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SCRIPTS here (post & request thread)


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what I would LOVE to see done is all the controls from the game in script format (like posted here)


so if we wanted to change jump to a key we wouldn't do it ingame BUT we'd do it through the script (example), something really usefull I think, I might start on it but I know I'll miss something...


if someone DOES do it then please show a little note .. forward, jump, crouch, etc..




EDIT: here is an example, from my Q3 .cfg file


// Binds.cfg

// =========




// Screen Environment Settings

// ===========================

bind BACKSPACE messagemode

bind \ messagemode2

bind = messagemode3

bind - messagemode4

bind ` toggleconsole

bind PAUSE screenshot



// Movement Assignments

// ====================

bind d +back

bind e +forward

bind f +moveright

bind s +moveleft

bind a +movedown

bind MOUSE1 +attack

bind MOUSE3 +moveup

bind SPACE +speed



// Weapon Selection

// ================

bind 1 "weapon 9" // BFG

bind 2 "weapon 1" // Gauntlet

bind 3 "weapon 3" // Shotgun

bind 4 "weapon 2" // Machinegun

bind 5 "weapon 6" // LightningGun


bind z "weapon 8" // PlasmaGun

bind x "weapon 7" // Railgun

bind c "weapon 4" // GrenadeLauncher

bind v "weapon 5" // RocketLauncher

bind MOUSE2 "vstr zoomswitch"


bind CTRL "+button2" // Use Item

bind SHIFT "+zoom" // Zoom In

bind t "+button3" // Taunt animation



// Function Keys

// =============

bind F1 "+scores"

bind F2 "toggle r_fastsky; r_fastsky"

bind F3 "toggle cg_drawTimer; cg_drawTimer"

bind F4 vstr menucycle // See menu.cfg for details

bind F5 vstr menuA // See menu.cfg for details

bind F6 vstr menuB // See menu.cfg for details

bind F7 vstr menuC // See menu.cfg for details

bind F8 vstr menuD // See menu.cfg for details

bind F9 "toggle cg_drawFPS; cg_drawFPS"

bind F10 "exec cfgs\funname.cfg"

bind F11 "exec mod.cfg" // Executes mod.cfg in current game directory

bind F12 "exec autoexec.cfg"



// Demo.cfg

// ========

bind j "vstr startswitch" // See menu.cfg for details

bind k "vstr stopswitch" // See menu.cfg for details

bind l "vstr queueprev" // See menu.cfg for details

bind semicolon "vstr queuenext" // See menu.cfg for details

bind m "vstr recordtoggle" // See demo.cfg for details



// Modelview.cfg

// =============

bind kp_5 "toggle cg_thirdperson;vstr a0;vstr r40" // See modelview.cfg for details

bind kp_uparrow "vstr closer" // See modelview.cfg for details

bind kp_downarrow "vstr farther" // See modelview.cfg for details

bind kp_leftarrow "vstr left" // See modelview.cfg for details

bind kp_rightarrow "vstr right" // See modelview.cfg for details


// Volume.cfg

// ==========

bind ins "vstr volumeup"

bind del "vstr volumedn"



// Voting

// ======

bind uparrow "vote yes"

bind downarrow "vote no"



// Various Other Keys

// ==================

bind ENTER "vstr zoomcycle" // see zoom.cfg for details

bind , "vstr lasttip" // see tips.cfg for details

bind . "vstr nexttip" // see tips.cfg for details

bind / "vstr saytip" // see tips.cfg for details



// EOF


like that BUT for JK2 :)

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Looking at the bind list you posted above, I see a lot of binds to vstr's, but I don't see any creation of those vstr's or exec'ing of .cfg files. Are you doing this manually or exec'ing them all in another cfg?


What I would really like to see is a site like The Bind: Arena (Quake 3) created for JK2. I would love to lend a hand to it's maintaining with codes and Web upkeep.

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I noticed that a lot of people were asking about why they were losing saber locks so often. Has anyone else realized that your saber stance matters in a saber lock? I used to always use the light stance, then one time when I was practicing the strong stance I got into a saber lock and noticed that I won it almost instantly. This made me think that stance had something to do with the whole thing. I did some experimenting and sure enough, stance greatly effects how well you do in a saber lock. I noticed that the heavier the stance, the faster you can win a saber lock. Also, you can change stances DURING the saber lock and have this still take effect. Therefore, if you're in a saber lock, switch to strong and start pounding the attack and you will do a lot better.

