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You have no honor foolish Padawans!!


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Originally posted by Tsuguri

Superman is a pansy. He has all of these powers, yet he gets defeated by a business man, and I could take you all on. So bring it on!


Dude you seem to have a distort vision on things...


Currently you are in a 6 foot hole, us three standing over it, burying you alive..

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Originally posted by Tsuguri

whitedragon, you are very wise just curious if you play L5R? And I know that not all will forgive me, but it was just a test. (and something to increase my posts)

what the hell is lr5 and and why havent you apologised yet

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Originally posted by Tsuguri

Superman is a pansy. He has all of these powers, yet he gets defeated by a business man, and I could take you all on. So bring it on!


Bring it on?ok..*charges his disinengrater*Locked and loaded...

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Originally posted by Tsuguri

I am not in any hole. And your weapons are no match for my blade. And whitedragon, nevermind, but you missed the apology a page back. Now Tyrion, Kal-El, and that other guy. Bring it on! (unsheathes katana)


OH NO!!!!!! HE IS GONNA KILL ME METAPHORICALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111oneoneoneoneoneone111111111111111111111

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if you are so wise with your sammy ways, then why are you calling someone a pansy? that doent sound very wise to me. that sounds like something a computer geek with no, i repeat no wife would say. and now there are 4 people covering that hole your in.... ah, if you so wise, then why are you conversing with us mortals? why even talk to us, as you know you will never sway us from our "foolish" opinions? eh?(to quote many a canadian)

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Originally posted by Tsuguri

one one one? Kal-El , can't you come up with anything better than that. That is pathetic.



Your ignorance of being new here and trying to wage war makes you unable to understand the joke. It's not one on one.

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Originally posted by Zindell



Your ignorance of being new here and trying to wage war makes you unable to understand the joke. It's not one on one.


Yeah,dont you know that it takes alot of spam to get respect like me,superman,and zindell?

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