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Things You Don't Want To Hear During Surgery

Boba Rhett

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1. Better save that. We'll need it for the autopsy.


2. Someone call the janitor. We're going to need a mop.


3. Accept this sacrifice, O Great Lord of Darkness.


4. Bo! Bo! Come back with that! Bad dog!


5. Wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what's that?


6. Oops! Hey, has anyone ever survived 500ml of this stuff before?


7. Sterile, shcmerile. The floor's clean, right?


8. OK, now take a picture from this angle. This is truly a freak of nature.


9. And now we remove the subject's brain and place it in the body of the ape.


10. Could you stop that thing from beating? It's throwing my concentration off.


11. Oops.


12. Damn!


13. Sweet Jebus! Wtf is that thing!


14. Yikes. Better get some more drop cloths.


15. Scapel, check. Forceps, check. Clamps, check. Budweiser, check.


16. Hey, does that heart monitor get any other channels? I think the Rams-49ers game is on.


17. Ok, we'll have those implants in you, in no time, Mrs. Jinkins.


18. Eeney, Meeney, Miney........... Moe!


19. If your comfortable with your grip, Dr. Ferguson, I'm prepared to make the wish.


20. .......he can live with half of that thing, right?




Add some more! :D

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Oh yeah, here's another one:


I'm sorry Mr. Jordan, but I think that I didn't have enough knowledge about doing this type of thing, so I believe I just pulled out a tendon.


Another one:


"What are you doing?"

"Why, I'm removing your appendix like you asked me to."

*points at his heart*"Then what's that?"

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*pulls out cutter, starts to cut near heart*


*blood spurts*


Umm... I think we need some tape.



*cuts open a alien, and a claw grabs the doctor's throat*


Um, I don't think we need this thing.


*pulls out a shotgun, blows it up*

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LOL thanks Rhett.



No time for pain-killers, son, i've got an a tee time in 30 minutes.


What now?


What do you think we should do?


I've never actually done this before...


How hard can this be?


Oh, i forgot to tell you, I'm Dr. Kevorkian. :D


Fire me, will they?


Do i cut the red vein, or the blue one?


I give up!



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Hmmm...thats different


Don't worry, i'll be back in under an hour.


Now where did i put my glasses?


Wait, you're not Richard....are you?


Nurse, does this look right to you?


Don't worry about it, we'll mail you a new one.

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*Gulps* Maybe i shouldnt have had that last beer *BUAAA*



Oops..... euh.... you have ensurance right??


*when you are just waking up*

sir... hi..... we made a mistake.. and replaced your heart with a potatoe... you have 3 minutes to life...


WOW!... this isnt getting any prettier.


sure.. ive done this hundred of times...... on a frog!


Wow! that doesnt look right.


Ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts. dideleedee. there they are standing in a roooooooow. Big ones small ones some as big as your head.


*while in surgery*

hey... this reminds me. are we still on for dinner at that new restaurant?


i had another one... but i forgot it... maybe later :D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

That is funny! lol


Doc: Sir, I have bad news for you...There was some complication during the surgery...


Patient: *eyes widens* what kind of complication....?


Doc: Well, I dont know how this is possible but when we did the transplant someone by a mistaken have given us a animal part for that...so you will look like an animal in a certain way...


Patient: M...M...M....M....My leg is a animal part?! AHHHHHHH!!!!! WHAT IN THE HECK WERE YOU DOING WHILE I WAS OUT!!! YOU GUYS DONT GET PAID 20,000 dollars just to mess up!!!!! *jumps up and falls over because the leg that he got is too short.* CURSE YOU DOC!!!!*takes a knife and crawls to the Doc*


Story will continue later...:D

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"This patient has already had some kids, right?"


"Nurse, did this patient sign the organ donation card?"


"Don't worry. I think this is sharp enough."


"FIRE! FIRE! Everybody get out NOW!"


"Darn! Page 47 of the manual is missing!"


"What do you mean, he wasn't in for a sex change?"


"Anyone see where I left that scalpel?"


"That's cool! Now can you make his leg twitch?" :D


"That laughing gas stuff is pretty cool. Can I have some more of that?"

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