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Air Cruisers...do they suck?

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Okay Mr. Gaber...You have lost all my confidence. I admit you were starting to gain some small footholds, but now they've been whiped out and routed.


Air Cruisers.

If your going to do something...do it RIGHT!!!


I come into the civ stats hoping to see some resemblance of a Star Destroyer or some small Imperial Ship like a Carrack Cruiser. NOOOOO you had to go and make a ship that looks like it was welded together by a madman!


I then check Rebels just to make sure you didn't screw up there too, but no. Instead of a cool Mon Cal looking ship or even a Rebel Blockade Runner...we get some funked out ship never seen or heard of before! Oh the Humanity!


AND Most of the others are just as bad






I'll admit though that the Naboo & Confed. versions are pretty decent...




Holy Ashes Batman! My dreams are crushed. They may be good in the stats department, but in sticking to SW traditional designs...THEY SUCK!


If your going to do something...DO IT RIGHT!!!

I guess I'm crazy, but I don't want something that DOES look like an At-St with jets.


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The SUCK in the looks department. (I don't care about gameplay at this point this thread is about their pittiful artwork) They don't even come close to SW goodness...The Naboo certainly does, but that is only because we don't have much to go on.


But the Rebs and Imps versions look like crap. I mean you would think that SOME of the Cruisers would LOOK like cruisers from those sides...The Imp one looks like somebody decided..."Hey I bet an At-St would look cool with TIE Interceptor wings!"


I mean it looks like one of the "Uglies" mentioned in the Rogue Squadron books!:mad:

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Am I the only one who realizes that Air Cruisers are NOT Star Cruisers, after all who ever heard of a star destroyer that can be taken out by like 3 fighters? Plus I actually like the Imperial Air Cruiser! Although ya the Naboo is better...

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I got no probelm with how they look. I think a flying laser platform would look more like a tie fighter then a star destroyer.


mon cal only make curisers for the rebels they dont make fighters or transports and so theirs no way of knowing what a large laser platform would look like.


Stop saying the art sucks and admit that you wanted mon cal cursiers and star destroyers no something new. Sicne you wnated the above nothing would have stasfied you that Im almsot sure of.

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Stop saying the art sucks and admit that you wanted mon cal cursiers and star destroyers no something new


YES!!! I DID WANT THOSE!!! Not something new that SUCKS!!!


I wanted something that demonstrated Star Wars. Not something that demostrates what you can do while on LSD!!!

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Originally posted by darthfergie


YES!!! I DID WANT THOSE!!! Not something new that SUCKS!!!


I wanted something that demonstrated Star Wars. Not something that demostrates what you can do while on LSD!!!


*sigh* O Fergie. They are designed by the Civ and the Realism.

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AutomatonOmega: Flying Winnabago*

syran765: I'll take it that's a cheat

syran765: kinda like the bigdaddy in AOE

AutomatonOmega: It's the empirial air cruiser.

AutomatonOmega: It's an actual real unit.

syran765: that?

AutomatonOmega: For the expansion.

AutomatonOmega: Yes.

syran765: it looks silly

AutomatonOmega: Indeed.

AutomatonOmega: It literally looks liek a flying RV with a gun.

syran765: and here I thought they were being cute by playing off of spaceballs

AutomatonOmega: with Tie Interceptor wings.

AutomatonOmega: HAHAHA


*Was a link to Galactic Empire Air Cruiser.

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