


I'm sure this will lead in an Space Cold War Crisis...:rolleyes:


BTW, I added the disturbing music you can hear to create a chilling and uneasy Ambiance and to have a stronger feeling of the tragedy and DOOMness of this whole Asteroid situation...


If it bothers anyone then say so, I will remove it...

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Get this:

Hordes of <i>cyborg clones of Hitler</I>, that ride <i>dinosaurs</i> and are <i>pregnant with Satan's child</i> are enlisted by the <i>Chinese Triads</i> to destroy a <i>time traveling asteroid</i> that the <i>Knights Templar</i> send back to wipe out an elite squad of <i>American counterterrorists</i> in 2003, before they can kill an <i>Arab terrorist mastermind</I> and thwart the <i>vast Masonic conspiracy</i> inadvertently.


Now THAT is a movie.


EDIT: Also the Knights Templar and the Masons are receiving orders from <i>aliens</I> that were contacted in <i>another dimension</i> after experiments with <i>Tesla's free energy</I> theorys opened a <i>transdimensional rift</I> around the <i>USS Eldridge</I> after the <i>Philadelphia Experiment</i>.

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