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Why George Lucas was running out of ideas

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Aside from the usual Star Wars stuff, here are some similarities I found between TPM and ROTJ:

1) Battle that happens simulatniosly on the ground and in space~

ROTJ- Battle of Endor

TPM- Battle of Naboo


2) Help from an indegios species that at first don't agree ~

ROTJ- Ewoks

TPM - Ganguns


3) Enemy space station destroyed from the inside ~

ROTJ - Death Star 2

TPM - Droid Control Ship

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In AotC there will be plenty of familiar things. For example,


1. Someone loosing an arm in a "cantina" type place.


2. Someone loosing an arm in a lightsaber dual.


3. Jar Jar's still a moron. :)


4. Obi Wan seeking out help in yet another bar ...interesting.... :D


5. Someone flipping out with a lightsaber kinda like Luke did with vader.


6. Another race scene.




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Rhett you missed a few:



1. The Infamous asteroid scene

2. Landing on an asteroid

3. A "Rebellion"

4. Replacement arm

5. Tatoinne

6. Tuskens

7. Easter Eggs galor (this is a given)

8. C3PO and R2-D2 save the day

9. Heroine Princess/Queen/Senator/Royalty

10. Palpatine/Mysterious Dark Figure hiding in the shadows


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