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Plo Koon Model!

ET Warrior

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Originally posted by -DS-Tha Skurge

my god that is top quallity.....better than any model for any game that is out the now..........that is amazing.....it dosen't even look like a model its that good...........my god.............Kinja that is superb.................it looks like one of those 3d art.i'm not sayin u drew it or anything.its just thaty good............can't wait for the skin for it................lets hope it dosen't let the model down ;) ...neway............can't wait for release!



For the last time, it isnt kinjas model!!!!!!!! Ok now.. pay attention, closely.. ver closely.. ITS M-A-S-T-E-R P-U-N-C-H-S MODEL

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really good model, hope you get a good skin on it, would turn out really nice, and i think it would be neat to do an ewok model next, i know alot of ppl are wanting an ewok and i think you would do a great job on it.

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*stares in disbelief* that is incredible. I dont know how you did it. how did you do it?? the polygons dont look shuffled and flat, it looks like its a model cut out of clay or something. maybe its the cool lighting you have going on, but it looks incredible.

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Hello, this is off the subject of PLO KOON, sorry.


I have recently been recieving quite a few messages from people who have questions about modeling. I would like to extend an open invitation to those fellow modellers who have any questions concerning general modeling questions and questions concerning specific modeling issues within 3DS Max. Feel free to e-mail them to me at wizmojfog@cox.net.


(and now I get a little philosophical)

There are no secrets to modelling. Modelling is an art form just as real as painting or sculpting. In fact I prefer to call myself a 3D sculptor. Just as a sculptor will use a differant set of tools when he sculpts clay than he does when he sculpts stone. 3D mesh is our material and the software is our tool. If it were all about technical issues programmers would do all the work. I think we are beginning to see 3D emerge as a legitimate art form.

I'll stop now.



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=OD...im finally almost in game!! lol


looking really good Misterpunch...im sure im going to be using the non-robed version alot and the robed even more...great work =O)


i don't mean to sound pushy or rude its just a question...


but didn't u say we would have a skinned version by the weekend? i mean take all the time u want as long as it is released before the summer is over =O)...its just i thought i heard u or kinja say it would be done by the weekend...maybe i read wrong..o well...its worth the wait so im not worried =O)


to Kinja:


your next model is Coleman Trebor right?...i member u saying on my old post of him that u were going to start him


PLZ don't not make it because i did..i like mine and im very proud of it but i really wanna see u make one to...it could help me learn stuff about modeling to if u do, because im sure yours will be better...so PLZ make a coleman trebor model...i can look at yours to get ideas of what i should have done and apply it to future models


to Mister and anyone else who read it:


aye...if u saw my last reply before i deleted it sorry =O\


i haven't looked at this thread in a very long time and forgot that mister punch was the person making plo koon


and when i saw his offtopic post i told him to get a new thread for it and was rude...sorry mister <=O\

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sorry for spam


hey Misterpunch


i don't think u will but i really hope u do


would u be willing at all to do a robe&hooded version of Plo Koon? =OD...Coleman Trebor and Plo Koon are my all time fav jedis...and when i made Trebor i had 3 versions...no robe...robe...robe&hood...and u have robe and no robe...but if u had all 3 i would be REALLY REALLY happy...


its fine if u don't but if your bored and want to do more.....theres an idea =OD

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Excellent models MisterPunch!!! They by far meet any expectations I had for a Plo Koon model! I'd give you a big hug right now if that were possible :)


Anyway, are these models currently being skinned? I'm just curious to the progress of them, seeing as to that modelling is complete.

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Originally posted by PIo Koon

sorry for spam


hey Misterpunch


i don't think u will but i really hope u do


would u be willing at all to do a robe&hooded version of Plo Koon? =OD...Coleman Trebor and Plo Koon are my all time fav jedis...and when i made Trebor i had 3 versions...no robe...robe...robe&hood...and u have robe and no robe...but if u had all 3 i would be REALLY REALLY happy...


its fine if u don't but if your bored and want to do more.....theres an idea =OD



Umm no. Bad idea, for one, jedi never wear their hoods into battle. Maybe obiwan once, before he died, but im not sure. Plo definitely never wore his hood. Two, he said hes only ONLY doing robed and unrobed, dont you think its a little late to be giving suggestions on a final model? Heh, cant wait to see shaak ti, misterpunch. That'll prove intresting.

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Tap..ur acting like thats my first post ever....don't have to treat me like a ****ing n00b


and so u never see them fighting in hood...so?...when im just playing with friends and were not fighitng or something i think it would be cool to be standing with hood on


and he never said he wouldn't make it and theres no way u could change his mind...


well whatever u trashed my idea so i don't give a **** anymore


ty so much

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Are you trying to pull a guilt trip over some lousy idea? Im afraid your attempt went out in vein. Jesus man, really dont have to be pissed, your so hostile. I was just stating on how they never use hoods and it would be pointless to "look cool" in mp. That and i'd want this model to come out a little faster, i mean, take time and all, but doesnt mean, he should blow more time on a useless hood. (hes very busy as he's said, im sure you knew this, just a reminder to someone who would post "what time, 10 minutes?') :p

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did i say it was a guilt trip? no...u said its a lously idea so im not going to talk about it anymore


and for whats happened to me in the past couple days i DO have a ****ing right to be hostile..but it doesn't matter im just spamming the thread..so **** it

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