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India and Pakistan: Nuclear war?


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Both of them testing out their missisles saying, "It has nothing to do with the war" Ahahaha, no. They're peparing for something really big.


I have no doubt in my mind that it's going to happen. I bet it's going to happen in the next few years, in fact.


What impact will it have on America? I don't really know. I doubt that we'd get involved and I doubt that we'd be attacked in any way. What impact will it have on the middle east? I doubt there will be much left of the middle east once it happens.


Just think about the worldwide problems that will arise once it does happen. :eek:


What if other countries start fighting because of it? One stray bomb and all of a sudden you've got another country in it. Then countries start taking sides and before you know it, everyone's involved.


Could this be the beginning of the war between Gog and Magog? We'll see.

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The majority of historians have agreed to say that the simple fear of a nuclear war is the main reason that the Cold War didn't turn into World War 3. Nobody can predict the future, but I think that United Nations will be successful in preventing a nuclear war.


If a nuclear strike does happen though... all bets are off.

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This is VERY REAL, trust me. There is probably no way out of this, besides taking them or blowing them up. But coming even close to them will get them angry... and Pakistan is a major helper in Afghanistan... In trouble, we are... There is not much to do, besides hope it doesn't come to this... THIS IS THE SUM OF ALL FEARS...

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Ok guys ... im going to do something iv never done before... but because im in america I can talk about my religion ;)


Ok guys... there is only 1 reason we havent shot ourselves in the foot or up the @$$ before... its not diplomacy... because you have psychos with nukes... it sure as hell isnt fear... because u have terrorists in the world that are willing to die... It isnt even the fact that if they nuke thier kids will die and their country will cease to exist... its because GOD... (new consept... figure it out people)... dosent want us to die... at least yet... so have some faith people... not in people... but in god the creator.

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ok, ill tell you what i know...being Indian myself, i know how they think ;)


India got nukes a couple of years ago and just kept them for safety measure...India is a secular country and allows all religions including Islam, but Pakistan is an All Islam country. And theres this region called Kashmir which is on the border of India and Pakistan and since India split into India and Pakistan on August 16 1947, there have been arguments between the countries. Originally it was dealed that Kashmir would be India, but recently Pakistan seems to want it for themselves, and Islamic terrorists and are terrorizing the Area. (mind you Pakistan isn't terrorizing it, its extremist work). So Pak and Ind aren;t yet at war. Previously quite a number of wars have been fought for that area and Ind always won. And when India made the nuke, Pak wanted to race fast too, inorder to not be left in the dark in fear of India. Now recently Pak has the nuke too, and now they are only testing it.

Both countries claim they dont want war...but india thinks the terrorism in Kashmir is Pak's work and they are "loosing patience with Pak" and both are ready to fire if they see the other doing it.


Currently with Pak's new discovery of the Nuke they went full scale in making it. India has about 1.3 million soldiers, Pak has .6 million and India has about 35 Nukes and Pak about 50. (newspaper stats)


and if this war goes ahead there will be mass destruction and as you know the US govt has adviced all american citizens to stay away from the border of Ind and Pak or better still come away.


I hope this war doesn't take place :(

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People, look on the bright side; if we have a nuke war in the near future, right now we should have a Arnie-type dude running around, vandalising property and searching for women with the surname of "Connor".;)



Seriosly though, there is going to be no nuclear war. Cool though it may be, and shame it doesn't happen, I think both sides are responsible enough NOT to fire nukes at each other.

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

People, look on the bright side; if we have a nuke war in the near future, right now we should have a Arnie-type dude running around, vandalising property and searching for women with the surname of "Connor".;)



Seriosly though, there is going to be no nuclear war. Cool though it may be, and shame it doesn't happen, I think both sides are responsible enough NOT to fire nukes at each other.


Exactly...they might act like brawling 10 year olds but they are 60 year olds at the heart :D and they think like 60 year olds :D

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i agree in that i don't think there'll be a full-scale war.

you see; that would isolate the 'winner' world-wide. who would want to do business with a country that grabs for it's nukes the first chance it gets ?

think about it. wouldn't India launch it's arsenal into Pakistan, making half the country uninhabitable, if Pakistan launched but the smallest of nuclear weapons ?

They may act like children, but this they do know of each other.


It'll be a conventional war. One that may get dragged out over a longer period of time, but most definitely not a nuclear war.

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It shows that you've been reading too many bad Tom Clancy books... ;)


But Leon is right, It won't be nuclear (I was mearly pointing out what would probably happen hypotheticly IF they did) for reasons of having NATO firing tomohawk missles up the ass of the "Winner" and isolation from the rest of the sane world

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Yes Leon has a good point....gone are the times when each country cared only about themselves and believed in solipsism. But now countries must also care about how they are seen in the eyes of other countries. Afghanistan didn't care and look at them now. Only 3 countries actually even recognize them.


India and Pakistan depend a lot on other countries and either one destroying the other would be suicide to their relationship with other countries and trade.

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Originally posted by Clefo

It shows that you've been reading too many bad Tom Clancy books... ;)


Hmm... I never read The Sum of All Fears, but maybe I should... I have only read 2... make that 1.5: Rainbow 6 and Without Remorse, but i didn't finish it :)


But, seriously... Do you actually think that each other cares? India may get so ticked off they don't care. This is a psychologic war. The one must predict the other... They won't use their nukes, MAYBE, but they could... they have been bragging an awful lot about it...

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Originally posted by idiot00001

There is also the chance that terrorists might capture a nuclear missile in Pakistan and launch it at India.


Sounds like a James Bond film to me.;)


Although situation of that kind is certainly possible, but I still don't think anyone will fire nukes at anyone else.

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well, there is a good chance that could happen to one of 3 places: Israel, India, or the US.


And it doesn't sound like JB, CD. It sounds like what's going on now...


Man, it sounds like a Rogue Spear... Whoops, another Pun!

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I hope the Brits put James Bond on this....this really is a job for the guy ;)


Like said before, i dont think any established country would dare fire nukes at anyone else. It could cause WWIII :eek:


If anyone is doing any nuke firing, it is probably going to be the extremists or terrorists. They do it to have things their way and to suffice their sadistic requirements :eek:

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