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My first attempt at a poem..


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The avatars are taken down

The sigs are re-enabled

Some members made a sound

The forums get disabled

The admins finally gain control

Ike might go to hell

Keyan starts complaining

Cause there's no html.




Forum Fight

Flames spew

Spam flies

And all of a sudden

Rhett dies


This morning I got out of bed

Turned on my computer

Then I read

Spammer! Spammer!

The admins should throw you in the slammer

What you did was wrong and you know it.

Invasion was not your idea

Now show it!




Forum Fight

Flames spew

Spam flies

And all of a sudden

Sherack dies


I replied

Get lost now n00b or I shall bleach you with Tide

I'll throw you in the streets where the banished members hide

Your friends will gasp in horror when they find out how you died




Forum Fight

Flames spew

Spam flies

And all of a sudden

Leon dies


The newbies are complaining

Where's my avatar?

I respond by saying

It's driving a brand new car

They do not think it's funny

I tell them to get a life

Before I can edit it

I get a pm

They don't understand

And at this point I tell them

To shove it up their can




Forum Fight

Flames spew

Spam flies

And all of a sudden

Darth Fergie Dies


The Banners have arisen

Popping up from the grave

Heavyarms stands up

Trying to act all brave

I decide to get an explanation of drama

He calls my post spam

I offer him an Ice Cream

He takes a stick and WHAM!

When I finally wake up

Closed is the thread

I think it's time for some revenge

Eets you'll be dead.




Forum Fight

Flames spew

Spam flies

And all of a sudden

Eets'chula Dies


Niner reads this unfinished poem

He says to get a life

I explain to him what I've been through

And unsheathe a knife

He's probably now thinking

Oh crap: I'm dead

But I show compassion

And kill Darth Sceltor instead




Forum Fight

Flames spew

Spam flies

And all of a sudden

Darth Sceltor Dies





I'll continue editing it...if you notice a little thing with the chorous...it's going to be pretty long...

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Okay, it's pretty sad if you create a poem about the forums. Damn. I mean, I write poetry, but it's usually about love or some other stupid thing like death and crap. But a poem about the forums? About people you haven't even met? About people you don't know? About some message board on the Internet? Geez-la-freakin-weez.


Find something better to do with your life. Get out, do something. Don't sit on your ass and spend time here. Sure, it's good that we're all here, but some of us need to realize there is life without the forums. There is life without the Internet.

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the problem is....


I CAN'T GET OUT. My parents don't know any other parents who have kids my age that I can hang with....hmm....maybe i should go next door and play with a 6 year old..


When we move, I will get a life. Since my parents aren't home during the day most of the time, I'm left 'babysitting' my 15 year old sister, and therefore I can't go outside...and when they are home, there's nothing really to do outside except ride my bike within 5 miles of the house, but they won't let me go to walmarts, the theatre, or across any highways....even tho those places are like what? 2 miles MAX away from the house. When we move, there'll be no stopping me from getting out. I could get a job, but then I'd have to quit in a month or so IF the house sells...and it better cause I'm getting SICK of the stupid humidity, the stupid lawn that likes to have tall grass when it's the most humid day of the entire week, and I am sick of heavy traffic and redlights-the main reason why i won't learn how to drive....I've lived down here in Florida for like 6 years and have made 0 friends since then cause I didn't really share any interests, and the friends I did make I was only able to see sunday, and in the church service I'd get called out if I started conversation while everyone else was doing something that I dont; singing, and at the end of church i'd be able to talk, but then we left that church and I've been without face to face contact with anyone down here since. And the friends i did make were basically backstabbers, and had other friends and didn't pay attention to me and i felt like i was playing follow the ****ing leader. :mad:


And the poem didn't take that long either, i only spent 1 hour on it, so don't go saying i have way too much freetime, cause I know that I do.


Now since I've written all that send me Jedi Outcast, cause I need to get away from these forums, obviously.



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Rogue Nine, that was slightly uncalled for... If he wants to write a poem about the forums, isn't that *his* choice? I have seen poetry written about everything. It's an artistic way of expressing yourself. If he has too much time on his hands, isn't that his business? Is a message board on the Internet less valid than other kinds of communication? Why are you getting so worked up about nothing?

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oh, and to put the icing on the cake, I DID read that day. I finished Exodus. =)




If you want, I could post the 'Life Sucks' I wrote yesterday....o what the hell, i think i'll do it for the heck of it.


be warned...what lies ahead is insanely disturbing


*takes deep finger massage*

o screw that, i'll just copy and paste it. I already warned you, so..read on!


