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I havent seen EPII end yet :-(((((((

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Well, I leave early to go and see Episode II at my local...and just as things start to 'hot up', the entire dialogue switches from English to Italian.


So, I have come home without seeing the ending, and many like me are very upset. I will be back to see the 2.30pm show and fingers crossed they have fixed it.



Over at theforce.net, it seems that the UK have had a few problems with Episode II...I know that the UK lacks using new technology and is about 10 years behind the closest third world nation, but come on Cinemas..you have only had 3 years to get this right - short time, I know... :-(





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I say screw 'em all. They also said Eps I sucked too...Screw them. I like Eps I better than all the movies released that year. The critics are just expecting too much of what can't happen. I'll make my own judgement on the movie. Screw the critics:p

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It is GREAT! It's going to be one of those movies that the critics hate but all the fans love.


Critics are ridiculing the plot for ridiculous reasons. The reasons that make star wars, STAR WARS.


I heard one today say this, "The decent of Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader is glaringly awkward".


Isn't that kinda the reason these movies are being made?! And isn't that kinda what we've all been wanting to see? :mad:

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Trust me. You'll come out of the cinema going nuts over the last 15 minutes alone.

And as you discuss it, you'll come up with all the other great moments: the Coruscant chase, the Tusken-slaughter, the asteroid-field, the droid-factory, the Obi/Jango-duel, the...the...


you get the picture, don't you ? :D

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

It is GREAT! It's going to be one of those movies that the critics hate but all the fans love.


Critics are ridiculing the plot for ridiculous reasons. The reasons that make star wars, STAR WARS.


I heard one today say this, "The decent of Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader is glaringly awkward".


Isn't that kinda the reason these movies are being made?! And isn't that kinda what we've all been wanting to see? :mad:


I think i've finally figured out the reason why so many critics hate it. I think that the reason that they think it has no plot is because it only truly makes sense to Star Wars fans. They don't realize the importance of small things that tie the movies and the story together. They don't know the basic outline of the enture series so they don't get the middle/transition movie. Sure, it had some other downfalls, namely some corny humor and a little bit of less than stellar-acting, but the big thing that many critics focus on is the plot. They just don't get it.


The other thing i've noticed in many of the reviews i've read is that no one focusses on the good at all. If they are gonna talk about so called bad acting or lack of plot then they can at least talk about the great action or music or something. But no, they seem perfectly intent on ripping up the films in their minds, like they didn't even want it to be a good movie.

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