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World Cup thread

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I just started watching soccer so I don't know who to root for. But I watched the Italy Croatia game yesterday and that was pretty exciting. Soccer is a whole lot better than any other sport on right now. Who I'm dissapointed in is China simply because there are over 1 billion people in their country and they can't manage to find enough to talent to even score against Brazil. You'd think with over 1,000,000,000 people they could find an all-star lineup.






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I was never much of a soccer fan, but i would be lying if i said i didn't play soccer pc games. One of the funnest sports games i've ever played on the pc were soccer related.


And i always happened to be a fan of Brazil...so that's who i guess i'll be rooting for.


No harm in hoping the best for the USA too!!!


Go USA! :D

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Originally posted by Clefo

(One upset Tie) :D And they probably won't have any more "upsets" since oddsmakers have them finishing second in their group to Portugal




Thank you :)


not my ass :D


[british accent] Goooo england!! [/british accent]

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Originally posted by Artoo

I just started watching soccer so I don't know who to root for. But I watched the Italy Croatia game yesterday and that was pretty exciting. Soccer is a whole lot better than any other sport on right now. Who I'm dissapointed in is China simply because there are over 1 billion people in their country and they can't manage to find enough to talent to even score against Brazil. You'd think with over 1,000,000,000 people they could find an all-star lineup.







China is making its debut in the world cup, and the game has only recently been taken seriously in their country. I expect that the national team will go from strength to strength in the coming years.


As for me COME ON ENGLAND!!!


Realistically I think Italy will win it, they look to have the most balanced side with quality in all areas.

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Yeah, they do.

They're also 'star-players' in foreign teams who have such an incredibly high salary (million a month, anyone ?), that any real motivation is gone.

Of course they're denying it, but i find it utterly sad that we're supposed to have this great team, and then lose from all sorts of countries that would stand no chance whatsoever in the World Cup.


We need a new national team where only talented players are selected that don't have those multi-million contracts that seem synonymous with slumping on the pitch.


**steps off soapbox**

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

Yeah, they do.

They're also 'star-players' in foreign teams who have such an incredibly high salary (million a month, anyone ?), that any real motivation is gone.

Of course they're denying it, but i find it utterly sad that we're supposed to have this great team, and then lose from all sorts of countries that would stand no chance whatsoever in the World Cup.


We need a new national team where only talented players are selected that don't have those multi-million contracts that seem synonymous with slumping on the pitch.


**steps off soapbox**


LOL Leon!!! :D


I would probably be just as harsh on England if they hadn't qualified, but Holland had a very difficult group to get through. Portugal and Ireland took the qualifying spots. The match that Holland lost to Ireland was incredible. Ireland had literally one shot on goal, whilst Holland hit the post on numerous occasions, forced superb saves and completely dominated the match.


'Its a funny old game' is the only phrase that comes to mind.


But I don't think I would question the Dutch players attitude. They have always seemed one of the more determined nations.

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i used to think like you about the Dutch team, but hearing them explain defeats over and over, it just made me sick. It basically never is their fault. After all, they play for .... (insert team here) !

Really, it's just pathetic.

Dominating a match means you have to score a goal. Near goals may look nice on tv, but are the result of a striker's failure.

Wide is still wide.

That's what's wrong with the Dutch team; they fail to acknowledge that they simply didn't play right, especially in those qualifying matches.

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