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The Saberist Code: One Step Ahead - READ


Would you join the Code?  

351 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you join the Code?

    • Yes, good ideas!
    • No, I won't, but I will play nice to SCers.
    • No, this is really stupid, and i'm gonna kill everyone following this code.

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I generally follow some of the "rules" of this code but just for common courtesy. I do occasionally like to play with the whole "kill 'em any way you can no matter what" style but generally stick to a form of the SC. Only problem is that I have yet to find a room where people follow any real code. Usually it's just a matter of being in a room with 2 or 3 other guys who are in the mood to duel. At that point we figure out our own rules but could care less of someone breaks them. At that point we just change our play style and try to duel when we can but start shooting rockets when needed.


I have no problem with the SC at all, unless someone who swears by it comes into a rserver where it's not being followed and complain. I also think people who dont follow any code should adjust to the wishes if the everyone else on that server.

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Originally posted by BrainStorm

DarkAgent, its all sticks and stones man; sticks and stones.


If you ignore the trolls, they will usually get bored and go away.


ArtifeX, you threaten others with smite! I must find a way for you to be smoten! I must... wait. Do you ever play early AM? I mean like 05:00AM?


Nah... sticks and stones is one thing. The point was if you go into a server with -SC- on your name you better be prepared to fight off the entire server when they turn against you. I have a great time playing without the -SC-


If you don't believe me try it - add -SC- to the end of your game name and watch the flame messages come at you.


I have no use for -SC- or *ASC*. But I do play honorably.



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DA, I have yet to get any disrespect from any other players since I have started wearing the -SC- tag.


I have been wearing it for days and most just say "what does it stand for?" or they ignore it.


I have noticed that there are a lot of people out there that will not attack on sight and will turn off their sabre and bow. (Samurai?) They don't wear the -SC- tag but they too fight with honor.


ArtifeX, I did see you on this weekend and I went to challenge you but you were on a full server. Maybe next time...

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Originally posted by BrainStorm

DA, I have yet to get any disrespect from any other players since I have started wearing the -SC- tag.


I have been wearing it for days and most just say "what does it stand for?" or they ignore it.


I have noticed that there are a lot of people out there that will not attack on sight and will turn off their sabre and bow. (Samurai?) They don't wear the -SC- tag but they too fight with honor.


ArtifeX, I did see you on this weekend and I went to challenge you but you were on a full server. Maybe next time...


Sure, I'm open to anyone that thinks they can take me down a notch or two.(Just don't expect me to acknowledge that duel request in FFA--I'll just hack you instead) :)

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Originally posted by BrainStorm

Don't worry, I have no problem with an un-answered duel request.


Ya wanna brawl?!?! Well, bring it on!!! :)


rofl. you make me chuckle! from now on, if you want to challenge me, just go to http://www.iglnet.com and sign up for the jk2 FF Saber only 1v1 ladder. It'll make things a lot more organized.


p.s.: make sure to bow real low when you request a duel. it's easier for me to stick my saber up your...


Edit: Hey, i just noticed you're from Suwannee. Damn, you could almost throw a rock and hit my house from there

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Who said I would bow to you ? Hmmm? The -SC- is about bowing? I don't think so.


Maybe I would give you a nod, you know; like the one you give when you pass someone you know in the restroom. HAHAHA!


Stick your sabre up my... Ouch, why you gotta be like that? I just wanted a friendly competition.


Can't we act like gentlemen?

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I like this idea and i like ones that are being developed for other games what i think is that we should combine all these from different CoCs into one big code of conduct for as many onlines games that have enough interest to warrent it. I think that this will mean these CoCs be set up for more games thus premoting peace and harmony :rolleyes: i also think this would be good for people who play alot of different games (like me) becuse it would mean that u dont have to go through the hassel of finding one for each of the games u play etc etc. If u think this is a crap idea just tell me and ill crawl back into my hole

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Hi ! I'm new here.


Let's start.


First, why do people need to have some code when there's some sword play ?


If there has to be a code, here it is : Enter the arena and be ready to frag... or die.


This is the default code.


I remember that when players in Q3 weren't able to play, they simply brought down the console. By that the others could see a blue bubble above the guy and know that he was fiddling something that had nothing to do with the game.

As JO runs with the same system, can't the breaking players be seen as having their console activated ?


