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I'm used to seeing this line coming from people who are waiting to duel on FFA servers. But lately I've noticed more and more people using force powers to attack people or throw them off ledges, and even turning their saber off in the midst of a fight and running while punching their "S4B3R 0FF = P34C3!!" hotkeys.


What's really laughable is that after killing them I'm often the recipient of ">WTF u r ghey my saber was down you ****ing **** lamer", and sometimes they'll spend minutes at a time flaming away.


It's always been my opinion that someone loses the "peace" privilege when they use force powers to attack someone, and that turning saber off in the midst of a fight and expecting a clean getaway is ridiculous.


Generally speaking: I don't attack people who are just standing there with saber down doing nothing, or waiting for duels, or typing. I do kill people who stand around drop-offs waiting to push or grip people off as they run past(ie, near the ysalamir on ffa_deathstar); I do kill people who run into a crowd with saber off to get off a backsweep and then turn it off again; I do kill people who try to push people into garbage crushers and similar traps; and not only do I throw a saber into the undefended ass of someone who suddenly kills his saber in a fight and spams "S4B3R 0FF = P34C3!!" while running away, but I'm gonna laugh like crazy while doing so too.


So, am I just being a jackass here, or does anyone agree?

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I agree with you.


But, do you think this guy is a Backstab whore?(for some reason I am Whore-calling alot this morning)


I was playing the duel of the fates map.I was stuck at the first generator shield.I looked to the pit,and a guy came,went behind me,showed my ass his ass,and then backstabed me.I said he was a whore.I then went near the pit later,and he went behind me and I backstab him and he said it was just as bad as his.Both times I stood still.Was he a whore?

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i agree on that... the only time i turn of my saber is to hide to get some more force back so i can going aroung jumping :) but even then i'm aware of where the other/s in the duel are so i can protect my self if they come... ppl shouldn't expect peace in such a fight... do what you can and if you don't... then you'll die ;)

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I won't attack a person if they bow, I don't mess with people waiting for their turn or just watching a duel, or are in a corner "afk", but putting your saber down in the middle of a fight is pretty damn stupid, and if you get killed you deserved it.


/edit that was not a flame at the above reply, Burner made a good point about having to be aware of the other players.


Putting your saber down and running away for health pretty much puts a "bounty" on your head as far as I am concerned. When players do this to me, I pretty much go after them exclusively for the rest of the game.


As far as attacking players with their sabers down who are on their way to the "duel part" of the FFA map, it all depends on their behavior. If they have never attacked a player on their way there, I leave them alone. If I see them fighting throughout the entire map, they are fair game, saber or no saber.


The "chat icon shield" can be pretty annoying too. I see players all the time stop in the middle of their opponents swing and start typing "hp?” They get hit, die and then flame away "type killer!”


You want to type, go to spec mode or find an isolated room/corner that is not directly in the path of other players.

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Hehe Thats nothing...



After wiping the floor with this guy and his padawn(about 3 7-1 duel games), I'm fighting the master and he basicly getting his ass beat. Anyway when he has just 2 hps he turns his saber off and says to kill him. After I think about it for a minute I fly at him w/ a heavy lunge. Somewhere between me flying at him and him turning around he pulls off a backstab. Choping my 100/25 ass down to the floor. Then in rage I come back and slice his ass when kneeling. Ok, not the most mature thin to do, but he promised me a free kill and I made him deliver... Also choped his padawan up.





(Looks innocent)What?

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well you are stupid if you aren't aware of where you enemies are... its just that when you turn of the saber when you run for force/health that either they spots you and charges you or you are lucky enough that they won't see you and then you are so mucher harder to spot.... after i usually have got about half filled up in force i normally charge in again hoping to take them off surprise... don't work very often :rolleyes: but hey if it works then it works ;) there is nothing so irrating as if you are using the medium style and tries use the forward+attack+jump and you haven't got enough force to jump high enough...

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Originally posted by SeraphimII

Hehe Thats nothing...



After wiping the floor with this guy and his padawn(about 3 7-1 duel games), I'm fighting the master and he basicly getting his ass beat. Anyway when he has just 2 hps he turns his saber off and says to kill him. After I think about it for a minute I fly at him w/ a heavy lunge. Somewhere between me flying at him and him turning around he pulls off a backstab. Choping my 100/25 ass down to the floor. Then in rage I come back and slice his ass when kneeling. Ok, not the most mature thin to do, but he promised me a free kill and I made him deliver... Also choped his padawan up.