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I have like a gig on the web, that can be used to make a site, I can also get a layout and the scripts are all here, just have to browse through :)


I need staff though, I don't have much time to spend on the website, so... who's willing enough ?


yes, there is another cfg that exec's them but..that was just an example, I would like something like that for JK2, all the controls in a cfg, this way we know all the commands (+moveup, etc..) and it'll be a lot easier to edit the controls to the keys you want


now I wonder who will take on the job of doing this, this should take some time....but really usefull :) :)

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Since someone requested it, here's an organized config with all the bindings which I use--slightly modified with explanations (need someone to help me out with some of the weapon binds, as I don't know what they link to--I play saber only mostly, but still have the binds). Simply copy and paste into autoexec.cfg, and change the keys to your liking.






// --------

bind w "+forward"

bind s "+back"

bind a "+moveleft"

bind d "+moveright"

bind c "+movedown"

bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"

bind SHIFT "+speed"




// -------

bind 1 "weapon1" // Lightsaber, Stun Baton

bind 2 "weapon2" // Bryar

bind 3 "weapon3" // E-11

bind 4 "weapon4"

bind 5 "weapon5"

bind 6 "weapon6"

bind 7 "weapon7"

bind 8 "weapon8"

bind 9 "weapon9" // Explosives

bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"

bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"


bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE3 "+altattack"

bind CTRL "saberAttackCycle"




// -----

bind INS "exec light.cfg"

bind DEL "exec dark.cfg"

bind f "+useforce"

bind MOUSE4 "forcenext"

bind g "force_throw" // Force Push

bind v "force_pull"




// ---------

bind e "+use"

bind [ "invprev"

bind ] "invnext"

bind ENTER "button2" //Use current INV selection

bind b "use_bacta"




// ----

bind F1 "+scores"

bind TAB "cg_thirdperson !"

bind t "messagemode"

bind y "messagemode2"

bind u "messagemode3"

bind i "messagemode4"

bind SPACE "+taunt"

bind ALT "engage_duel"




// -------

unbind f12

set "change1" "color1 1;bind f12 vstr change2"

set "change2" "color1 2;bind f12 vstr change3"

set "change3" "color1 3;bind f12 vstr change4"

set "change4" "color1 4;bind f12 vstr change5"

set "change5" "color1 5;bind f12 vstr change6"

set "change6" "color1 0;bind f12 vstr change1"


bind F12 "vstr change1"


Now, copy this into a text file and call it "light.cfg"


unbind q

unbind r

unbind x

unbind z

bind q "force_absorb" // Absorb

bind r "force_protect" // Protect

bind z "force_heal" // Heal

bind x "force_distract" // Mindtrick



And this to "dark.cfg"


unbind q

unbind r

unbind x

unbind z

bind q "+force_grip" // Grip

bind r "+force_lightning" // Lightning

bind x "+force_drain" // Drain

bind z "force_rage" // Dark Rage


Edit all of these to your liking, drop in any extra scripts/binds you feel necessary, and go at it. With this, anytime you want to change a bind, add a script, etc, you can do it from notepad with ease, instead of sifting through the cramped one the game creates. I believe most of the binds speak for themselves as to what they do, any questions, just ask ;)

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here is what I've come up with :)