And anyway, if you want to spectate, well... turn to spectator.


As for me, switching off the lightsabre has been pretty usefull to frag flag runners à la Vader against Luke on Bespin, camped in the darkness, many times using the Force vision lvl 3 and poping out blade ignited, ready to kill. ;)


What I mean is that if my lightsabre is switched off, this doesn't mean that I wouldn't try to swap your head off.

I also used a lot this in the SBX mod for JK. The point is that I always informed the other players that for me, and only for me, lightsabre switched off = still playing.


Not all the servers have players following this artificial code.


Now, if you can't find any servers free from code followers, then it's your plain right to just ask to fight and frag without respecting it, but note that you could be kicked away.


In fact, you have to chat a bit with the guys before getting in action. you have to explain your case and then look at the answers you get.


But anyway, I will never blame someone who doesn't follow such a code like that.


This is not a RPG. This is FPS.


I don't mean that I never tried to make the fights look a bit more cinematci, as waiting on the middle of a platform hanging in the air, lightsabre off, for my oponent, but that's all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll be honest here. I don't think this is a bad idea, however, this code of ethics pretty much violates a much broader code of ethics that is applied not only to gaming but to every aspect of our lives.


[ avanced warning: this post is long and detailed ]


You are forgetting that when you play on a server, you play by the server's rules, not by rules majority of the players want to. The owner of the server intended the game to be played the way the rules allow the game to be played. If you DO NOT OWN the server, then you have no right of forcing players to play the way you want them to. You can of course urge the players, however, you will only have the right to enforce it if you have a unanimous decision. And you don't have the right to enforce the rule to the others who just entered. The only ethical way to enforce this code of ethics is to either be the admin, or ask the server admin to make it the official rules for the server.


Now, why is it unethical to force players into following the code if you do not run the server? Well, first of all, you cannot tell what the admins/owners want to produce with the server. For all you know the owner is a deathmatcher and not a duelist and wants true FFA carnage ala Quake but with lightsabers and force powers. Secondly, everybody has only a handful of servers that they can get a ping good enough for decent gameplay. If a certain player who wishes to play pure FFA and not abide by this code, the game will be ruined for that person if none of the servers he can connect to have less than 80% SC players. Of course if he's unlucky enough that all those decent ping servers are SC specific servers (admin enforced) then there's nothing that can be done since the owners themselves want SC servers. Tough luck. Unless LucasArts/Activision decides that they don't want SC rules and does something to the code to prevent enforcement of the rules, however, I don't think they will do that.


You might be thinking that SC and non-SC players are on equal footing with regards to making rules since if you can't find a server with a majority of SC players you can't enforce your rules. However, keep in mind that the game WAS NOT designed with SC rules in mind so SC rules ARE NOT THE OFFICIAL GAME RULES as determined by LucasArts/Activision. I would bet that LucasArts/Activision won't in fact make this official (but they may write a mod for you or enourage you to either write your own mod or set up your own SC servers) since it will reduce their player base. So if you meet a player that isn't using anything that LucasArts/Activision or the owner of the server doesn't consider cheating, yet, does not follow the code, that person is still well within his rights since that person is simply playing by the preset rules.


Now, how does enforce this code of ethics ETHICALLY? The best way would be, as some suggested, is to write a mod. Server owners would simply install the mod and the rules would be enforced by the mod. Of course this requires a bit of work but a feasible alternate has already been presented on this discussion. Set up SC specific servers. Yes, this is ethical since to do so would require the agreement of the server owner/admin who has the right to enforce whatever rules they wish to enforce.


I am a vehement defender of rights. Even if this is only I game, I will still fight for fair play. Only by applying the code ethically will I ever agree to follow the code. Otherwise I will personally take steps for this movement to be stopped dead, even if I can only do so on the servers I play on. I don't think the rules are wrong. In fact I helped enforce something very similar on a few Rune servers, however, I have always stressed on those servers that implementation should be as honorable as the code itself, otherwise we become just like those lamers who refuse to follow the code.

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crap. that's what i hate about long posts... typos... anyway i was just reading the NSC mentioned above. that's more like what should really be done. personally i think NSC shouldn't even need to exist. the rules stated there should be COMMON SENSE!

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The problem I have with the *ASC* and the -SC- and all the others is the tag itself.


Since there is nothing to prevent a user from wearing a particular tag, there are many that wear them when they should not.