(Looks innocent)What?




Murderer....you are a whore,and evil ghey whore!!!;)

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Vader said it best when Luke turned off his saber. "You are unwise to lower your defenses!" Then he took a heavy swipe at lukes ass.


If saber off equals peace, what's all the fighting about? People who want peace should play Sim City. Not a game with the word "WARS" in the title.


If saber off equals peace, then does that mean on a guns allowed server anybody not holding down the fire button on their imperial blaster wants peace?

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there are some who really mean peace and others who just do it for tricking others or whatever...so can't really be helped...

sometimes i get irritated too and start scolding them but they'd just say i was bluffing...

these are only saber only servers...


what to do?


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That's right, turning the sabre off makes you a bit more stealth. When playing CTF at "Warring Factions" helps to get to enemy flag using upper ways.


2 Masonis - If I where you, I'd do the same.


2 CapNColostomy - right, but if people have a duel match on a FFA server, then the "sabre off" rule should be respected, don't you think?


Basically, turning sabre off as a "saving throw" is cheap, it's like sweeping the chessfigures off the board when losing a game of chess.

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you wanna type and not get killed?

type while you're dead or roll the dice and hope you found a good enough place to hide, there's no "base" here.


FFA = no quarter


saber up, down, whatever - if you're upright, you're fair game.


retarded conventions like this are...well, retarded.

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Well, all your responses pretty much confirmed my thoughts that such behavior was more of an exception than the rule.


Maybe those that practice it should change their macro to say "Hold on a sec, I'm gonna run upstairs and grab a bacta can real quick, OK? Remember, S4B3R 0FF = P34C3!!"


At least, it'd give everyone something to laugh about when you chop their ass down. :D

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Well, I was in a server where a guy did the 'sabreoff peace blah blah', and said not to attack, then he tried to grip me and throw me off the catwalk...

Absorb+sidekick over the catwalk! :D


Although I agree, it gets really annoying sometimes. If they attack me with their sabre down, I throw my sabre at em or hit 'em with the medium finisher of blue lunge.

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this has happened to me many times.. someone will turn there saber off and say wait.. ohh here they come walking towards me with there SABER OFF then turn around and backstab me like a ass then theres this guy that turns his saber off so i stop then he grips me off the platform as fast as he could... then theres this FFA Game... where this guy turns his saber off in the middle of a 8 people saber ffa expecting no sabers to hit him.. then he floods saber off = peace.. i mean wtf if ur gonna turn ur saber off like a little baby and expect not to get hit then go somewhere away from the fights

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my saber is off all the time anyways

i only ignite it to fight and defend

once the actions over andi deem its safe, off it goes.


1) no glow

2) no humming

3) no fizzing noise when it goes against walls


only thing that appears to be "peace" to me is if they hit the "-" key and got no weapon out and/or they're looking at their feet.

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I'm a duelist. Even on the damned FFAs most of my kills are racked up from duels. So yeah, I'm an avid follower of the sabers down = peace. Don't get me wrong, if I join a server that doesn't say to follow the sabers down rule, then I expect no quarter to be given. It's always been my philosophy that you follow the server's rules. There's a server out there for every kind of game. People connect to each unique server to play the kind of game they want to. This makes things more enjoyable for everybody. If the server doesn't specify sabers down, then cauterize and anally rape every single player out there to your heart's content regardless of their saber status. But if the server says sabers down, you better damned well follow it.


Just tonight I had fun dealing with two seperate guys on the nice people only server. A few of us were messing around in the Death Star map by those buttons for the garbage masher and superlaser. We had two guys that would just come barelling at all the players with sabers down, and they charged me. I didn't even have to tell the other guys what to do. I gripped the bastard, dragged him to the laser spot, and one of the other guys promptly hit the button.:D They didn't learn either. They came right back to us and tried it again, and I made it my personal mission to dedicate the whole game to cheaply gripping the fags and sticking em' in the masher or laser. It's so fun screwing with the simple-minded. :p


Not that I normally chill by all the level traps with sabers down to score some free kills on the unawares. I've just been known from time to time to be the personal satan of people who disregard the rules on that server. I agree though, I can't stand the people who abuse the sabers down rule expecting to ditch in the middle of a fight to power back up, or to trick people into kills. They definately lose their sabers down rights. That rule was originally intended for the masses of people you'll sometimes get waiting for the duels. The abusers are just as bad as the ones who don't follow the rule in the first place.

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