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Where are YOU on the political map


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SE- You would feel most at home in the Southeast region. You advocate a large degree of government control over both economic and personal affairs. Your neighbors include FDR, Pat Buchanan, Adolf Hitler, and Josef Stalin, and may refer to themselves to as "communitarians," "authoritarians," "traditionalists," "fascists," or "communists."

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You would feel most at home in Centerville, which means that you are more or less pleased the status quo-you think the US government has just about the right amount of control over your economic and personal decisions. Your neighbors include democratic and republican party leaders and others who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists."


I didn't take it so seriously, so...

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Centerville for me. (possibly because I have no Idea what some of those parties on the last page are) I'm about 4-5 miles towards fewer personal freedoms and about a mile towards free Markets:D


BTW, I tried to compare mine to several of you...only got rommel though...(see attached)

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Rommel's regional opinion---\/

NEO, a stereotypical Northwesterner


"Freedom to do whatever you'd like, as long as you don't interfere with the equal freedom of others."


My name is Neo, and I'm a software designer on the NW coast. I usually work from home, or from my sailboat while on an extended cruises. I've got friends of all stripes-some are making a lot of money in the software industry, some are gay, some are economists, some use recreational drugs, some are very religious-what they all have in common is that they're all very open-minded and tolerant.


I tend to be optimistic about the future. I believe that the most important natural resource is human creativity and that people should be able to pursue their hopes and dreams without interference from anyone else. While I recognize the importance of enforcing property rights and contracts, I think that in general, government interference in the marketplace only stifles human creativity. Politically, I describe myself as a libertarian. I loathe paying taxes, I'm disgusted by the "war on drugs," which is really just a war on people, and I think it's certainly true that "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch."



Hello, my name is Fred, and I work for a military contractor. Though I officially registered as a republican back when I was in college, I often vote for democrats. I really admire our political leaders, and I'm pleased that my tax dollars help educate our nation's children and make the world safe for democracy. Of course, like everyone, I wish the government would do a better job, but I understand that the political process is difficult. Like somebody famous once said, "democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others."


By the way, I'm not so sure that this "Politopia idea" is a very good one. I mean, those other people who were interviewed, especially Neo and Neville, well, they're pretty strange. And, one more thing-why are all of the featured people white men? Isn't that offensive to women and minorities?


...well actually it looks like I'm in another reagion really...

Good day. My name is George. I am quite appalled by the current state of culture in our country. The moral fiber of our country is deteriorating. We have learned that the founders of liberalism were wrong. Unconstrained human nature will seek degeneracy often enough to create a disorderly, hedonistic, and dangerous society. Modern liberalism and popular culture are creating that society. We must have a common understanding of decency and work together to rid this once proud nation of the plague of drugs and promiscuous sex. If we continue with the current policies of permissiveness in the name of "toleration," the moral foundations of our country will collapse.
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