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Monkey Island The Movie

guybrush guy

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Me and my friends are making a movie about monkey island,


In the movie, I dont want to make la Chuck the bad guy.


I want him to be good/bad at the same time


I want the bad guy to be someone that was in the first or second monkey island


the charicture should be someone that guybrush did somthing wrong to.


Like the monkey that held onto the Qtip in the first one and then you found out he died in the fourth one


this is probley not making any sence to you. Im not exactly sure it makes sence to me.



or maybe i should make the monkey the bad guy


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I'm confused. Are you gonna act in this or is just gonna be animated? And HOW thE heLL Is ThIs GOnna GEt mADE?? But if somehow you do make the movie, i wish you luck.



P.S. The monkey died hanging from the totem pole thingy, not the q-tip

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did he? i have not played the game in over a year


Im not sure if it's going to be animated or not,

I am a realy good drawer and i can probley pull it off


I have the equipment for the animation but converting the animation to a tape would be hard


but if it is live action then i can video edit and it would not take as long



heres an other quiestion. If i put it up on the internet would you watch it?

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I have a peg board for layout, a light table, all the pencils and drawing utensils i need.

a frame compialer (it takes your drawing and make's a flip book and then you can upload them to a computer)


i have a lot of resorces because i go to a trade school for animation (2d and 3d)


p.s. any ides would be appreacted

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i want to, i think it is going to be verry cool and i have decided that im going to do live action instead of animation. My friend travis looks just like La Chuck and my friend steve looks almost like guybrush, but were going to die his hair blond and wala you got yourself some monkey mayham.

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what is it that you dont beleve,

My friend travis is raley big and has bad acne. All i have to do is put some face paint on him.

My friend steve is tall and skiny and has short/long black hair I could brobley bleach his hair and put it in a ponytale, if he lets me


and what the are you talking about? what is big brother?

who's gona shutdown?

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There is, of course, the following points to consider when making a live action Monkey Island movie:

1. You really need that thing known as THE OCEAN.

2. You need what is known as a BOAT even more.

3. Being set in the age of sail, a GALLEON is necessary.

4. You also need, call me a fool, some MONKEYS.


And some little problems you might encounter:

1. Yes, I know "it surrounds you on all sides", but you do need access to the sea.

2. Boat's aren't cheap old son.

3. Galleons haven't been in production for over 100 years. Therefore, to gain access to one, you either have to commission one (very expensive) or get an antique one (equally expensive)

4. Monkey's - well, they don't sell 'em at the supermarket do they?


Assuming, though it isn't a safe assumption, that you succeed in solving these problems, then there is still Lucas Legal to contend with. Have no doubts, if you make this movie and distribute it in any way, they will sue you.

Big Brother... ok. Have you ever heard of George Orwell? He wrote a novel called 1984. Big Brother is the name given to the security system that is constantly monitoring people. Hence, that reality TV series where people are constantly filmed is called - Big Brother. Genius.

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I think a live-action MI would be a bad idea. But, having said that, I'd like to point out that there are numerous sea-worthy sailing vessels in existence, many built for movies. For instance, I believe that the Bounty from the 1935 version of Mutiny on the Bounty is still afloat.


And, BTW, why are you (LT) so insistent that a ship be a galleon? They're a little too early for any of the periods MI is likely to be set in.

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The Bounty may well be still afloat, but how much do you think its gonna cost to hire? Not £5 a hour, thats for sure. I'm not saying a major production would have a problem getting a ship, just guybrush guy and his mates.

1. The verb coin thing from CMI has a date on it. It corresponds to the time in which Galleons were afloat.

2. All pirates were either English or Spanish (ok, there were others, but shuddup) and the Spanish had Spanish Galleons.

3. The only kind of ships back then were wooden. A good deal of the design of a wooden ship can be likened to that of a Galleon.

4. The Mad Monkey looks like a Galleon.

5. As does the majority of the ships in CMI - especially LeChuck's.


I think its the design at the back that is the key. The kind of boxed of captains cabin, with the stairs on either side leading to the bowswains wheel.