I was on a TeamFFA server this weekend and there was a guy with a -SC- tag. The server was called Jedi vs. Merc or something like that. I was told by this -SC- person, that I would be kicked unless I switched to the red team because there was not supposed to be any Jedi on the blue team.


I tried to switch but the red team was full. They kept on bitching at me for being on the wrong color team.


Needless to say, the server got very old very fast.


And this is not the first time something like this has happened.




I have decided to continue along in my Jedi career; tag-free.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ohhhh bit boring people. I am wondering how many people are wearing a star wars costume.

I cant say I have read all of this thread but as to people kicking other people caus they have some beef: do you want voting turned off? that will be the result.

As for the rest as long as nothing has been aranged all is possible the lamest to the coolest. So frag and have fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

-SC- Code is good and fine to be implemented.


But like others say, they should be urged, not forced upon people.

It's like having to deal with gangs when a group of SC players call-vote people and kick them off servers.


This game should be based on the rules set by the servers, not about majority. The server sets the rules.


What I think SHOULD be done, is more admins/servers turning off the vote function, at least for the kicking of people. This is simply not good at all. I myself have refused to vote when an annoying, cheapass player has been voted to be kicked. Sometimes I will even vote for them just so they won't kicked. Vote-kicking is the same as gang-based bullying.


I enjoy -SC-, but I will not make have it enforced through cowardly bullying. If you can't stand to fight a non-SC, you've got problems.



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The Saberist Code is a great idea. Some order needs to be given to multiplayer to make it fair. Also in the code, the following rule could be included :


A player following the Code must try to be tactical with his/her lightsaber and refrain from continuous unblockable and untactical Jabs unless agreed to do so by other players.


Everyone should follow the SC and stop making new sets of rules, it makes everything too complicated. With one set of rules, everyone can play fairly without lamers interferring and messing things up.

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wow, in reality its just a game, and yes the servers should set the rules, if everyone in the server is fighting by SC code, cool I go along with it cause I really dont mind it, but if majority is not, I do not as well. Have fun people after all its a game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The saberist code is a questionable idea, in my opinion. It leaves too many things open to interpretation, and I think that kicking people from public servers is something that should only be done in extreme situations. If someone is a lamer, kill them repeatedly until they leave. If you aren't good enough, then one of three things will happen:

1: someone else will realize what a lamer this guy is, and help you.

2: the server is full of lamers and they will all start laming on you, in which case you should find another server (unless you are good enough to kill all of them)

3: they guy isn't really a lamer, and you probably are one yourself.


I have been playing multiplayer games since quake 1, and it has been my experience that (in general) when you make a group like this it is best to keep it confined to certain supportive servers.


Another problem I have with this is that there are a lot of immature 12 year olds (no offense to the mature 12 year olds) out there who will join something like this just because they feel cool with the -SC- tag in their name. Moreover, they like the power they have to kick people from the server. I know people (some of them are a lot older than 12 years old) who would call a vote on someone who killed them just to get them kicked. This is more of a lamer thing than breaking any of the rules in the code.


For these reasons, although I respect what you are doing, I can not support the saberist code on public servers. If I log on to a server that is designated as -SC- only, then I will respect your rules. I always fight with honour, although everyone has their own idea of what that is.


My personal stance:

1: I do not use combat scripts, only non-combat and team-chat scripts. This is not because I think they are cheap, but because I think that you are more controlled and more able in your combat when you do it all by hand.

2: I think that when you are playing on a free for all server, it should be just that: free for all

3: I think that there should be separate servers for FFA and dueling. This would eliminate any confusion as to what you should be expecting. I think it would be even cooler if someone made a mod where you were put in a rotation queue, and you could watch the duel (from yourself or as a spectator). The winner of the duel would move on to the next, and the loser would rotate to the back of the queue. Stats could be kept in wins and losses since last server reboot, map change, or disconnect.

4: I have fun killing lamers: the more the merrier - especially the immature whiney ones, but I truly enjoy a good duel, or a good FFA match, weather or not I win or lose. I think this enjoyment, which disregards winning or losing, is the sign of a true jedi, not kicking people who don't conform to some standard code.


Best of luck to you, -SC-

On your servers, live by your rules, but if I see you on a public FFA server, expect to live or die by the rules of the game, not your own fantasies.


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