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air cruiser stats, HOLY GOOGAMOOGA!


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see a picture of a highlited one at gamespot, it has 260 hp, 260 sheilds, 80 dmg! AAAAIIEE!!! that's one buff bad boy! it says it has no armor tho 0_o i could be wrong, i suck at reading those kinda things. they look pretty big...but i was experting bigger. it looks like it shoots a blue laser from one picture, but i cant be sure.

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The thing that concerns me is in all the posts/reviews/chats/etc. I read about the Clone Campaigns is "this civ is getting this, and that civ is getting that" but nowhere is there ever any mention of what tweaks the Wooks are getting.


I love my Wooks! I hope they don't get to outclassed in the x-pack. :ball:

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there's always one, is there... :rolleyes:

anyway, my point is that DM is about speed.

Now look at your average DM game; do you see swarms of ATAT's coming at you ? No !

Why ?


Because they're slow to build, slow in moving and basically need too much protection.

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With the new AT-AT upgrade, it will be INVINCIBLE! AHAHAHHAHAH!

I'm definitly going to be Empire forever now. I mean come on! Anti-ground AND anti-air! DANG!



Ps. What is the wookies new bonus anyway?

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