Date: May 9, 2002

Name: Louis

Age: 18

Time of day: around 1 pm eastern time.


Here are some notes of the sucky parts of my life.......don't read if you're my parents! And if u are my parents, and don't heed the warning, don't get offended by this. PLEASE.




Being told to go to bed....If i could stay up as late as i wanted, I would set my own time and it's just stupid being forced to go to bed...it takes me like 2 hours to fall asleep, sometimes sooner, but whenever it's sooner, i'm always awaken by some loud noise. >:(


Not being able to walk down to walmarts, it's less than a mile away, and is VERY easy for me to get there, but I'm forced to stay close to the house. It's so boring...cause everytime I go to walmarts with my parents, I'm either there longer than I want to be or not there long enough. Same problem with the theatre, it's a longer walk than to walmarts, I'm able, but not allowed to walk there. It is SOOOO annoying, i'm 18 and can't do anything I want at the exact time that I want. Why do I have to be the patient one? WHY!!!!!


I don't like being told to get drinks and stuff for everyone when I sit down to eat a meal. Happens every night, I wish people would think faster.


I don't like being ignored. I ask a simple question, and they act like they didn't hear me. I don't know why, sometimes when I'm serving drinks, I have to ask 3 times before I get an answer, If I don't get an answer, I have to get up as soon as I sit down to eat. Pretty annoying if you ask me. And they don't even acknowledge how good I am with computers and games, not as much as they acknowledge my sister playing the piano. so what, she can play a song SOMEONE ELSE composed, it's not like there's any uniqueness in that. I can create amazing levels and play in them with someone who lives on the other side of the country or perhaps in spain. And those people acknowledge my skill more than my parents ever will.


Communication. This has to be the worse thing about my relationship with my parents. It all started when I got involved in gaming...I tell my gaming experiences, and they'd just either totally ignore me, or pretend to listen. Ever since then, I've just shut off even saying anything more than answering anything they ask me. 'Louis, did you do your schoolwork?' 'Louis, did you take out the trash?' 'Louis, your dog needs water.' 'Louis, turn that down!' 'Louis, get me a drink.' 'Louis, unset the trays.' and the worst question: 'Can you do me a favor?' that is the most STUPID RETARDED question in the dictionary of Stupid Retarded questions!!! If I said 'HELL NO!!!' I'd get a 'Do you want me to restrict you from the computer.' Completely STUPID! If you want me to do something, don't ask, TELL, because I don't seem to have any choices. Sometimes I feel as if I'm their slave....but when I really think about it, they think I'm GOD. They should be honored to have me around, cause without me, the trash would be overloaded, the lawn would look like ****, they'd have to get off their asses to get themselves their own drink, they'd have nobody to order around, and would probably turn on eachother...I could only imagine the chaos.. =) They should be overly-thankful for my cooperation with them so far, considering my age, and they should be glad that I like the computer and games so much that I am forced to comply with their orders. Cause if I didn't like gaming and the internet so much...their orders wouldn't have any meaning to me. Sometimes I seriously consider running away for a day or two, but since there's nowhere to run, i'm stuck in the thought. And I'm not even payed to do any of this. I just get the privledge of cable internet, being able to play games, and that is all I get, and they should be happy that I like those privledges.


I hate Hypocrytes.....I don't like people who like having me around, and then when I'm not around, they don't keep in contact. C'mon show some RESPECT. I am ****ing sick of being the one that has to be the ****ing first to write and call, it's so ****ing stupid, that I just don't give a **** anymore. Unfortunately, I'm best friends with one of these people..... that I've known since second grade. You see, there's ALWAYS something to talk about, **** (name withheld). Just because I don't call doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you. Ya sure, 'I haven't heard from you in a while.' I WONDER THE **** WHY!!!!!! I was the last to call, if you TRULY cared at ALL, you'd at LEAST write me once a week, EVEN if there's 'nothing to talk about' RIIIGHT ON!!! you could tell me what you had for lunch, what teh weather is like, a stupid thing someone did, etc. As long as I'm not being totally ignored. I'm just going to keep waiting silently until you write or call me. I'm just ****in sick of being THE one to call or write first. The reason about the calling thing is you never have time to talk, or even care to make the time to talk. I used to go as far to send you Christmas presents, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!!!! and I don't even get a thank you letter or a phone call in return. I purposely 'forgot' to call you on your birthday because I knew you were busy with your other 'friends' who probably care more about you than you do for them. >=( SO SCREW YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



DAMN that felt good saying all that. >=D

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Alright. This is my insane mind. I'll attempt to write down alot of memories from my childhood, and why I am the kind of person that I am. Be warned, this could get a little disturbing...



ok, the first memory i have, i was around age 1 or 2. I was taking a nap by myself in my parents bed in Harrisburg, pennylvania. I got awaken by what looked like a foot, but it was NOT my foot, it was at the end of the bed, and seemed to be under the covers...I was very frightened.


