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Warcraft 3 - dont hold your breath - its crap

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Originally posted by Sardaukar

It looks like AOM will take out WCIII easily, but we shall see soon :D:lol:.


Could go either way AOM will have MP built in so that advantage of blizzards is gone. So in terms of ease of MP they’re about equal.


Then it comes down to preferences I think more RTS gamers will like AOM however it's possible that guys from Diablo could start going over to WCIII. Then theirs also the zombie slave armies that will buy any AGE game and a group that will buy any Blizzard game. I think many will get both too.


In units sold it will be about even IMO however I think FAR more people will play AOM for 6 months to a year then will WCIII.

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You can find a GeForce II 64mb for less than $100 these days. There's one by Vision Tek, but I forget what the price was. It may have been around $70. Sounds like a great deal right there to run WC3. Anyway, I heard this game is oriented toward heros instead of just an army when it could be oriented toward both instead. AOM looks like it could do just that which means it will blow WC3 out of the water :D. I am looking foward to AOM already. I just wish I got the beta for it :(.

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i know a voodoo2 is old


but i can stil run evry game on it jedi kinght 2 is 1 of them


is it so hard to make wacraft3 detect my voodoo2???


ps. i cant buy an other card becose voodoo2 is the only 3d card that works on my pc! (i got a wierd pc)

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The voodoo2 is the equivalent to the origianly GeForce. I mean I'm suprised any game can detect it! You can go out and find a decent GeForce2 and it won't cost you much or you could buy a new comp all together...but don't be suprised when more and more games don't work for your comp.

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Originally posted by Young David

I knew it ...


I saw screenshots and tought it was crap ... but noone believed me.


Now I will laugh at them and will get my pretty, pretty Age of Mythology.


What about if your wrong with AOM?Huh,what about if it's as bad as Empire Earth?


Dont judge games until you try them,I say...


Edit-wow your post is old....

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HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! WARCRAFT III RULES!!!!!!!!!!:eek:


I just got back from my friends house. He has it. I played through the HUman campaign and I must say that this game is truely awesome! Screw AoM. WarCraft III rocks!




So what it doesn't have 5 million units to use! Who cares!?! I promise you that you won't want or need that many. The Heroes are the key to the game. If your hero is not lvled up towards the eng then your screwed and he/she must fight to lvl up and gain skills. It's not like AoK where the heros are not effected by experiance. These heros grow over time and you use them in ever lvl with their previous lvl still intact. The game is superb and fantastic. If you don't get this I'm dreadfully sorry for you because you're really missing out on a wonderful game.


*runs out the door to go buy it*

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Warcraft 3 doesnt suck. Theres a reason for the stingent pop cap. Most of the units have like, 200-300 hp or over. And how much hp did starcraft units usually have? The hiughest was the battlecruiser, that was 400. A footman in W3 has about 100-200 hp. Its supposed to make you strategize with a small amount of units than just mass 1 kind of unit and win just because you have more units than the other player. There's also the introduction of heros. They are very powerful units that, EVEN IF THEY DIE, can be ressurected and used again. Not that this doesnt come with a price, but its worth the gold. The graphics are like battle realms, maybe better, and thats not a bad thing. The BR engine was pretty good. The game is very balanced, and they offer more races than starcraft does. Dont get me wrong, i like starcraft, i like it alot, but u cant trash this game because of favoritism towards starcraft.

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BTW, some units such as heros can have over 1000HP at lvl 10



The skills and abilities are some of the coolest things for the heros to aquire. Like Chain Lightning (which does 100 damage to each unit in a radius because the lightning jumps around) and Earthquake...which is pretty self explanitory...and Holy Light, which wil heal human units, but it will hurt the undead massivly. Also the Keeper of the Grove has the ability to make Trees into Treeants...(in other word trees that walk around and kick butt)


The 4 civs in the game are the Night Elves, Humans, Orcs, and the Undead/Scourge. (campain order= Orcs (prologue), Humans, Undead, Orcs, Night Elves)


Humans Hero is Arthas the Heir to the Throne...you follow him to rid the world of the undead and the "plague." He even got massacre's his own town to save them from the undead in one scenario. He has a personal vendeta against Mal'Ganis a Dreadlord and commander of the Undead forces durring the HUman Camapaign.


The Undead's Hero is....*spoiler stuff and so is the campaign*


Arthas and he has turned to the undead because the onlyway to beat Mal'Ganis was to turn bad. He did. Now he is seeking suprieme rule over the kingdom that was once his father's, while servince the Lich King and the Dreadlords that hold him.



Orcs hero is Thrall. They have been released from the demon who drove them on to battle and now do battle with the undead who have followed them to their lands, along the way any foe that gets intheir way is attacked


Elves hero is...somebody(doh!)...and their campaign consistes of attacking everybody and then having a big allied attack on the Undead


I havn't had the chance to see either the Orcs Main campaign or the Elve's one either. I was over at My friends when I played the Human and part of the Undead one.


all of this is mixed in wit some good in-game cutscenes and some DVD quality cutscenes too. (I mean it. These cut scenes are AMAZING)


also if you get the collector's edition you get a DVD of extras, the game, an action figure, a Concept art book, a signed version of the WCIII manual, etc

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Warcraft3 is the best game to come out in a while. It doesn't need massive armies to remain one of the best games. Ever. It focuses on battles and nothing but. It's fast-paced action and interesting battles make this game something different. Its not about careful base management 90% of the time its about battle management 90% of the time. You don't turtle in your base and expect to win. With the units having so many hitpoints you can actually flee a battle and come back later. Hero management adds even more depth to the game as they are they most powerful spellcasters and fighters. While age of mythology is a AoK with spells, two new unit classes, and much different races warcraft 3 has spells, unit classes, heros, and different races, and fast-paced action. While AoM will alliviate some of the tedious moments of AoK Warcraft 3 is the new king of rts. Its the best game I own and I reccomend it to anyone that plays rts games. Please don't bash a game before playing it. This is a game that diserves to be loved.

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Resources are set and forget! WOOHOO! I love Warcraft 3! It totally focuses on the battles! Even though they aren't huge armies it is still awesome!






p.s. I paid $60 for it. Go to Best Buy and you can get a mail-in rebate for a $10 gift card.

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I agree, I got WarCraft 3, all you GB addicts just don't know, this game rocks! It has a great single player storyline, unlike GB, which SP sucked on. Computer generated DVD quality cutscenes for the begining and ending of every campagin, heros, and spells that rock! Those of you who haven't played WC3 yall just don't know.

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