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Loose ends that need explaining from the movies.....


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Ok, I saw AotC, loved it, will see it again and again, but it raised some questions which I originally had after Phantom Menace.


As most of you have been doing in recent weeks, I have been watching the old films in anticipation of the new ones and I've noticed some inconsistencies, mostly around the Droids which will hopefully be tied up somehow in the next film.


In Episode 1 we learn that Anakin built C-3PO on Tattooine yet when the droids return in A New Hope, they don't know where they are even though we see them at Owen & Beru's farm in Episode II where Luke lives in A New Hope, don't recognize the name Skywalker, C-3PO doesn't know who Obi-Wan is and Obi-Wan doesn't seem to recognize the droids.


I'm assuming that some sort of memory wipe happens in Episode III when they have to hide the twins from Anakin/Vader, which also begs the question why they let Luke keep the last name of Skywalker. Owen & Beru's last name is obviously not Skywalker. Why would you try to hide a child from the father on his home planet with the father's last name? Especially since Leia is adopted and last name changed to Organa.


Finally, we know that Yoda evaded the coming Jedi hunt because of a special plant on Dagobah which blocked the Empire's ability to detect Jedi. But what about Obi-Wan on Tattooine? Why was he able to hide out and avoid detection on the desert world?


I know I'm nitpicking and "it's only a movie" but these kinds of things drive me nuts when I go back and watch these films we all love again. Does anyone see where I'm coming from or have any answers?

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Well I always figured that 3po had some sort of memory wipe but R2 didn't. Or maybe he just forgot. :D


Secondly, That was never the confirmed way as to how Yoda avoided being cought, was it? :confused: Georges explaination will probably be different as to how they escaped.

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Whatever the EU explains ... forget it.


I think vader didnt want to return to Tatooine for some reason and that Leia was sent to naboo for another reason.


Yoda has enough force to hide himself from vader and to 'watch' Luke.


What bothers me is that Owen dosn't recognize 3PO ... altough the skin is different. You never forget a droid like 3PO, do you?

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Well, maybe you wouldn't YD, but there are a lot of droids out there. :D;)


Also, 3PO never tells Owen his name in A New Hope i don't think, so he wouldn't have recognized the name. And i'm sure they got memory vipes at some point, possibly when they entered the service of the alliance. They have no recollection of the name Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi so they must have had wipes. Most droids have them quite often so it wouldn't be unusual at all.


As for yoda, i believe that he killed two dark jedi and used their "Dark Force Residue" to help him hide, but thats mostly EU so.....


And i think the fact that Tatooine means so much to Vader kept him away from it altogether, and thats why Obi-Wan chose it for his hiding place.

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The Yoda item to which I refer was explained in the excellent Thrawn series by Timothy Zahn. I thought when those books came out that they were endorsed by Lucas as following his outline. I recognize that a Star Wars book comes out just about every week and they have expanded things and created explanations for events which Lucas never intended, but I thought those Zahn books were gospel (It is where we learn of the Wookie homeworld which is reflected in Battlegrounds, etc.)


I could have sworn that 3PO introduced himself to Owen, "I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations", but I could be wrong.


Ben doesn't react until Luke tells him that these droids are looking for an Obi-Wan Kenobi, then he looks surprised and says "That's a name I haven't heard in a long time" as if he didn't see that coming.

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

for the guy about owen not recognizing 3po, iti s because of the color. They could sound the same and still be two different bots.


They should all sound the same. they aren't made with individual voice chips or anything, we just never hear many other protocol droids. They may sound a little different and different models have different voices, but that would hardly make one recognizable.....theoretically.


And R2-D2 never is named to Obi-Wan, and Owen only sees him for a second, and he never knows his name either. Besides, R2 looks exactly like countless other astromechs so he couldn't be recognized except by name, and it is a long time to remember a name of a droid you saw for two seconds. And 3PO works the same way, its hard to remember names after 30 years, unless they are very special to you, which a service and translator droid would not be.


As for 3PO naming himself, Owen says "I suppose you are programmed for etiquite and protocol" first, and 3PO says "Protocol sir, why its my primary function." Even after he buys him he only names himself to Luke, who never tells his Uncle, since he only sees him at dinner before he dies.



Obi-Wan say "Thats a name that i've not heard in a long time," talking about himself. Owen says "That man's just a crazy old hermit." And luke says "But what if this obi-wan comes looking for him," then Owen says, "He won't, he died about the same time as your father." to why Luke replies, "He knew my father?" and Owen says "I told you to forget it." Thats rather confusing and a long run-on but thats how it goes. I don't think he recognized the droids otherwise he never would have bought them. The mention of Obi-Wan is what sets him off, not the droids themselves.



It would probably help if i watched the movie again, maybe i will when i get the chance. Might have a few more answers, or at least more correct ones, after i do.

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1st. droids you forget. we dont. but they do. like al of you said already.