I remember taking a crap in my pants...2 turds just laying there. umm, i wish i wouldn't have remembered that...I don't think i had a diaper or underwear on at the time...must've been a diaper cause it didn't slide down my leg.


I remember my dad went for a ride on the back of a dump truck...up the road from our house, i cried and screamed because i wanted to go as well, and he wouldn't let me....he brought back a tire protector flap thing.


I remember when my parents gave away daisy and dolsie (the 2 dogs we had) kennel, i cried and attempted to run after the truck, didn't make it far.


I remember being taken to 'laura jo's' house early in the mornings by my dad, he put a blue blanket around me, i always thought laura jo was a boy for some reason....


I remember daisy's sister, meathead...


I remember when I was 3, i remember the hospital my sister was born. I was watching a movie with puppets on the screen, and i heard my name on it. didn't pay much attention tho, i was sitting at a desk and there was a winnie the pooh book for me to look at. Then I was put in the nurserie, where they had a toybox, and i found a toy truck that looked like the one i had, only a different color, i showed my dad...and he made me put it back and took me to see my mom, i remember the little monitor thingy, and i tried to get up on the bed lol. I don't remember anything from that point until a few hours or a day later, my mom was sitting in a rocking chair with my sister and there was that bunny thing umm...it's a wind up musical thing and i remember the rattles and stuff.


I remember that christmas, the christmas my sister was born i was into dinosaurs. i don't remember all the things i got...i think i got some blocks though and i remember building a brontosaurus with them.


I remember moving to michigan, i remember visiting the house, and the realtor dude.


I remember quite a bit from michigan...i'll only tell you the interesting things though. I remember being tested for Kindergarten...i had to walk on a straight black tape, i guess they were testing my balance. I remember on the way home from testing, I saw the highschool's playground, and i wanted to go there. so i assume i went to the playground at the elementary school...


some disturbing parts up ahead....




I remember in kindergarten the teacher, mrs. snyder made u sing 'here is dunkin here is dunkin here i am here i am' dunkin was the thumb...she even went as far as the middle finger, i didn't know why some of the kids were like AAAAWWWW!!!! heheehehehee


I also remember one of the girls i sortof liked had a hole in her pants, and she spread her legs and she made me look at her vagina, this was in the middle of storytime... /end disturbing part


I remember when the person who was supposed to make sure i got to the bus didn't show up, so i decided to walk to school, i mean, nobody even TOLD us that nobody would be there, and i assumed the bus was up ahead....i arrived at the school just as the bell rang (yes, i walked the entire way......)


I remember in 1st grade in michigan me and some of my friends did something funny, i don't know what, but someone ran and told the principal, and she went looking for me....while i hid underneath one of those tire things...i can't believe she didn't see me!!!


I remember we moved halfway through 1st grade..we moved to pennsylvania, and here comes the public school part....well, when i got there, i started crying b4 i walked in, and well....i did NOT want to go...well i eventually was shown in to my room, i remember someone saying 'andrew called the new kid the fword!!' i didn't know what the f word was...not until much later, but i won't get into that. I remember there was 2 kids in that grade that were mean...andrew and this other guy. Well, they always got me laughing my head off, and i ended up thinking everything was funny. this got me in trouble later on....won't go there yet...I remember on the bus andrew forced me to look at his penis on the bus....stupid punk if i could go back in time i wouldn't be so afraid of him and report him. I remember calling someone a butthole during recess, and the 1st grade teacher got mad at me. lol I remember during field day, haloween i think, cause there was pinatas, well...i didn't get much, and i had a little...and this blonde kid forced me to give him some gum, so i did, didn't want a fight or anything...and it was just gum. I also remember having a slight crush on this blonde girl named ashlee, i freaked out the guys by sitting next to her during lunch once, i never did that again. lol i think a teacher made me sit with the guys. Well that's all i remember of 1st grade.


I remember from laughing alot, my grandma would get really mad at me for no apparent reason, so i was told to shut up, 'be quiet!!!' and crap like that....geez i thought grandmas were supposed to like laughter.... o well...


