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I am a Gunwhore!!! Is there something wrong with that?

-=VIB=- Wang

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^4Gunwhore ^3Wang is usually who I play as. Yes, I love guns and I love killing people with them. JK2 seems incomplete unless I am playing with guns. If I wanted a saber fight, I would go duel (which btw is quite fun!). But there are always those guys on the servers who complain about me using weapons! WTF!?!? Hey moron, if you wanted to play without weapons, go to a no gun server!!! Otherwise, learn what force pull is! Luckily, I am pretty good w/ the medium saber stance, so when these morons do say something, I can usually whoop up on them when they do complain. That's the problem w/ mp games nowadays! Too many complainers! Remember the time when Scorched Earth was popular, and you could play but not talk to each other? ARRGHH!!! :lsduel: I don't care anymore. Kill me. Blah...

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I have no problem with people using guns on a server that well... allows guns, that's the whole point of course. I too hate the idiots that complain about people using guns as if the lightsaber is the only weapon to use on that server, I usually tell them to shove it and/or go to a duel server :)

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I love playing with servers with guns, even if I'm mosty a saber only person. Its really fun to block 100% of the shots by a heavy repeater that someone is shooting at you and then you go to kill them and they unleash the secondary fire on you. I actually enjoy that, its alot of fun.

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Looks like you have overwhelming support on this on so far. I too don't mind people playing with guns. I tend not to because there are a thousand FPSs out there with guns and not so many with lightsabers.


But I will use them if I feel like it. Its part of Star Wars just as much as the lightsaber.

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Guns are ok with me. Only part I don't like is when it's just mindless camping with scattered showers of spam. A few times I got so sick of it, I counter-spammed. And yeah, I camped too. I must have done a decent job, but I didn't have much fun doing it. Funny thing is, next game, no one was camping or spamming anymore...


Now what I like is when you have a blaster fight with someone...

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Guns are cool, the problem is that they are slightly over powered. Theres almost no way a saberist can get close enough to some one with a flak cannon or repeater to kill them. Also, the block rate of sabers even with maxed skill seems WAY too low.

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I have no problems with gunwhores. I lean towards guns myself, anyway. The only time I get slightly irked by gunners is in a map like duel_bay, where there is a stormtrooper rifle that people like to use to riddle people in the back with. It annoys me at first, but I really have no right to complain: the server is allowing guns, and guns are on the map. So I deal with it.

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I agree. I like playing on gun servers for the challenge, but I agree they are unbalanced. Pull doesn't work all that well (in my experience it requires you to be fairly close and aimed perfectly and even then it's 75%). Also, the guns can spam way too much with area effect damage. What I see in multiplayer is some guy with an area effect weapon find a group of 3 or 4 people battling with sabers and take them all out with a barrage of rockets.


The main thing is that there is no penalty for using guns, and alot of benefits. Why not use a rocket launcher? You get all force powers and the lightsaber just like anyone else. Worst case anyone can do to you is pull your gun, at which point you have a saber like anyone else. Really, besides toning down guns and improving pull is to make it so that you have a choice between being a gunslinger or a jedi/sith. You want lightsaber and force powers? Well, you don't get any guns.


Brian Ellenberger

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I'd sorta like to see the "force powers" changed to abilities in general...that way if you want to use guns, you need to spend at least some points... All too often, people can spam like crazy with the guns, then change to a saber and play like everyone else once they run out of ammo. Also it'd reduce the number of saberists out there, which would make it a bit more like the movies.


How many times did you see a movie stormtrooper(HEY YOU THERE! sorry had to) run out of ammo, then pull out a lightsaber? Wait...they never run out of ammo...they're killed to fast...nevermind. :D

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I think that having Saber Force AND GUNS brings out the most in the saber and the force. The saber is still a dam good weapon and so is the force. I don't think guns are unbalanced because the better guns are rarer and even so there are many counters to them besides using guns.


