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So, what do you think the new planets going to be?

Ulic Quel Droma

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I doubt Hoth and Dagobah. Since the only thing on Hoth is the rebel base, and it's supposed to be secret, and I don't even think it is up and running during the timeframe of the game, there is really no reason for it to be there. Dagobah ahs the same lack of meaning to it. Bespin, however, is possible.

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what? when did you read this article... cause we all here .. at least many of us read the news flashes on other sites :D... they are usual a bit more up to date then a magazine. the Devs said that the space expansion will come out ONE YEAR later then the game wich is released in December.


sorry pal :D


-Wraith 8-

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Hmm.. we have a desert planet (tatooine), a wooden planet (Endor), an temperate planet (corellia) and a jungle planet (naboo). Perhaps then we could get a water planet with a future underwater patch (mon calamari, hopefully. I don't want to fraternize with gungans. In my dreams, the emperor kills every single sign of life on Naboo in ep3, just for the hell of it).


Hoth would be something different, but the lack of life on it would make it pretty boring. How about a really big asteroid, settled by miners, with scary wildlife (mynocks and space slugs would only be the beginning!)? The lack of an athmosphere and normal gravity, coupled with a bucketload of burly miners and pirates would make it an odd and exciting place. Again, Bespin is another nice place for miners, with it's own limits (hmm.. building houses on Bespin? On the platforms, or what?)

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Hmm..yes, Kessel could be a fun place for all factions:


Imperials: Walk around. Guard prisoners. Beat down prison breaks with relentless force. Eat some cake. Laugh at the foolish miner slaves.


Hutt: A popular end of the line for captured bounties? Walk around. Get paid to beat down prisoners. Eat some cake. Laugh at the foolish miner slaves.


Rebels: It's heroic time! Infiltrate! Rescue! Prison breaks! Cake! Laugh at the foolish miner slaves!


Kessel would be fun, yes. And cake-y.

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  • 3 weeks later...

yes it had pod racing in episode 1 acording to Qui Gon Jinn.

BUT. the devs said that at release there will be no pod racing... and they said that there is already a game for that.... so i have a funny feeling no podracing will be there....


new planet will come.. a few days back the dev made an error while talking.. so th new planet will be there soon.


my guess.... is ...... Dantooine

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wow, you read my mind :) just noticed this thread and was thinking dantooine the whole time. let's see it has good wildlife, moderate weather, and good reasons for both the imps and the rebs to be there. and cake :D. Just for the heck of it I'll sugest Byss as a posible world, or how about Obraki-Sa (sp?) oh, oh, oh.... how about Myrkr!

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How about the home plant of the Hutts, Nal Hutta. Eh, what about it? A good palce for the bounty hunters tho base themselves not to mention to a n excellent place to deliver those bounties that may be wanted alive... if you catch my drift...;)

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