Second Grade....well, this grade was MUCH better than 1st grade....i had more friends, and andrew wasn't around to tease me. I remember a girl that liked me...her name was Emily, she is probably the only girl that has been nice to me my whole life. I remember we had those stupid assigned seats, and i sat next to her, well one time we had to correct eachothers papers, and she just marked an a+ 100% on mine, i aws like 'but that's wrong!' and she told me to be quiet. lol I also remember 2 other girls knowing that i liked dinosaurs (i used to draw dinosaurs alot), they made me some out of paper, i was like 'they don't have 6 legs they only have 4 legs!' hehe i guess they liked me lol.


I remember liking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles....I got a video from mcdonalds of them, and i wanted to watch it, but the only person who had a vcr was my grandma, and i asked to go watch it, and well, that was 'NO'. And later i found out teenage mutant ninja turtles was 'demonic' and 'influenced by eastern cultures' right now i'm thinking WHAT THE HELL!!! HOW CAN PIZZA, A RAT, AND TURTLES, be bad!!! HOW!!!! TELL ME!!!! geez it's so pathetic. I remember the turtles were named after famous painters lol. I guess they figured the names out by thinking , well what type of turles are these? 'painted turtles' was probably the answer, and then they thought of the famous painters. I like the phrases they said like 'callabunga dude' and they liked pizza, and that was (and still is) my favorite food. I don't see how it's all evil, big dog **** that it's a ninha, cmon, it's swords and stuff, and if mutants are considered demonic, that's completely stupid, some catholic probably made that up, would make sense, since those painters painted in catholic churches, so using their names on mutants=EVIL!!! wtf that is so retarded....


ok, halfway through second grade we move (thank God). We moved to pinecrest bible training center in new york.....well here goes first day of skool...i'm forced to wear ****ty suit and tie (damn the dresscodes to teh pit of HELLLL!!!!!!!!) and we go to 'the chapel' which is basically a church room we had to go to every monday...and so what to i do, i start crying in front of everyone...grrr....stupid people. Well, i go to the room, and get given first grade books...i'm like 'i am in second grade...' some girl named amy haas had to empty her desk and let me use it ahahah. well. that's my first day of school....ok, friday comes along, and...NOBODY is wearing dress clothes, i feel like a complete a-hole....and the teacher never told my parents everything, HOW LAME!!!! and so on monday, i think it's safe to wear regular clothes, i go as far to convince my parents about it, and i come in to school and everyone is wearing dress clothes...retards. I get sent home at the end of the schoolday with a note saying the stupid dresscode i was like 'i hate wearing a tie :( .'


Well, second grade sorta sucked, and here's why......i go to eat...i don't want mashed potatoes...i HATE mashed potatoes from the cafeteria, and i did not ASK for mashed potatos, i even remember saying i don't WANT mashed potatos, and i think some jerk of a teacher told me that i'm getting them anyways...SO, i go and eat my main meal forget the crappy potatos, and go get some toast, one of the teachers says 'are you done?' and i say 'yes', and she looks at my plate and says 'why did you lie to me?' i'm like i don't like mashed potatoes. and i'm forced to eat them...evil teachers. :(


Another time, we have hamburgers for lunch, and i'm a stupid kid that has eaten my boogers (don't ask me why, i don't even know why i used to eat them......) well one of my classmate's brothers comes along and i pick my nose and say 'ever eat a hambooger' and he gets sick because i place the booger on my sandwhich and go to take a bite, he goes and tells his mom (my teacher....) and i get looked down upon....


another day, we're told to draw something, a truck or something, and my teacher says to the girls, 'you could draw a flower truck' and i made a face like one of those monsters i saw in a book....the teacher watched me too damn closely, and i'm thrown in the principals office, start bawling my eyes out, get told to take a note home to my parents....well, i have a desk at home....and i just throw the piece of **** in there, and don't say a damn thing...the next day, i'm asked if my mom saw the letter, i said no, she gets pissed and says 'did u bring the note home' and i say 'yes' and she asked 'where is it' i say 'in my desk' and she thinks i didn't bring it home at all lol, and she calls my mom, i'm sent home the end of the day...that was pretty annoying, i hate being the one looked down upon....stupid students.


