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my job...


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God, I just worked my first day, and it was hard. I had to watch 4 hours of training movies... I can't see straight... Anyways, I work at Burger King. Believe it or not, it isn't too bad. I get a free meal for every shift :D and I also get a half hour break for every 5 hours of work :D Life isn't too bad... but I almost forgot how to make a whopper LOL

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

and I also get a half hour break for every 5 hours of work


I find this very disturbing ... My breakes when I start working at 4 pm:


4:00 - 5:40 work

5:40 - 6:00 20 minutes break

6:00 - 7:30 work

7:30 - 8:00 30 minutes break

8:00 - 9:40 work

9:40 - 10:00 20 minutes break

10:00 - prox. 12.00 work


So that's a break every 1.5 hours (little more) or so ... But than again, I work at the Netherlands biggest mail-order company.

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Hmmm...i think that i never want to work at a fast food place. Everyone i know that has says that they will never eat there again after they finish.


I don't really have a job. I do a little work for my dad with some web design and a little prgramming, and i've also done some work at a country club helping teach tennis clinics for little kids. I don't know if i want a job at some store, i'm not sure whether they will look favorably on me taking off a couple days almost every week to play in tennis tournaments.

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Originally posted by Eets'chula



For a second there, I thought you were gonna say you got hired by the FBI and they wanted you to design computer games for Westwood :D


Congrats on getting a job, HA ;)



*cough* Delphi*cough*:D


BTW, I'm still waiting for that SW mod for RA2...and RA3 for that matter...I wonder why that title hasn't been anounced? Delphi was working on it only a year ago...hmmm...:D


*sorry had to get that out of my system*

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Every time I sit down at McDonalds (which is not very often now because I never sit down at fast food restraunts much because of this next fact) the tables are COVERED in greese! Plus there is usually salt all over the table and the seat...well lkets just say you never can tell what your going to find that somebody dropped there. The floors are somewhat better because you ALLWAYS see somebody cleaning off the floors or in the restrooms. Most of the time I come in marginally clean and I leave with a coat of greese from the table. Really bugs me...

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I dont even go near McDonalds anymore because of the horrible stench radiating out from it. The food there is so disgusting that if i ever have to go i never get meat and i try to hold my breath, no joke!


My favorite fast food restaraunts are Wendy's and Chick-fil-a. Chick-fil-a is clean and Wendy's is alright, the food is good at both. The rest i stay away from mostly except BoJangles.

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I mostly stray away from McDonalds and Burger King and go to Wendys..


Speaking of McDonalds: Who are they thinking calling it a "Flatbread" sandwhich, any idiot can tell thats a soft taco with a fancy name!

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My very first Job in High School was working at Wendy's, so I can relate some Heavyarms! That was a long time ago, but I still remember the smell like it was yesterday! ;)


By the way, for all of you who said you stay away from McDonalds and like Wendy's...


I could ruin Wendy's for you by telling you where the Chili meat comes from...


but I won't! After all, I still enjoy Wendy's to this very day (7 years later)! :D

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