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sabrelock followup


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sabrelocks are my friend because, well, i always win. always.

i guess its quick fingers (which used to be far more useful in games 10+ years ago or so) in combination with a good mouse.


so anytime i get a sabrelock, i smile, because i know the outcome beforehand.

however, im not as good as taking advantage of my opponents falling to the ground as i am actually getting them to the ground.


when having beaten someone down in a sabrelock, i usually go for the strong-stance forward+attack+jump combo (because the backstab is already overused in this game) but usually the opponent is outta there before i manage to plunge them.


does anyone else have a better followup attack after having beaten an opponent down after a sabrelock? tips?

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Turn off your saber while they're lying on the ground, you have already showed dominance by winning the saberlock. I usually just let them suffer on the ground, and sometimes even get a nod of approval or a minor "thx" for this gesture.


BTW, since I'm left-handed I have a special technique of clicking on the mouse extremely fast, and also most of the time win my saberlocks. If you really wanted to hurt them while they're defenceless, I'd say you should stick with a normal saberswing or two. Or kick them silly :D

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thanks for your tips, both of you.


cjais: honorful, i guess. but that doesnt deplete their health ; ) i figure ive earned the right to chop them lying down by winning the sabrelock.


bigmexican: throwing is an alternative, but probably the cheapest one. i guess there is a fine line to be drawn between an effective and a cheap move.

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Hehe I usually win saber locks because I make my hand convulse like im having a seizure. I don't like to attack people when I have knocked them down after a lock, though. I think it's mean to do that. Plus my hand needs time to recover.


P.S. Remember in 1.02 when you could turn off your saber during a saber lock? That was hilarious!



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Arg I hate saber throw. Some people's attitude is, "Why should I bother using the lightsaber to hit people with, when I could just throw it at them all the time?"


I don't see how someone can think that killing people by saber throwing and putting their guard down with a pull is not cheap. Grrrr . . . . you're forced to roll all over and act like an idiot to avoid it.



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for once i'd like to read a post without the words; lame, cheap, cheat





As a follow up do a kick, then a throw. Or if you really wanna piss em off, after they fall, walk to em taunting. But get ready to swallow your foot if they kill ya.

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Haha, stand there and TwIrL your saber!!! :)




What I do (since i seem to have the same prob and be too slow to be reliable) is jus stand there and wait... Maybe strafe-circle around them like i might see a Jedi doing... If i take force heal or something and need to pump up my health, i might take the opportunity to do so, but usually i let them get up and circle round cinematically, or something like that...


Or if i'm playing dark, which is not usual for me (but since it's just the dark thing to do) zap them good!!!

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Originally posted by karismatik

Haha, stand there and TwIrL your saber!!! :)



You are right, karismatik. You should see the fear in people's eyes when I do this now. There is nothing like twirling your saber to convey the deadly and fear-inspiring message, "Look at me, I am twirling my saber."




I love the way you spelled "twirl." TwIrL!! Wheeee!!!!



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