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The death of SWGB


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I'm not sure that we will see anymore installments to the SWGB series. Perhaps we may be rewarded with a patch, but not another xp. The next film is three years away, and I doubt that they will base one on the extended universe.


What d'ya think?

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GB, will be around for a while since it is the only really enjoyable SW RTS game. Until a squeal is made GB will live. It is a simple fact. Look at XWA. Still a fairly large community and look how old that game is.



Personally I don't have CC yet since I need the money to pay for other things.



remember me?

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SWGB will die out for a couple reasons: 1. WC3 2. AOM and the most important factor is all the illiterate kids who can't read and play DM and Scenario Games in the RM ROOMs. This turns away so many players cause they can not a find a game. SO if you are one of these morons please use the right rooms if you want to see this game Grow in players.


Lastly game will die out cause Zone will never support it as we have already seen.

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The game is growing in players. The number of people on the zone has doubled since CC has come out and it keeps getting higher. But people who play games like senate and hero fest and fortress blood (and you know who you are) will kill off this game if they keep playing in the wrong room. Random Map means random map. Not one or two rnadom maps and everything else scenerios and death matches. You guys have your own rooms and they are empty. So wh ydo you use ours?


Another thing. I hope they dont use the AoM engine for SWGB2. Im probably one of the biggest fans of AoM on these forums, but I hope Lucasarts uses the experience gained from this game to make their own RTS with their own engine. Most people were turned off by this game because it wasnt original and used another games engine.

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I can not think of anything more annoying than going into CC RM room on the zone and finding EVERY single game filled up - and not a single RM game to be seen. And then trying to grab a game that just opened up - but being a second too late - and seeing it become a senate game. There's nothing more infuriating about this game than that. I am a huge fan of this game and this problem makes me think twice about playing it on the zone - so i could easily imagine it turning people away who arent sure whether or not they like the game yet.


The zone should enforce the rooms' type of game, that is the only way to fix the problem.

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