2nd. Vader didnt know about his kids until Luke destryes the Death Star. he probably heard the name somewhere and started looking for him.. that is what we see in empire.


3rd. in the zahn trilogy it sais that a dark jedi had made it al the way to dagobah. and than Luke finds out that a dark jedi was killed there and that was the way Yoda hides.


4th. R2-D2 never realy talks about ANY secret. cause R2 knows a lot.. but he never tells it to anyone..


5th. i think 3po's memory gets erased... but not R2's.


6th. Obi wan DID own a droid.... on his starfighter.. he had a droid.. R4 something... right?


7th. Obi wan brought Luke to ownen and lars... and i guess anakin told Obi about them.. and he stayed at Tatooine to keep an eye on Luke.. cause he knew he was the only hope for the galaxy.


My questions:

we all know that in the next movie...... anakin becomes Vader, he kills the Jedi, gets childeren... without his knoledge.... wich i find very starnge.. unless in the movie we jump ahead in time... i mean.. you would notice that amidala was pregnant for 9 months right? and yet he doesnt know they were born.., leia and luke gets hidden. we see the empire take things over... obi becomes a general, fights along Bail organan against clones, and i think there is the connection why leia was brought to Alderaan.. instead to owen en beru.

My thoughts to all this is,... i think this movie has to be like 4 hours or something to cover this all in a good story..... we get to see tarking and hopefully thrawn. maybe even corellia :D... but! in eps 4, 5 and 6... the stormies arent clones are they??? so in the next movie we get to see a switch from clones to regular people?

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Ackbar, it isn't messed up.


You all seemed to have missed this, as I have.



C3PO NEVER MET OBI WAN! Remember, he was at the ship while qui-gon was at Mos Espa. That's why he didn't care. But C3PO recognized Anakin, because he was his master, but Anakin gave less than a crap about him.

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Wegde?? what about wedge? he has nothing to do with it. he is just introduced in the movies.. nothing more.


Owan?? you will meet him again in EP 3 when obi wan gives him the baby Luke Skywalker. and that is it.


Palpatine?? well.. the sentae question is now resolved. he has now complete power in the senate..... and in ep 4 he will throw the rest of the old republic away....

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I don't buy that "you forget droids" explanation. Do you forget what your cars looked like? Do you forget what your pets looked like? Do you forget what your furniture looked like? It's not like we see protocol droids all over the galaxy. I think we only ever see a different protocol droid besides 3PO in some Hoth scenes during Empire. 3PO lived with that family for a long period of time. Besides, these droids are connected to some pretty heavy events in the history of the galaxy. Somehow I think they would be remembered by those people involved in those events, regardless of the cookie-cutter aspect of droids. These aren't dishwashers we are talking about.


Obi-Wan does meet 3PO, at least they should after the arena battle in Clones.


As for how Anakin never knows he has children, it could be explained many different ways. He turns to the dark side before she finds out she is pregnant, then she is hidden from him until she gives birth. Maybe they are forced apart by the Jedi Council because love is forbidden, which could help turn Anakin against Obi-Wan.


Sorry if I got the part wrong from the Thrawn books but it's been 10 years since I read them. Could have sworn it was something about the vegetation, and the reason Mara Jade went undetected as well.


Lucas still has some 'splainin to do.

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Like it was said ealier: C3PO gets his memory wiped, that just makes sense.


As far as Obiwan not recognizing C3PO, Obiwan didn't spend much (if any) time with 3PO, making him at first glance probably just another protocol droid. Same goes for Owen Lars, he too spent the majority of his time with a 3PO without coverings at all, let alone gold coverings, we have already come across 3 different protocol droids in the movies, this just goes to show that they are quite common, as a matter of fact, Owen recognizes the type of droid 3PO is immediately:


"You, I suppose you're programmed for protocol and etiquette..."


So this just goes to show that the Protocol droid has been in service for some time and very common throughout the Star Wars universe. Since C3PO was NEVER formally introduced to Owen,it makes it very hard for Owen to say "hey, aren't you that droid my step brother built?", considering 3PO looked totally different and Owen didn't hear the droids name. And Owen didn't spend much time around R2, so another common droid (Astromech) wheels into his life twenty years later and he supposed to recognize it in a single glance?


Obiwan may have recognized R2 (I know that it isn't writtin into the script because Lucas never had the backstories 100% fleshed out, but for sake of arguement and characterization, let's just go with it!) Because it never says he didn't recognize it either. he said:


" I don't ever remember owning any droids..."


key word: owning. Obiwan never owned R2D2 so what he was saying was true, from a certain point of view. ;) Obiwan just basically "met" (I know the two had met before hand, but they were not good buddies or anything!) Luke, and there is alot going on at the moment. Obiwan wants to tell luke about the force, and his father. The Rebellion is requesting Obiwan's help, and the princess is under arrest. Obiwan isn't going to waste time talking about the possibility that this droid saved his life 30 years ago on board a noobian Royal Starship. Obiwan is a very wise man who has waited the whole enitre second half of his life waiting for the Force to bring him this boy at the right time, he wasn't going to waste words and time talking like an old fool with his war stories. There would be time for that later (which ended up not being true as Obiwan met up with Vader on the Death Star) But Ben didn't know that at the time.