later that year, i need an eraser, cause i made a mistake...i ask if i can borrow someone's eraser, a bunch of kids offered, and this girl, alison polifka shows me a big eraser and says 'you can have mine' and i take her literally....she has her name written on the eraser, i take my thumb and wipe her name off it, and replace it with mine..she asks if she can have HER eraser back, and i look at her, and my face is probably beat red, and i give her it, and she sees my name on, and the teacher gets angry and asks why i stole it...i'm always accused of things...geez it's so lame, i offer to take my name off it, and the teacher is like 'you can't take the name off it, you gotta buy her a new one' i'm like I'LL EVEN SHOW U HOW TO TAKE IT OFF!!! o well....they were retards to ignore me. I was sent home, and on my way i'm crying, and this old nosy lady asks why i'm crying and i tell her, she misunderstands me, goes and tells people i've peed on a tree....stupid stupid STUPID person....well i just go find my dad in the maintenance room, give him the damn note, and him and his friend he was with start cracking up..and everything's alright. hehe I also made a friend from kindergarten that year, Zack Moore, he used to stay and watch us in gym, i always asked the gym teacher if he could play...but he never let him. hehe


Well, that's the end of me getting in trouble (as in getting sent to principals office) in second grade....3rd grade i did some stupid things...i laughed my head off at michaiah a while..we were separated from eachother's view i thinks. hehe that's all the bad i remember in that grade...the teacher had a good temper, so that was cool. not much to tell about in 3rd grade....o yes, i remember i had a crush in 3rd grade-6th grade....Grace Beacorn, well...she was pretty, and i bet she still is. O__o


4th grade comes around, and me and this other guy get laughing over anything (somehow my 1st grade personality returned...), and the teacher says 'quit acting like a fool' to me, well, there goes the end of that...umm....oh, i was introduced to computers that year, and after school, i'd stay and play carmen sandiago and sticky bear...they were stupid games, but i got used to the computer that way. I was also introduced to the Super Nintendo that year...there goes my grades! BYE!!! i got my first d in that grade lol. i liked to go home and play nintendo all day....me and Zack had fun doing that. I remember being in soccer and basketball in that grade...i liked soccer more, i was aloud to play more.

I also remember learning about the f-word in that grade....and i learnt what it meant, and wanted to know what sex was...i asked a friend of mine..josh comstock, and he kinda told me a little, at the end of the year in summer i think, me and my dad watched this video that explained sex. (my parents still don't know that i knew about sex before i watched the video...) I was around 11 the time i watched the video.


5th grade was fun, well...that evil principal isn't so evil anymore, she's also a teacher....she was actually my favorite teacher lol. I don't remember anything bad in that grade...nothing interesting happened...i did join basketball team again though, and the soccer team.


6th grade comes around, and the school gets transferred to doldgeville. it was pretty fun...6th grade was pretty fun...i remember a few things...nothing really important, i didn't join the basketball team that year, cause the coach was too rough for me. :/ so i ended up staying behind alot, and playing basketball with the girls. :) I remember i wanted to cream them, and i went flying down the court running at full speed, and i was about ready to jump (u can be amazed at how high u can jump when u are running as fast as u can..) and the teacher said 'Louis, slow down!' lol i guess she didn't want me hurting myself. hehehehe I remember when i told the coach i didn't want to be on the team anymore, he was a little upset, but he offered me a place in this other team he created, which was basically a ffa teams thing (our school vs our school) lol, it was mostly 4th graders and some 5th graders, but that was REALLY fun, me and zack were on the same team, and Joe was on the other team...i made my first gameshot in 1 of the games, it was so fun.


Well, 6th grade ends....I ask to be homeschooled, because Joe was homeschooled near the end of the year...I wanted to get out of school at 12 instead of 3 lol. The things i did not like about pinecrest, was my parents set boundaries, so i couldn't go so far past the house, and i couldn't ride my bike on the good pavement...other than that, it was fun, made 2 very cool friends while i was there, Joe and Zack. Before we moved, i got into Star Wars...my first sw toy;the deathstar. :D


Well, at the end of the year, we move to Florida, and well....i'm homeschooled since then. I only made 1 friend down here, Mathew Bachelor, but we moved away from where he lived, so i have no friends...I was introduced to the internet the year we moved down here, and a few computer games....I was 12 when we moved to florida. I learned how to rollerblade, but couldn't go as far as the carport....cause of traffic.


