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Only play duel, on mostly only ****ty german servers with lamers galore *sigh*


Sometimes make my own server called keeper's temp but I doubt anyone would join it... They would lag like hell, just use it to train on.


If anyone could tell me the bit number for only having force jump, saber offense and defense I'd be eternally gratefull =-)

Can't get the force calc to work you see.


Skin: :thrawn2:

Saber: :saberg:

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i've already said my name ([JHQ]Twins of Doom)

but i never said what i played or the skin, etc



Skin: Kyle/Jedi (depends which twin [philip/andrew])

Lightsaber: Blue, sometimes red


and i almost always play on duel servers, either my clan's private server of .[JHQ].NF.SaberOnly. and .[JHQ].FF.SaberOnly. when we get it back (leelink's getting a new computer soon so we'll have lotsa servers;))

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

i've already said my name ([JHQ]Twins of Doom)

but i never said what i played or the skin, etc



Skin: Kyle/Jedi (depends which twin [philip/andrew])

Lightsaber: Blue, sometimes red


and i almost always play on duel servers, either my clan's private server of .[JHQ].NF.SaberOnly. and .[JHQ].FF.SaberOnly. when we get it back (leelink's getting a new computer soon so we'll have lotsa servers;))


Hey Twins, do u ever play against each other???

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I change my name MANY times, often in the middle of a match...


Well, these are just some of my names and most of them are simply one-shots while some of them keep hanging:


Clinky the rabid squirrel

Fluffy the pink bunny

$|\|iP3r|-|uN73R4ssA44In (Yes, that's a joke, but I use it anyway)

Heterosexual Wookiee

Harry the hairy horse

Punky the blue panda

Jürgen da crazy ewok

Gendy the vomiting egg

Henry the hash hamster

G-Jay tha BADASS D00d

Padawan (I like anonymity sometimes...)

The Freudian Lungist

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intoxictd ,


It sounds like you, and I live parallel lives ;)... LOL


Oh as to answer in the manner that Twins did, I'm NomadWR

I normaly use Kyles father for my character, I figure it kind of suits me due to the fact that I'm probably one of the oldest players out here at "42" !!!

But I also like to use Desaan, and Tavion when I want to play in drag (hehehe)

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Originally posted by cjais

I change my name MANY times, often in the middle of a match...


Well, these are just some of my names and most of them are simply one-shots while some of them keep hanging:


Clinky the rabid squirrel

Fluffy the pink bunny

$|\|iP3r|-|uN73R4ssA44In (Yes, that's a joke, but I use it anyway)

Heterosexual Wookiee

Harry the hairy horse

Punky the blue panda

Jürgen da crazy ewok

Gendy the vomiting egg

Henry the hash hamster

G-Jay tha BADASS D00d

Padawan (I like anonymity sometimes...)

The Freudian Lungist


Do you go by Fluffy Bunny? If so, I've got picks of one of our DUELS. :jawa

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