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Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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I'm With the Pro Natalie Portman Crowd :D


The Film: Bloody Fantastic, I almost cried with joy at the sight of Yoda fighting Tukoo (SP?) and I've never seen a film thats done that to me, I thought the C-3PO Battle droid sketch was a little over the top, still funny but a little too much. Erm, yea, overall fantastic fight scene, played Snake on my phone during love scenes, J/K. Will see it again.


Thank you

Good night.

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

I think Natalie Portman should never be in any movie again ever.


I wouldn't say that. But I still think that every SW fanboy out there with a highly unhealthy obsession with getting into her pants should rethink their priorities. ;)


The movie...wow. Threw so many unexpected curves at me, I didn't know what to make of it. Christensen as Anakin was done well, although quite dry at points. And the whole thing with his mother? That was poorly executed. I found myself wanting to chuckle rather than feel sorry for Anakin.


Mace removing Jango's head from the rest of his body before he could do anything significant? Blah, makes me wonder why so many people like him. Boba was a better bounty hunter.


Yoda whippin' out the saber and throwing it down with Count Dooku was the frickin' best part of the movie. I wanted to stand up and applaud.


Overall, I think the movie was pretty damn good. The actors all deed really well. Christopher Lee was great as Count Dooku, Ewan McGregor pulls off another stellar Obi-Wan and I was just waiting for Samuel L. Jackson to say, "You're damn right." And yes, I will admit, Natalie Portman portrayed Amidala very well. The one person I couldn't get a handle on was Temeura Jackson, who played Jango. Didn't see much of him, so I could'nt gauge it.


Blah. Need to see it again and watch Yoda pull Anakin's and Obi-Wan's asses out of the fire.

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Best line in the movie...


"It's outrageous, that after four trials in the supreme court, Nute Gunray is still the Viceroy of the Trade Federation."


Made me think of a certain someone we all know and love...:D

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The love story was convincing at the end, up until then it was alright. The Jengo/ Windu fight should have been a hell of a lot longer...it was too damn short for my tastes. The final battles where excellent although really really short. Portman..was ok...some parts especially when she falls out of the ship, i think she forgot to act, but overall she was good. Hayden was good, he played annakin well. Ewan was the man...and Samuel Jackson was a bad motha...

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Originally posted by Nitro

Best line in the movie...


"It's outrageous, that after four trials in the supreme court, Nute Gunray is still the Viceroy of the Trade Federation."


Made me think of a certain someone we all know and love...:D


Also, I think I'm the only person in the theater that laughed really hard at that line... Even when I watch it at home I have trouble staying seated...

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I laughed at that one too... but nobody else got it. ;)


A few minor quibbles with an otherwise cool movie: The whole 3PO-as-a-battledroid sequence has to go... it's a thousand times more annoying than Jar-Jar could ever hope to be. I know Lucas was trying to lighten up a rather dark and violent sequence, but I think it would have been better and far more dramatic without it. It will get insanely tiresome with subsequent viewings I'm afraid.

I thought that Dooku's "This contest will have to be settled with lightsabers..." line was a bit clunky and redundant. It was clear that it was a standoff otherwise, although I for one can't imagine that Yoda couldn't have turned this guy totally inside-out with a thought if he wanted to. It was cool to see him fight though.

And perhaps someone who's read the book can answer this, but where did all the Clone Trooper's equipment come from? I mean all the gunships, tanks, and walkers. Were those ordered at the same time as the army, because there's no way the republic could have gone into action that fast to produce transports and weapons on that scale in that amount of time. Did the cloners on Kamino create them too? Maybe I'll pick up the book today while I'm out to see if that gets answered.

Also, does antbody know what those new walkers are called? I'm sure they have to be "AT-something" I would guess, but I haven't heard what it is. They were cool.

Lastly: Why did the Slave-1's lasers appear to come out from directly under the cockpit when in pursuit of Obi-Wan's fighter, and not from the rotating turrets that further down the body that Boba had used earlier. It's a small point, but was bugging me a bit. Does the ship have 2 sets of cannons?

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I wonder...


I thought that's how it was when watching the same clips on all the trailers, but since I was watching on the medium Quicktime window I thought I must just be seeing things or it was a problem with the codec compression or something.



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I also noticed the laser thing, and there was no way that Obi-Wan's ship would have survived that barrage. Also, what the hell was with those missiles? The ones in XWA are nowhere near that persistant! :rolleyes:


Overall, AOTC is much better tham TPM, but I do think that the end fight scene in TPM was better choreographed. I like the dark, moody battle between Dukoo and Obi-Wan but it was just a bit too dark to see what was happenning.