Well, we moved to a better house when i was 14 i think. We get connected to the internet, and I go and look up cheatcodes for my games....and i really want a nintendo 64. Well, that christmas, my dad's job screwed him bigtime, and the realtor he did a job for also screwed him, and we weren't expecting money for a while, so we got no presents on christmas, my dog even died 4 days before christmas....the true icing on the cake for that one. hehe then someone sent my parents money for us to get presents...I got the nintendo 64 and mario kart 64 in february, and later that year i worked with my dad some, and got a bunch of money...i bought shadows of the empire, and shortly after, in July, I got rogue squadron, and joined http://www.roguesquadron.net forums because I wanted to know how to use the Y-Wing on imperial construction yards (i saw a pic of a y-wing in imperial construction yards on a gamepro magazine, that joe napier had)...


....the church we were going to was pretty cool...i made some friends, Joe Napier and Andrew something i forget his last name, but he was cool. I got prophecied on that I'd make a bunch of friends and comrades, and that I would get along with my sister more... I also had a crush on Amy Hollier...she is my age, and she seemed like a cool person...her mom and my mom didn't get along very well, so i didn't get to see her all that much... lol i later found out that her mom was having an affair with a married man....so...i'm glad i wasn't around then.


Well, here I am with no real life friends around me, it's been that way for about 4 years now... the only time i see anyone is when i visit THEM.....gets quite lonely down here....I'm just glad i found http://www.roguesquadron.net, because I made quite a few friends within the last year from there.


Now, we've got our house up for sale, we're hoping to move this summer to Lititz, Pennsylvania. I hope to have a life and job soon.


to be continued...???

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Date: May 9, 2002

Name: Louis Brogan

Age: 18



This is a list of goals I intend to achieve by the time I reach 24.


In order I'm intending to complete these goals in from first to 'to be continued'...


Read the entire NIV version of the Bible


Get a part-time job at either a mall, rollerskating rink, theatre, or movie rental


Go to an A+ Training Course


Build my own computer for gaming


Attempt to get a girlfriend


Pass an A+ Certification exam


Get a high-paying job in either networking or building computers


Leave the house and move into an apartment.


Take a trip to Costa Mesa California to watch the first showing of Star Wars: Episode III with Redwing and visit for a week.


Visit a different country; possibly a mission trip for the hell of it. =)


Get married (rare possibility if goal #6 doesn't go as planned...)


Get a gun and shoot the antichrist in the forehead. ;)


To be continued....

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It's not like this sort of thing hasn't been done before, I remember the floods of 'life sucks' 'i'm depressed' 'i have a girlfriend' type of topics a while back, i thought i'd be unique and post every part of my life, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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Having read through all of your stuff with my handy scroll bar, I have downloaded your parameters into an AI program which uses the works of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Bozo the Clown to psychoanalyze patients. The program reports that all of your problems come from tiny elves that live in your headboard and come out at night while you're sleeping and whisper things to you. It suggests that you burn your bed down and begin taking cocaine to steady out your nerves.


:confused: I'm pretty sure the cocaine bit came from Freud...


Here's my very first attempt at poetry. Seventh grade. :D


Here I sit all broken-hearted

Came to crap

But only farted.

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Zoom Lapin, Have you ever considered making a Living out of poetry? You're a natural when it comes to poems. :D


I only write poetry when I reach the level of extreme boredom and when I can do nothing against it, only writing helps pass the time. This critical phase of "extreme boredom" is only reached while I am in a 4 hours long Philosophy dissertation exam. This is one of my latest poems in such harsh moments:


A horrible way to die

Is to Philosophy

I don't know why

But It wants you to die

It's Philosophy.



It's kinda scary how boredom can force you to create ridiculousness.

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Here I sit all broken-hearted

Came to crap

But only farted.


That's written on the wall in the bathroom in the applied science building at school and was the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread.

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Nute: I wrote that there the last time I was in your area to plant surveillance devices.


Admiral: I am the walrus. :p


I am inspired to write a little poem RIGHT NOW. Okay, so it's more of a punk rock song...


Pop-pop daddy, you suck!

Pop-up baddie, you really suck!

Oh I wanna cut your head off, yeah yeah!

Yeah, I wanna cut your head off, yeah yeah!

But you're not real

And pain you can't feel

Pop-up daddy, oh I wanna CUT YOUR HEAD OFF!

Take this!


*(Blistering, jangly guitar solo)*


Pop-up daddy, you suck!

You want my attention? Good luck!

'Cause I'm gonna cut your head off--whee, yeah!

You'll love my cutting head off, you betcha!

To hell you must go

If I nuke ya, you'll glow

Pop-up daddy...oh I wanna CUT YOUR HEAD OFF!

Eat it, bitch!


*(Smashes amp and kicks over the drums.)*



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