// Basic Movement


bind W "+forward" // Forward

bind S "+back" // Back

bind A "+moveleft" // Left

bind D "+moveright" // Right

bind C "+movedown" // Crouch

bind SPACE "+moveup" // Jump

bind SHIFT "+speed" // Walk/Run



// Weapons


bind 1 "weapon 1" // Stun Baton / Lightsaber

bind 2 "weapon 2" // Blaster Pistol

bind 3 "weapon 3" // Blaster Rifle

bind 4 "weapon 4" // Disruptor Rifle

bind 5 "weapon 5" // Bowcaster

bind 6 "weapon 6" // Heavy Repeater

bind 7 "weapon 7" // DEMP 2

bind 8 "weapon 8" // Flachette

bind 9 "weapon 9" // Merr Sonn

bind 0 "weapon 10" // Throwable Weapons

bind MWHEELUP "weapnext" // Previous Weapon

bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev" // Next Weapon



// Attacks


bind MOUSE1 "+attack" // Normal Attack

bind MOUSE2 "+altattack" // Secondary Attack

bind MOUSE3 "saberAttackCycle" // Saber Stances





bind TAB "+scores" // View Scores

bind Q "+taunt" // Taunt

bind J "kill" // Kill Yourself

bind K "engage_duel" // Challange to a Duel

bind P "cg_thirdperson !" // 1st person/3rd person toggle



// Saber colors [red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple]


bind F5 "set color1 0"

bind F6 "set color1 1"

bind F7 "set color1 2"

bind F8 "set color1 3"

bind F9 "set color1 4"

bind F10 "set color1 5"



// Chat


bind T "messagemode" // Normal Talk

bind Y "messagemode2" // Team Chat

bind UPARROW "messagemode3" // Talk to the person in your target

bind DOWNARROW "messagemode4" // Talk to the person last attacked you



// Votes


bind leftarrow "vote yes" // Vote YES

bind rightarrow "vote no" // Vote NO



// Console


bind ` "toggleconsole" // Console OFF

bind ~ "toggleconsole" // Console ON [shift + `]



// Force


bind F "+useforce" // Use Force

bind Z "forceprev" // Previous Force

bind X "forcenext" // Next Force



// Inventory


bind E "+use" // Use/Press Buttons

bind [ "invprev" // Previous Item

bind ] "invnext" // Next Item

bind ENTER "button2" // Use current inventory selection

bind B "use_bacta" // Use Bacta Canister




EDIT: I see Psykotic beat me to it...

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anyone know if there is a command to restart a match. i have a fun script for the next lanpart. initiats funsize mode.... lol... that will be funny to see. but i want it to auto-restart the map so it all takes effect. PM me if you know please :)

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thanks man. just wasn't sure when i would get to checking it again, but lucasforums is emailing me again *grrr* thanks... off to finish the mini script!!!!





seta mod_funmode 1

seta mod_funsize .2

say Let the FUN begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





hee hee hee

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scripting it to make it funsize, is... cheating?????


*has a strange puzzled look on his face...* whatever....



[edit] Well that was fun. i messed up someplace in the code and no matter what, was in funmode .2 size... lol... that sucked, had to re-install it all... oh well. [/edit]

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script wars......goddamnit.


I only read through the first couple of pages on this post so forgive me if soemone has already made this point, but scripts used to perform moves that are done through manual button presses are cheats, plain and simple and there is really no argument against that.


First before I make my point I would like to say out that there are many scripts that are useful such as server scripts for admins to perform server functions and like so many people have posted here to basically do some cool stuff with the game engine. Thats all fine and good in the privacy of your own home and slaying of many bots on your own server or many even LAN parties where everyone is aware of the scripts in use. I could actually see how that would be fun in a LAN game with spinning Jedi fools all over the place, but for the multi player aspect in the open internet gaming world its cheating and there is no other way to describe it.


For some of you the agument seems to be that there is no big deal in these scripts as they are just performing the moves with the same motions that the move actually requres. For example a DFA would be considered a special move in the game as it requires multiplebutton presses and some timing. No cheating involved right? If I asked you to do that move 100 times in a row without messing up once could you do it? Probably not. If I gave you a script for DFA could you do it? Of course you would be able to. take it one step further.


If you are running aways backwards and sideways while jumping from two Jedi who are lighting you and attempting to heal to avoid getting killed but you suddenly see an opening where you can attack and get a kill with a DFA how many times would you be able to pull it off? probably one in 10 and that only if you are pretty good, the other nine times you are dead or swinging in the air wildly, but the one time you hit it would have been sweet indeed realizing the skill required int eh maneuever. If you had a script you could pull it off any time you needed it and are probably called a scripter with no skills and you may or may not care.


buy scripts in CS kill me to. There is a reason there is a cvar for buytime. It can be a compelling argument in games. There are only 3 seconds to buy. Shoud I buy a better gun? Or just armour up? Buy a nade and rush the frontline? All of these are compelling but thrown out the window as buy scripts guarantee you a full load of couple of new guns, ammo, armour, couple of nades and perhaps even a defuse kit and you are off to the races buuny hpping along at the speed of a freight train. All the while your scriptless enemies struggle to stuff ammo boxes down their pants as you mow them down with M4A1 headshots.


