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New Project by Bloodriot and Absath


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Update.. I'm afraid that if you send it within the next 10 hours or so I wont be able to get it up. It's late evening here and I have a somewhat important test tomorrow morning, so I'll get a nap.


Sorry, but my offer still stands, if I get the file tonight I *will* upload it tomorrow morning as soon as I get up.


Whatever you do, congratulations to your great work and may the force remain with you :)

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Any news on the models availability yet? Seems jkii.net is back up...and once again, a VERY slow website. But I couldn't get into the files section to check, waited 10 mins and it didn't finish loading.



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*shrug* James told me the model would be posted by tonite. thats about all I know about the situation. On the bright side, Bloodriot is nearly done with our next model....another custom character that is part of our SP conversion.


Just keep watching for the model i guess....as soon as someone sees it up, post here so everyone will know =P




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But seriously, this was definately well worth the wait!



Is there a red or blue robed-Tyrion? Or red/blue uncaped Sith Tyrion?


Jedi_tyrion/blue = Best model I've ever seen



Atleast you guys didnt mess up on the lightsaber this time! *COUGH* fetts *COUGH*




Oh boy, its like christmas for me!!

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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]





But seriously, this was definately well worth the wait!



Is there a red or blue robed-Tyrion? Or red/blue uncaped Sith Tyrion?


Jedi_tyrion/blue = Best model I've ever seen



Atleast you guys didnt mess up on the lightsaber this time! *COUGH* fetts *COUGH*




Oh boy, its like christmas for me!!


Damn, you're kind of a dick. Nice job guys, it looks cool. Any news on the storyline and everything?

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im glad you guys are enjoying the models.


Yes, i did icons and red and blue robed versions for the characters as well. Try Jedi_Tyrion/Robed_Blue for example...that should access the colored robe versions...i kind of forget...it was late when i put it together.


not much to say about the sp conversion, other than we've finished outlining our story for the first of the three episodes, and we are currently in the process of creating the models we'll need for the characters in the storyline. after those are done, we'll make the maps, then finally we put it all together with scripts and cutscenes etc.




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It looks awesome! Great work!


Just a minor suggestion from a colour-obsessed artist....the green saber doesn't go too well with the rest of his colours... I'd suggest a blue/lightblue or silver one... (all possible according to Tchoucky) Feel free to ignore this though, this is your character after all, and if he has a green lightsaber, he has a green one :)

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Just DLed the model and its amazing. Definately love the look and the feel of the character.


My only issue with it is the same one I pointed out with the Fett models on the custom taunts. The Jedi version taunt is so low in volume that, at least in the Temple Tournament map, I couldn't make out a word he was saying. Other than that... amazing job again. I look forward to seeing the rest of your models/skins destined for your SP project.

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next model?? heh.. give the boys some slack... a break even... exit.. stage left!


Let them recover from the Mandalorian crunch and the server problems on getting their latest work out there. Not that I'm not dying to see what they have in store next ;) I'll just sit back and wait.

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Abolutly amazing, Great job!!! I also, since I'm new to the forums would like also to say thank you for the Mandalor skins. Also amazing job, I am totally looking forward to your sp conversion mod, I play alot of sp, and theres is only really a few good long maps out there, and one actual mod. And with the work I've seen, I have no doubts this mod will truely kick ass. Thanks again!!!:deathii:

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Ok... guess some people are finding the skin switching rather confusing... I'll try to clear out evrything i can here.


Jedi Tyrion:



Default versions:

To use the default colored unrobed version just select him in the player menu or type "model jedi_tyrion" in the console.


To use the default colored robed version type "model jedi_tyrion/robed" in the console.


Team Colored Versions:

to use the bue colored unrobed version select it in the player menu or type "model jedi_tyrion/blue" in the console.


to use the red colored unrobed version select it in the player menu or type "model jedi_tyrion/red" in the console.


To use the blue colored robed version type "model jedi_tyrion/robed_blue" in the console.


To use the red colored robed version type "model jedi_tyrion/robed_red" in the console.


Sith Tyrion:



Default versions:

To use the default colored caped version just select him in the player menu or type "model sith_tyrion" in the console.


To use the default colored uncaped version type "model sith_tyrion/uncaped" in the console.


Team Colored Versions:

to use the bue colored caped version select it in the player menu or type "model sith_tyrion/blue" in the console.


to use the red colored caped version select it in the player menu or type "model sith_tyrion/red" in the console.


To use the blue colored uncaped version type "model sith_tyrion/uncaped_blue" in the console.


To use the red colored uncaped version type "model sith_tyrion/uncaped_red" in the console.


You can also bind keys to each of these commands

Just pop the console and type "bind X Z"

X=key to be bond to the command

Z=command you want bond

Example: Bind r model jedi_tyrion/robed



Well I hope this helps you ppl out.

We are glad you enjoy our work. As soon as i can find some willpower to take up on the mandalors again i'll fix that god forsaken saber issue :p



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