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Zombies Ate My Neighbours


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Was this old SNES game (utterly brilliant, it was, too) made by LucasArts? I don't know where I got that idea from, but its there - IN MY HEAD!!!!!!!!! GET OUT IDEA!!!!! Unless, huh huh, of course, you can tell me its a fact. Cheers.

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Ok, I thought it was made by LucasArts as well; in fact, I was almost sure of it. However, all the images I'm finding of it lead to it being made by Konami. Perhaps it was made by LucasArts and then published by Konami for consoles, because all the images I'm finding for it have the Konami logo on it, or are copywritten by it.




However, in Curse of Monkey Island, there's a scene where a book titled "Zombies Ate My Neighbors" in the foreground.




This screen is kind of dark, but you can sort of make it out :).

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Originally posted by The Adventurer

Its a Fact....and it had a sequel on the geneis called....um....I don't know....


It's Ghoul Patrol... I think. At least they look kinda similar on a SNES emulator ;) (hope I'm not going to get banned from the forum for this...)


And the rest of LucasArts products, including those "exotic" ones is here.

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just found this :


Zombies Ate My Neighbors




Cheat Codes:

This is a credit level where you can roam around the Lucas Arts offices and meet staff that you can talk to, AND there is a boss that spits milk drops, it's pretty cool try typing XWJR.


Enter BCDF as your password to ascess the hidden bonus level


BLHR + 10 bazookas

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Don't forget Night Shift where you work for Industrial Might and Logic making Star Wars and Indy Action figures. That was quite wacky little sidescroller.


I agree Schmatz, the Mac version of Pipe Dream wasn't that great, the Tandy/IBM and Apple IIgs version are much better at least graphics-wise

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Zombies ate my neighbours and its sequel Ghoul patrol were released on both the SNES + Genesis.


Both were produced by Lucasarts,

but distributed by Konami.


I still own my original SNES copy of Zombies.


There is another secret level which is full of Purple Tentacles that you have to kill,

I thought I had the password written down in my manual,

but I can't find it there.

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Zombies is my all-time favorite SNES game. I still remember the day I beat the damn thing, man were my thumbs killing me, but it was worth it to see George Lucas and his Brillo-pad harido in 16-bit glory.


Ghoul Patrol is good too, the gameplay is similar to ZAMN but the humor was replaced with a darker theme based on an imprisoned Demon traveling through time to wipe out humanity after being released by the games two heroes (Zeke and Julie). All the odd weapons and items are gone, replaced by machine guns, lasers and Grim Reaper transformation potions. I've yet to find any in-jokes outside of the Ghost Pirates during the Carribean levels, but what more do you need.


Another one to look out for is Metal Warriors which is a side-scrolling Mech based action game. I was really surprised to find out this was made by Lucasarts because.....well...ITS A FRIGGIN' MECH GAME! This was also published by Konami and if you look carefully in one of the later stages you can see a billboard ad for Proto-Cola (Defenders of Dynatron City) with Julie (ZAMN) as the spokeswoman, its 2 in-jokes in one!


Heres some advice: Only play Big Sky Trooper for the intro, the rest of the game is a very painful experience kind of like watching Howard the Duck for a week straight.

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