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bow down?


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Last time someone kept me from bowing, I simply pulled to backstab from hell. (of course they left the server right after that happened). Do us all a favor and let us play the game we like. Its star wars, we can bow if we like. Rush and Die.

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Originally posted by knyte

Bowing, worthless. I love throwing the DFA when someone bows down in front of me. You people arent Jedis, you never will be, its a game, stop wasting duel time, kill eachother.


Fortuantely many of us have been bowing for some time, and have learned how to dispatch with silly people who try to DFA us...thanks for the free hit :wavey:

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Originally posted by knyte

Bowing, worthless. I love throwing the DFA when someone bows down in front of me. You people arent Jedis, you never will be, its a game, stop wasting duel time, kill eachother.


heh, unfortunately many people who bow are skilled people and will kick your ass (like me;)) then i'll kick you from my server


DFA is easy to counter....just push the person...or backstab them while they are in the "crouch" position

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Bowing, worthless. I love throwing the DFA when someone bows down in front of me. You people arent Jedis, you never will be, its a game, stop wasting duel time, kill eachother.


I absolutely love killing people like you. I will bow before every fight whether I like the person or not. It adds a little realism to the game and shows you have honour - something which you obviously lack. DFAing someone who bows you is soooo cheap and if that is the only way you can kill someone, well, god help you!


Lexx :leia:

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not to be a prick or anything, but i don't remember one time in any movie or EU book, never, ever heard of a jedi bowing.


If i'm in a duel and the person bows, i do a quick bow back, no more no less.... Guess i'm not into it as some are, which is cool. I don't even say "gf" at the end, unless it was a really good fight that i will remember for along time. Only had maybe 3 of them since the game came out.





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DFA= Death from above. Heavy stance "finisher" move.



I figure there are 3 types of people in this world. The actors, the reactors, and non-responsive.


I'm a reactor, that's why i'm better in FPS than RPGs. You bow, i will bow. It's not a question of honor for me. Hell you could be the bully who spilled jello in my pants back in high school.





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Duels have the most romaticism of all in this game, that's why I love em'. Face it, people play games to escape the drudge that is reality. I don't wanna sound like some all-depressed little goth boy (even though I uh...am lol), but the purpose of these games is to retreat into our own little world for a few minutes or all night or all week lol. Games provide us a way to temporarily abandon ourselves and all the daily BS of our lives and take on the persona of the little character we're running around as. It doesn't matter what game you play. It's not fun unless you totally get into it. Yeah, we're not Jedi, and we're not Sith. But for that little amount of time we take each day to open this game up and immerse ourselves in it, we are Jedi and Sith. As far as bowing goes, I'm into it. My guy won't bow down to anyone, because I'm into that all-scary Sith persona junk. But I give time for the other to bow, and I always nod my head as if to beckon for a challenging and worthy match.

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Originally posted by lexx

Magnus - DFA is Death From Above. It is a Red stance special move. Press attack and when the saber is behind you, press forward and jump.


Twins of Doom has a great guide on his site for all the n00b questions you have!




Lexx :leia:


heh, i don't even have to advertise anymore, other people do it for me!!!



this one tells you all the common abbreviations of the game;)

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heh, i don't even have to advertise anymore, other people do it for me!!!


Thank you would be nice!:(


Duels have the most romaticism of all in this game, that's why I love em'. Face it, people play games to escape the drudge that is reality. I don't wanna sound like some all-depressed little goth boy (even though I uh...am lol), but the purpose of these games is to retreat into our own little world for a few minutes or all night or all week lol. Games provide us a way to temporarily abandon ourselves and all the daily BS of our lives and take on the persona of the little character we're running around as. It doesn't matter what game you play. It's not fun unless you totally get into it. Yeah, we're not Jedi, and we're not Sith. But for that little amount of time we take each day to open this game up and immerse ourselves in it, we are Jedi and Sith. As far as bowing goes, I'm into it. My guy won't bow down to anyone, because I'm into that all-scary Sith persona junk. But I give time for the other to bow, and I always nod my head as if to beckon for a challenging and worthy match.


Well said!!

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if someone bows to me, i'll do it back. if someone doesnt, then hey, i dont mind either way. if someone gets all upity cause i dont have enough "honour" and starts throwing abuse my way, then i wont hesitate to backslash em while they're typing, pull/push them around, anything dishonourable i can, because they lowered it to that level with abuse.


by the same token, if someone does something to me which is just really ... cheap, i'll pull/slash them every chance i get, but generally i play nice :)

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Thank you would be nice!


thank you lexx



and about bowing, i bow at the start of the duel...if i'm going to be playing them like 5 times (like in my demos with leelink) i'll only bow once at the start because it starts to get boring bowing to the same person like 5 times (like um....40 times in my duels with leelink if we had done that:eek: )

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Its a iffy thing with me nowadays after my corruption....


A few weeks ago I would always bow at the start of matchs, and on 2 life servers, at the start of each round in a match. Lately it depends on how serious of a mood im in, which due to corruption has been a really playful mood.


But in general I will bow, i wont attack you if your saber is off, ill let you type, let you get up saftly after a fall into a pit, and so on.


Generally ill play around with ya, unless you manage to piss me off. Then ill feel some of that old seriousness and just go for the kill straight out, forgot playing around.

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