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call of the Landos


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I use a Lando skin and sometimes I'll be playing team FFA or CTF and there will be another Lando. whenever I respawn or I'm attacking or going for the flag I taunt (woohoo). if another Lando hears me he also taunts. this way we can locate each other and work as a team. I know alot of people read this forum and I would like to know if anyone else has done this.



not an :ewok:


Han shot first :indy::charric::rodian:

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I played as Lando for quite a while and know exactly what you are talking about!!


It seems to be an unwritten rule that if you are playing as Lando and you hear the "woo hoo" you MUST repond with your own woohoo, even when you are about to get killed and your only chance is to escape or be blown up. Then you go find the Lando and you both hang out for a while, if you want.


This is absolutely NOT made up. Watch for yourself: If there are two Landos on a server, and one of them woohoos, the other one will almost always woohoo in response.


Why? I have no idea. Maybe the way that the woohoo sounds so strange and carries so far is part of it.



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nWo 4-Life?


WhooHoo 4-Ever!


Actually, I have found that player skins can often show a lot about the type of person you are playing with.


Most new guys use Reborn or the Shadow Trooper.


Most people with a sense of humor use Lando, Greedo, Mon Mothma, Reelo, the Gran, the Trandoshan or the Ugnaught.


Most people who get "a little too into the game" and have "Saber Off=Peace" bound to a key use the Jedi Trainer or the Jedi (the pedophile looking guy with a beard and a blue shirt).

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Yeah, you're right about that. I noticed that in 1.02 the good majority of the DFA spammers (i.e. those who used it as their one primary move and nothing else) used either Desann or Reborn Boss.


My favorite skins are Imperial Commander and Energy Trooper (custom skin), I don't know what that makes me. I'm looking forward to using the new clone trooper model, which is out, but I'm not going to download it until the bugs are fixed. Sometimes I'll use the TIE pilot or the Rebel exclusively for their taunts.


Anyway, to get back on topic:


I think it's a phenomenon that goes beyond the Lando taunt, though Lando is the best example. On one team game in ffa_bespin this other guy on the same team and I both had the TIE pilot model. I don't remember who started it, but for the rest of the match we were both constantly calling out "come here" across the map. At one point we were both on the dueling pad, and when someone from the other team came by we would both yell out "come here!" at the same time and freak him out :D.


The first time I used taunts was in a private duel game with a friend. I rememered reading how to bind taunt so I decided to try it out. My friend went AFK to answer the phone, and I started spamming the stormtrooper taunt at him. After a little while he got back on and told me to shut up...


...what ended up happening was that he was talking to his girlfriend while he was AFK, and still watching the game. He didn't know anything about taunts up to this point, and his girlfriend was baring her soul about something bad that happened to her that day (don't know what). When I spammed "Hey, you there!" at him he started laughing, which pissed off his girlfriend. :p

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

(the pedophile looking guy with a beard and a blue shirt).

Bastard you made me nearly spit my drink out all over the keyboard :D :D :D


Heh I know what you guys mean though. I heard Lando's birdcall like halfway accross the map and so I quickly changed to the Lando skin and ran over there. We "Whoo-hoo"-ed for like 5 minutes before everyone got annoyed and sabered our asses despite the sabers down lol. Lando's taunt is almost as influental as :trooper: "Hey, you there!"

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Originally posted by Blamer

...what ended up happening was that he was talking to his girlfriend while he was AFK, and still watching the game. He didn't know anything about taunts up to this point, and his girlfriend was baring her soul about something bad that happened to her that day (don't know what). When I spammed "Hey, you there!" at him he started laughing, which pissed off his girlfriend. :p


hah, lol


i find the lando taunt annoying after awhile, so i go hunt down the people and kill them for...disturbing the peace..ya that's it:rolleyes: :D

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i play the lando skin once in awhile. I just like the greedo skin and tuant more so i start of as him.... But if i'm gonna duel, i'm Luke. His taunt has to be the dumbest thing i've ever heard, and saying it once every 5 seconds really pisses people off. I love doing that, not so much the taunt, i mean pissing people off.


Once i get my pc back up i'll try Lando only for a few weeks, and see how it goes. Would be great if it turns out to be a change that everyone in the server does. Imagine, 30-40 lando's, taunting in a ffa.




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:D sometimes in ctf someone will be sniping and I'll crouch infront of them and start taunting. it looks like lando's coping a feel and woohooing. when the person sniping finally looks down they see what lando's doing they either freakout or start enjoying it:D :lando:
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Originally posted by lexx

Oh, :lol:, I thought you had to download it! Silly me. Goes to show, I never play with the male characters, thats why I never even noticed it, :lol:. :wstupid:


That brings up an interesting question that I've had for a while now. Is it possible to choose your gender somewhere? The only way for the little messages to say things such as "YourName was thrown to HER doom by OtherDude" is if you use a female skin. I think that's sort of annoying. What if you are using a male skin, but you still want the game to address you as HER? These are the sort of things I waste my time thinking about.



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I agree. Perhaps in the next patch they could address that problem. There could be a "Male or Female" option. Also, the game is so obviously geared towards males, I mean, there are only two female skins to start with compared to how many male skins? Geez, I really don't want to come across as some woman's rights activist! :(

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Originally posted by lexx

I agree. Perhaps in the next patch they could address that problem. There could be a "Male or Female" option. Also, the game is so obviously geared towards males, I mean, there are only two female skins to start with compared to how many male skins? Geez, I really don't want to come across as some woman's rights activist! :(


actually there is three


mon mothma



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Originally posted by Norin Radd

Atleast his is short, Luke's goes on forever. Just hold your nose shut and say this:


". . .I'm saying that I want you to let go of your anger, and. . ."




If you can call Luke's a taunt... ;)

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