I also feel that JKII makers have done a great job staying true to the movies, a good player with just a saber and the force can be number 1 on a server than uses guns.


Saber only is freaking gay. 1 WEAPON! And very little skill. Just a bunch of nonstop swinging or the finishing move with only a few force powers that do much since guns are present. No blocking projectiles, no stealing weapons with pull, no dodging snipers with force seeing, no repeling with the saber so no killing gunners with their own freaking bullets (this happens ALL THE TIME, its fun both ways as well shooting at saber blockers and getting shot at while blocking), no pushing rockets and other projectiles, ETC ETC ETC. Guns make sabers and the force what they are! You get the full balanced experience this way. I think people should try to give gun servers another chance by mixing up their force powers and playing styles.


Furthermore I don't think there is a perfect counter for everything in this game or any FPS for that matter, at least not in the way the word counter is being thrown around now. I think that the only true counter is better skill.

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Don't get me wrong..I have an absolute blast playing against gunners. It's just that a few aspects of it sometimes reduces the game to mindless spamming like all the other FPS games out there. As for how hard it is to get the higher weapons, after a few days of playing, you know where weapons are in the maps... That's no problem, and no matter what you do, if someone wants the rocket launcher, they WILL get it eventually. Then again, my only gripe is the secondary fire of the uh...whatever it is...the thing that's almost like a shotgun... Yeah...that thing. Even then though, it's funny to push it back at whoever fired it...even if it doesn't go far enough, it makes them panic usually. :D


I still want to be able to pull an Akira when someone fires a rocket at me...it'd be so nice to just bring it to a grinding halt in mid-air just in front of you...then push it back. But hell, I also want a pony. Err, wait, no I...uh...forget I said that...

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Originally posted by hyrit

I still want to be able to pull an Akira when someone fires a rocket at me...it'd be so nice to just bring it to a grinding halt in mid-air just in front of you...then push it back. But hell, I also want a pony. Err, wait, no I...uh...forget I said that...


What's an "Akira?" :confused:

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Akira is a now aging anime that revolved around a teenager who develops insane powers. One of them was telekinesis...there's a scene where a tank fires a shell at him, and he doesn't even move...he brings the shell to a complete halt with his mind alone, then sends it flying back at the tank. And yes, this was a long time before the Matrix. :)


It's also known as having one of the more stomach turning endings...let's just say he literally outgrows his own skin. :D

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If its in the game then its ok to do. Whether you are camping, using saber only, using guns only, push people off ledges, drain people, use heavy stance, or whatever. It adds variety to the game, people should do what they enjoy. People should stop complaining about everything and play the damn game.

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Akira was the ****! It used to be one of my favorite animes! I can't believe that it is about 10 years old now. Anyways, I figured that I would get flamed for my post! I almost didn't write it. It's good to see that most of you realize that if you don't like guns that you shouldn't play on servers with them! I guess that it shows that those of you who post are more experienced in Multiplayer games. I was just starting to get tired of the complainers saying that I have no skill and am a gunwhore. Ever since I quit my clan on Tuesday :/, I have renamed to Gunwhore Wang. It's surprising how people get mad at that name! Anyways, I am glad that there ARE smarter people out there. Maybe I should hang around this forum more often!


- Wang

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I too am mostly a saberist.....but I am pretty mean with the sniper rifle too! :) I really get a kick out of getting two guys lined up in my scope and sniping them both with one shot..... :) that is great! Anyway, my zone name is General Theros....... hehe of course, so if anyone wants to duel sometime or just have some fun....look me up when I'm on. I'm pretty mean with a saber, though I got my butt handed to me the other day by a guy who was just flat out awesome. I only beat him three times out of the 15 times we challenged each other. Anyway, happy gaming.


General Theros

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I Agree fully! Guns OWN.


I Also cant stand playing without force... mostly becuse i love jump. when people ask me to play NF duels i say "if i want to swing sticks... id play another game" becuse Sabers without force is like Penutbutter and jelly without Jelly :D it just doesnt work!

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