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So, what do you think the new planets going to be?

Ulic Quel Droma

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you heard the interview right? :D me too.. they are introducing a new planet soon....


and for the guys that said there would be 3 plabets... Haden in the interview said they will start of with 8 or 12 planets on the release.... so not 3 :D


i think they will introduce Hoth....


Kashyyk and Voruscant is to hard to do..... i think.


sire i hope they will bring Coruscant.. that would be SO cool :D

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it wont be corusant. i think it was on the official page in the interview about planet selection where the devs addressed the corusant situation. they said something to the effect that right now, they wont be making corusant. they said it would take too much power from the comp and that it would have little return. they said that everyone would want to just fly around in its coolness, rather than do stuff there. really if you think about it, its not logical to make the entire planet. theres not that much you can do in the game (though there is more in this one than any other...) to make in entire planet where there is something going on in every part of it. i think if they ever make corusant, it will only be a small fraction of it for some imperial theme park or something...

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Hoth would be horrible. We've had this discussion before. I think there could be much better places:


The floating cities of Mon Cal. The giant buildings of Coruscant or Nar Shadda.


I would like to see Nal Hutta. It has a different terrain (a lot of swamp) and HUGE gameplay possibilities.

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I agree with argy, while it would be cool, Imperial Centre will possibly never appear in SWG, unless there is an expansion totally devoted only to the entire planet. Imp. Centre is soo complex and huge that even a small part of it would strain all but the meatiest computers...


It's possible that they'll do another lawless planet, like Ord Mantell or something, and semi-imperial planet with a small rebel and Hutt presence, or they may even do Nal Hutta (Hutt homeworld) if they haven't already said that it'll be in?

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People, people. You seem to forget that they are not making a whole planet, only a small portion of them (256 km^2). :D


Still, when it comes to Coruscant, even this modest area would be a huge file size. Not only would every squaremeter be covered with some kind of building (that is, if they don't just make it from the rooftops of the lower parts of Coruscant), but they would rise extremly high in the air. Not to mention all the traffic going on. :(


I'd love to see Coruscant, even if it was only a guided tour thru parts of it. :)


HEY!!! Maybe we should suggest that to the Devs? :)

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guys guys... i think you have to think of other thinbgs than would be cool :D


The devs havent chosen on player vehicles yet..... so supose they wont be in the game on release... no speeders..... what use woul;d Coruscant or Bespin be?


now it would be a lot easier to put them in the space expansion.... me thinks :D


-Wraith 8-

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Time for a Bobo Fart Bobodate!




9.01 Will I be able to own a vehicle?


That's the plan. Fantastic vehicles are part of Star Wars and we wouldn't want to deprive fans of this element. We're hoping to include a number of different vehicles for players to buy, use, and modify.


9.02 Will there be a vehicle-based weapons?


Yes, we plan to support them. For the initial release, we're going to only let vehicles have one nose-mounted weapon though.


9.03 What will happen to my vehicles when I log out?


Vehicles are planned to stick around for a while if left unattended, but not forever. The safe way to keep hold of your vehicle is to store it, and we're going to provide ways to do that.



Taken from the Official websites FAQ


That should be it about Vehicles

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No, bobo. There's things that are not in the FAQ. Lately, the devs has said that due to time limits, speeders and swoops might not be in the initial release. That is, it will be implemented after a while. We will propably know more about this later.


But don't trust that FAQ only. It is not always up do date, or comprehensive. But I'll give you a B+ for the effort! ;)

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I bet the new planet is going to be KoffinWorld. Its a little known systen just left of the core. You can see it in episode IV. When Han first takes the group to Alderan and enters lightspeed. Its in the starsystem that fly's by outside the right window panel. Its a pretty cool planet from what I heard. And the guy they named it after isnt that bad either. After all they did name a planet after him didnt they?

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ARGH ****!

Man i atleast thought A- because it was very observent and my detail on the work, i just didnt have the Updated information!

But i never heard about this vehicle thing! So its not for sure we will havespeeders in the GAME! Then i wont neeed to make a garage in my house!


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WTF THEy STARED OUT MY ****! TEY DIDIT AGAIN! People are gonna think im swearing now! i mean wiyth words like **** and DICK! ****! FUKIN HELL!

is this star outable! :D

Excuse my unecesarry profanity, or whatever the word is! i was just testing the star thing please do not be offended about my use of language.

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That's ok, just don't do it again. :D


It's not like we never gonna have speeders and swoopbikes in the game. Just maybe not from the first release. I'd say, maybe a month or 2 after. I don't get it really why not from the start, but I see no problem with it. People won't afford to buy a swoop bike, much less a speeder, from the start anyway. Speeders easally cost 2-3000 Credits I'm guessing - maybe even more.

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