As far as Luke keeping his name, I believe that will be addressed in Episode 3, but for now, I kinda like the theory that Vader knew about Luke, but not where Luke was. Vader was content to believe that he could never be trained to be a Jedi by anyone but himself, if he chose to. Vader was keeping him as an ace-up-his-sleeve against the Emperor. I believe in time Vader would have hunted down his son, only to train him as a sith apprentice. As Obiwan said:


"The Emperor knew, as I did, if Anakin were to have any offspring, they would be a threat to him."


Vader would use his son to help him overthrow the Emperor and he could take the throne. I think Vader knew he had a child, and after the battle of Yavin he discovered he had a son.


Yoda and Ben escaping the Jedi Purge will surely be addressed in Episode 3. But I feel it has something to do with that Jedi Disapperaing trick that George Lucas keeps referring to, and keeps saying will be explained in the prequels. Maybe becoming one with force before death makes you very hard to detect unless very close (i.e. Obiwan on the death star and Vader's line: "I sense something, the presence I've not felt since...) I really think they couldn't be found for the same reason they disappered when they died, Lucas referred to it as the "Disappearing trick" and I think it was learned by Yoda and Ben in order to survive the Jedi Purge. but we shall see...

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

Wegde?? what about wedge? he has nothing to do with it. he is just introduced in the movies.. nothing more.


Owan?? you will meet him again in EP 3 when obi wan gives him the baby Luke Skywalker. and that is it.


Palpatine?? well.. the sentae question is now resolved. he has now complete power in the senate..... and in ep 4 he will throw the rest of the old republic away....


C-3po says there for master was wedge antiles so it must be in episode 3 or so and about sentor palpetine i mean why does he have clones and he has the confadery and thay are fighting eats other so see what i mean?

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Originally posted by Messier75

I don't buy that "you forget droids" explanation. Do you forget what your cars looked like? Do you forget what your pets looked like? Do you forget what your furniture looked like? It's not like we see protocol droids all over the galaxy. I think we only ever see a different protocol droid besides 3PO in some Hoth scenes during Empire. 3PO lived with that family for a long period of time.


And there is a protocal droid in episode 1 to! (Ad Begin)

AND in A New Hope (Ad Begin)

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar


C-3po says there for master was wedge antiles so it must be in episode 3 or so and about sentor palpetine i mean why does he have clones and he has the confadery and thay are fighting eats other so see what i mean?


C3PO says their former master was Captain Antilles, not wedge antilles. Here's the exact quote:


"He says he's the property of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a resident of these parts. And it's a private message for him. Quite frankly, sir, I don't know what he's talking about. Our last master was Captain Antilles, but with all we've been through, this little R2 unit has become a bit eccentric."


Captain Antilles is the Rebel soldier that Vader Chokes to death in the Beginning of A New Hope on board the Tantive IV. Wedge Antilles is the x-wing pilot later on in the Death Star Trench during the battle of Yavin who is hit and damaged and is forced to pull out, but lives on to fly in rogue squadron and blow up the second death star in Return of the Jedi.. big difference.


Also, there is another Protocol droid on Bespin, the one who says "Eechula" to 3PO, after 3PO says, "How nice to see a familiar face..." just before being blown to bits by stormtroopers. So protocol droids are quite common. As I said above.

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Not quite yet Crazy Dog... :D


Originally posted by NL_Ackbar


...and about sentor palpetine i mean why does he have clones and he has the confadery and thay are fighting eats other so see what i mean?


Palpatine had his apprentice create the Confederacy to give the generally peaceful Republic an enemy that would force the senate to give emergency powers to Chancellor Palpatine.


You see, the Senate would be daft to give all that power to a single man under normal circumstances. The Republic knew only peace and didn't need any army. But then this large enemy that consists of many systems arises, and suddenly there is genuine fear that they may be overpowered and killed by this new enemy. Suddenly, giving the necessary power to the Chancellor to ensure you have an army to fight back with sounds like a pretty good idea.


Palpatine is playing the senate like a fool, nobody knows that Count Dooku is working for Palpatine (Sidious) (And if anyone says that Palpatine and Sidious aren't one and the same, I'm going to cram my toy lightsaber down their throat! ;) )


At first it would seem counterproductive to make an army to attack yourself, but then again, no one would suspect that. So Palpatine goes unchecked again, and with this one dastardly deed, pretty much seals the fate of the galaxy...

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Those are your interpretations, not the answers. You have a lot of assumptions and conjecture which are not clearly explained in the films.


There are still holes in the plot you could drive a truck through that I hope get explained.


That is all.

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