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Mr. Zahn, I'm your biggest fan...


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...can i get you to sign my book?


Well, my favorite author is coming into town this week. Timothy Zahn himself. I now have ALL of the novels he has written. and only 4 are not signed :)


He will be visiting the UW-Madison bookstore, signing and doing a readnig from his new book Angelmass then appearing at a convention to be a part of a panel discussion. I CAN'T WAIT


I have met him before and he is a REALLY kewl guy. I jsut hope i could get to know him a luittle more better. Even tho i wont happen, i think it would be really neat to go out and have a meal with him, and talk. :)

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K_K I hate you j/k....I am so jealous :D Zahn may not be my all-time favorite author, but he is definitely my favorite Star wars author. His Thrawn trilogy was and still is the best of the EU.



Footnote to R9: I, Jedi may own but not always Stackpole...he was too lazy with details...:/

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