Here, I have selected some photos for you to compare (I hope The World of Monkey Island is ok with me linking these images)


MI Ships





Real Ships / Paintings






There are a few similarities, you'll see.

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In the last days we were discussing a Monkey Island Movie in another forum and tried to find good actors. What do you think:


Guybrush Threepwood - ??? (Ben Stiller? Tobey MaGuire?)

Elaine Marley - Natalie Portman (she is so hot! ;) )

LeChuck - Jack Nicholson? Dustin Hoffman (like Hook)? Tim Curry?

Wally - Rick Moranis

Sword Master - Angelina Jolie

Voodoo Lady - Roseanne Barr / Whoopie Goldberg (both digitally modified)

Captain Dread - Eddie Murphy

Herman Toothrot - Michael Palin

Stan - Jim Carrey (of course!)


Das Jan

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I always thought Johnny Depp would be a cool Guybrush. Michael J Fox would have been better, but he's got Parkinsons so he's out.

Whoopie would be a great voodoo lady I think.

LeChuck - I don't think Dustin would be right, or Jack. They aint fat enough. Tim Curry would be ok, he was a good pirate in the Muppet Treasure Island.

Elaine - I always thought that the woman who played Elaine in Seinfeld would be cool. Maybe not, I dunno. Deffo not Portman though - she is hot, but I don't really see her as Elaine.

Wally - should not be in it! I hate him so much. Luckily, so do Stemmle and Clark. I mean, even Ron tried to kill him off!

Jim Carrey would be brilliant as Stan.

Herman Toothrot - well, Michael Palin would be ok.... I'm sure there's someone better though.


How about Joe Pesci as Largo? I think Figo (Portugese footy player) looks like Largo, but he prob. can't act and is too tall.

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first of all!


i just a movie for fun, Im not going to spend a lot of money for it.(probley about 300-400$)

i fixed the problem with monkeys. My friend collects pupet monkey's, but she only has four or five (you know the ones you can move there mouths by sticking your hand in there back)


i'm 17 years old i dont have resorces and i dont have acess to a car just yet, i get my lisence in 30 days


you dont need a boat, i'm just going to film at the beach alot during the summer and by then i will have my lisence.


right now i'm on page 7 in the script and i am probley going to do 30-40 pages and am just getting past the dialog


but thanx for the help

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Good ideas, LucasTones!

Originally posted by LucasTones

Elaine - I always thought that the woman who played Elaine in Seinfeld would be cool. Maybe not, I dunno. Deffo not Portman though - she is hot, but I don't really see her as Elaine.

Look at tomb raider. Jolie wasn't chosen because she fitted so well into the role, she was chosen because she was hot! And Natalie Portman is WAY hotter!

Originally posted by LucasTones

How about Joe Pesci as Largo? I think Figo (Portugese footy player) looks like Largo, but he prob. can't act and is too tall.

Figo? Isn't that the guy who wasn't able to reach the round of sixteen today? But yeah, he IS Largo, you are right!


See you in the final,

Das Jan

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ok, i can solve everyone's problems with this little deal here, ok, guybrush guy, you and your pals make a live action/animated movie, it doesn't have to be good, infact the worse it is the better, use your ability to draw to "super-impose" ships (galleons) and ghosts and other things you can't afford into the film... still with me? Ok then others could do similar "fan films" ok, and bam we kicked it up a notch. Next thing you know atomfilms.com will make an entire section call Monkey Island Fan films, then before you know it they will judge the best ones and all the winners will be shown on TV (probably through techTV) and they will get Dominic Armato or Ron Gilbert to host it and we can all live happily ever after...

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1. You can't post it on the internet because it is copyrighted

2. Leave it to professionals

3. It should be animated/3-D

4. It should be produced by lucasfilm

5. It would bomb like all movies based on computer games:(


btw, How might I post this at the bottom of my posts?


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Do you like the sig though?


Originally posted by guybrush guy

right now i'm on page 7 in the script and i am probley going to do 30-40 pages and am just getting past the dialog

You probaly could use one of these, but that might be copyright infringment.


btw, How might I put a picture underneath my name? (noobie alert)

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