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You Might Be A Engineer If.....

Boba Rhett

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. . . you have no life and can prove it mathematically.


. . . you enjoy pain.


. . . you know vector calculus but you can’t remember how to do long division.


. . . you’ve actually ever used every single function on your graphing calculator.


. . . when you look in the mirror, you see an engineering major.


. . . it is sunny and 70 degrees outside, and you are working on a computer.


. . . you frequently whistle the theme song to “MacGyver.”


. . . you know how to integrate a chicken and can take the derivative of water.


. . . you hesitate to look at something because you don’t want to break down its wave function.


. . . you have a pet named after a scientist.


. . . you laugh at jokes about mathematicians.


. . . you can translate English into Binary.


. . . you are completely addicted to caffeine.


. . . you’ll assume that a “horse” is a “sphere” in order to make the math easier.


. . . you understood more than five of these indicators.


. . . you make a hard copy of this list and post it on your office door.


. . . you know the glass is neither half full nor half empty; it's simply twice as big as it needs to be.


. . . you have ever taken the back off your TV just to see what's inside


. . . you own one or more white short-sleeve dress shirts


. . . you are aware that computers are actually only good for playing games, but are afraid to say it out loud


. . . you have ever saved the power cord from a broken appliance


. . . you have ever purchased an electronic appliance "as-is"


. . . the salespeople at Circuit City can't answer any of your questions


. . . you have introduced your kids by the wrong name


. . . you have a habit of destroying things in order to see how they work


. . . you can type 70 words a minute but can't read your own handwriting


. . . you thought the real heroes of "Apollo 13" were the mission controllers "They were, dammit!" :D


. . . while in college you thought Spring Break was metal fatigue failure





*gets off of floor and wipes tears away from eyes*


They aren't joking about most of those things, guys. Those indicators are basically spot on. :D



If you think of any more, feel free to add them!



I'll leave you with one final joke,


Q: What do engineers use for birth control?

A: Their personalities. :D

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I fit a couple, and understand a few more, but I've nothing to do with more of the advanced ones (like Calculus, though I am teaching it to myself in my spare time at work *ACK*). I have had a couple ferrets named after moons of Jupiter... maybe I'm an astronomer...



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