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Originally posted by edlib

where did all the Clone Trooper's equipment come from? I mean all the gunships, tanks, and walkers. Were those ordered at the same time as the army, because there's no way the republic could have gone into action that fast to produce transports and weapons on that scale in that amount of time. Did the cloners on Kamino create them too?

Also, does antbody know what those new walkers are called? I'm sure they have to be "AT-something" I would guess, but I haven't heard what it is. They were cool.


Firstly: AT-TE, All Terrain-Tactical Enforcer.

Secondly: all the equipment was built by a KDY owned company called Rothana something something. A Kuati exec got whacked by the Dooku's goons so they built the clone army's gear for revenge.

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Saw it Sunday. Loved it. Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen sucked, but I was fully expecting that, so it didn't bother me that much. Ewan was good as Obi-Wan, and Jackson was much better than I expected as Mace.


As I said, I really liked it, but I really can't understand why anyone would like this movie if he didn't like Episode I, as it was just more of the same (not that that's bad, in my opinion - I liked Episode I).


Anyway, cool battle scenes, including Yoda's. Yoda should have looked totally stupid in a scene like that, but it came out great.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

Firstly: AT-TE, All Terrain-Tactical Enforcer.

Secondly: all the equipment was built by a KDY owned company called Rothana something something. A Kuati exec got whacked by the Dooku's goons so they built the clone army's gear for revenge.


Somehow I knew you would know that.

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

Saw it Sunday. Loved it. Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen sucked, but I was fully expecting that, so it didn't bother me that much. Ewan was good as Obi-Wan, and Jackson was much better than I expected as Mace.


As I said, I really liked it, but I really can't understand why anyone would like this movie if he didn't like Episode I, as it was just more of the same (not that that's bad, in my opinion - I liked Episode I).


Anyway, cool battle scenes, including Yoda's. Yoda should have looked totally stupid in a scene like that, but it came out great.


No Jar Jar, that's what. More fight scenes. More cool-looking things.


My chemistry teacher took an informal poll in my class. Everyone almost unanimously agreed that AotC was way better than TPM. They agreed that it's "up there" with the original trilogy. Most of them thought TPM was at the bottom of the pile (including my teacher)


I also heard alot of conversation among the popular crowd, and the popular opinion is that AotC is "sick" (which = "great"). Yoda pretty much stole the show. No contest---it's not going to be the love story, Jango Fett, or even the Jedi 'army of lightsabers' that AotC is going to be famous for. It's going to be Yoda's fight.


Congratulations, Lucas.

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

Natalie Portman sucked Hayden Christensen , but I was fully expecting that, so it didn't bother me that much.


Keyan, what did I tell you about going to those shady theaters instead of Empire?


I'm also extremely pleased that Jar-Jar was pretty much single-handedly responsible for the rise of the Empire.

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Another thing that's bugging me slightly:


Why didn't they just re-attach Anakin's real arm instead of giving him a robotic one? Hell, we can reattach a severed limb even in this day and age, you would think it was poosible with advanced technology of the Star Wars universe,.. especially at a time when the main peace-keeping force of the galaxy maintains order by occasionally slicing people's limbs off.


I know, I know... it's critical to the ultimate storyline that he has a mechanical arm.:rolleyes: Luke required a cyborg replacement because his hand was totally lost and unrecoverable. But Anakin's real arm was SITTING RIGHT THERE!!! Unless it was crushed beyond usability by the column that Yoda moved out of the way when Dooku dropped it on them as he made his escape... yeah,.. that MUST be it...

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Andromeda, Andromeda, Andromeda - Why the personal attack? I liked the film, but everbody I talked to agrees with me. Hayden and Natalie had absolutely NO chemistry and the bad delivery of their sappy dialog did not help. But they were the only ones not pulling their weight acting-wise. Cut those scenes down by 1/2 and the film goes from a B+ to an A+; in my opinion.


Although her white bodysuit at the end was nice (but she has no booty whatsoever), I am not a crazed Natalie P. fanboy (Andromeda, the woman has no figure, why??) who likes everything GL does. Go see it, it is good but the film could have been better; I hope GL hires good actors and a screenwriter and includes more, longer battles for the last installment.

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Originally posted by Jem

Just use the white spoiler thingy foolz:


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Sorry, I have no sympathy for anyone who hasn't yet seen the movie who comes to a Star Wars themed web-forum a week after the film is released and opens a thread called "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones" and is shocked when details of the movie are discussed.

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