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Official SWGB Expansion Pack Idea Thread


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An incredible but no likely change would be to put pilots in fighters to enhance the abilities.


For example: Add Luke Skywalker to an X-Wing and it gets a 40% Attack Increase and a 25% hit point increase. It'd give Anakin Skywalker an actual purpose in the game. ;)


Also, to allow the Rebels to put R2 workers into the X-Wings to regenerate the hit points along with the shields or just plainly adding hit points.


What do you guys think?

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Mon Cal Have excellent defenses but weak offenses. However their starships are another story. The Mon Cal Cruiser is a legendary starship class that they make. It would be interesting to see the Mon Cal as a Civ. THey would have to have excellent defenses.

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Guest General Crespin

hehe Mon Cals would be funny as hell. I could see them teaming with the Trade Fed on MP and becoming undefeatable.


VONG must be in GAME! Leaving them out would be a travesty.


Btw what about a smuggler/pirate civ? Easy to make and would balance gameplay.


They could have strong but undependable units

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Thank you General I have been saying that the Vong should be in it. To have the smuggler in it, then the Mon Cal would have an enemy because the Mon Cal HATES smugglers. I mean really HATE them and Admiral Ackbar is a living proof of that. :)

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Guest DinoDoc

The Mon Cal shouldn't be in the game. We already have a water based civ in the game. I think that we should push for something unique like the Vong or even the Sith Empire of old.

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Originally posted by DinoDoc

The Mon Cal shouldn't be in the game. We already have a water based civ in the game. I think that we should push for something unique like the Vong or even the Sith Empire of old.


Mon Cal should be in, and the campaign would be great, the final mission would be The Battle of Mon Calamari, and its result would be the Mon Cal joining the Alliance. :mon:

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Guest Destroyer Droid

Lol'z I have absolutely no idea who the Vong are or the Mon Cal;s or any of those people that aren't clearly in the movies. Also could a mon cal crusier (no idea what it looks like is capable of) destroy a star destroyer 1 on 1 ?

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Guest Lord Maul

Admiral Ackbar is a Mon Cal. The cruiser he commanded the battle from in ROTJ was a Mon Cal cruiser. I also believe they've taken out a SD or two before.

I still think to exclude the Vong would be a serious waste of a kick ass civ. They'd give any civ a run for their money and then some.

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For civs,

Calimari(a must!)


Adumari ( X-Wing novel)


YT-2000 Otana

YT-1300 Sabra

Bespin Cloud Car (buildable)

YT-2400 (including Dash Rendar)

X-Wing w/ Wedge Antillies

Rogue Squadron (properly modified!!!)

Jedi Council

B-Wing (must...have...B-WING!!!)

Rebel Blockade Runner (if possable)

Why the Adumari? They have missiles and 4 laser cannons, like a platform, 2 in front and two in back. awsome!

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I'm betting the two civs if they make an X=pack, will be from the movie, namely the Mandolarian Warlords, and the Old Republic. Don't know much about them, except I would think a unique technology one of them would have would be Cloning :)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Mon Cal and the Vong civs will kick a**. The VOng should just be put in without a thing about them being disabled. The other civs will gain technolgy in order to fight them. THe vong are a superior race. I will love to see them in action. Mon Cal got to be in because Admiral Ackbar totally kicked a**!

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Guest DinoDoc
Originally posted by Supreme Warlord

Mon Cal got to be in because Admiral Ackbar totally kicked a**!


1) We already have a water civ in the game. What would they add to the gameplay that the Gungans don't besides being cooler?


2) I agree that the Mon Cal are an important part of the SW universe but they would only be a viable civ if the game allowed for capital ships (Thier only real strength.) a la StarCraft which it doesn't.


3) Where did you get that avatar from? It looks awesome.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

the only diff. is that Mon Cal have excellent defense and the gungans dont. Also I got my Avatar from Eets'Chula. He makes custom avatars for anybody. :)

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