Thats just another example I wanted to throw in there. Thats why i set up my CS servers with 15 second buytimes.


Scripts are cheats and that is the bottom line. It takes away the human error factor in these games that are suposed to reward our knowledge, skills and practice in the games and give a sense of true competition with one another to see who can beat who in the spirit of good games-person-ship which I though was the reason we all played these games in the first place.


This is why consoles offer the best multiplayer. Why you ask? There are no scripts for moves. Play a game of Street Fighter 3 Alpha and when someone pulls off a manual 15-hit combo with Ryu on your ass you know that it came with many hours of practice and that you need to practice to improve your abilities to get to your opponents skill level and that when you do it is truly a sense of accomplishment and respect for each other in that you are warriors on an even playing field with nothing but respect for your opponent.


Also scripts are prevalent in only online games as the llama can hide behind the anonomynity of the internet with no fear of punishment or persecution. Why not cheat? Not a damn thing anyone can do to stop you. Try that **** on some snazzy macro recorder controller and you will get you ass kicked, HARD.


Enough if this rant. I will go back to playing games "scriptless old school style" and pat myself on the back when I strike down a scripter llama.




My Favorite Script


bind X "+be-a-1337-gamer-hax" "+killanything/everything" "+avoid-getting-dead"


Hit X go out to a movie come back and "you winna! hahaha you winna! hahah"

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sure, i agree. people use scripts to cheat. that doesn't mean they are all bad like some people think. and i probably could pull off the dfa move 9/10 times. though i still dont know the key combo (dont know how that works) but anyway. people also speed in cars and drink while driving, we try to stop them, but all we can do is discourage.. blah blah blah. i kill most scripters no problem. its called sidestep. oh well. thats enough for me.... back to funsize with friends!!!!!!!! (and you thought yoda was short before...)

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Damn, I just went through more of these posts and whooo boy....




man I am right there with ya bra.....


Sith Maximus


point taken. some awesome scripts especially the ping one. I just HOPE you are honest when you say you do not use any attack scripts. I would think you are telling the truth though as you seem pretty cool about the whole thing.


I totally agree with its420onthedot however that there should be a server option to show servers with Scripts allowed and NO Scripts allowed. This would allow alot of these cool scripts to be used in a controlled environment and non script users to play in servers where cheating accusations would be a thing of the past as it would be a level playing field, but I know its just a pipe dream........


Anyways Sith you seem the be the man with this so I ask....is there a way to set up a server to prevent scripts from running?



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Yes you can have a server that does not allow for any scripts. I have been on a few of those but am not sure how they do it. I will check it out and get a post back to this section as soon as I can. I imagine it would have to be a program that looks at your cfg files when you load into the server and blocks anything that is not a "stock" command. Anyway will look into it and think about that a little bit.


Also I would like to make a point. As a person who runs a server let me say that I do not care if anyone uses any type of scripts at any time. Scripts do not make a poor player better. They will make simple moves a little easier to execute, but that does not mean you will know when to execute them. Your skill does not come from a keyboard layout but from your mind. If you have an aptitude for games then you will be more likely to win than someone who does not have the mind set for it. I play chess all of the time and right now my record is standing at 310 wins and 32 losses within a small group of friends that play. It does not mean that I am great at chess, just that I have adapted to my opponents better than they have adapted to me.


Above all else this is just a game. All games have winners and all games have loseres. Some people take this well, others do not. Last night I was playing on my server and a guy hated the fact that saber throw was turned on during duels (Jediplus). I wasted him quickly and he demanded a rematch without the saberthrow. So I gave it to him and then won the duel in about a minute. So then he said his keys were messed up and complained for the next fifteen minutes. Did he suck? Maybe, but he was sure a sore loser though.


My point is that in a lot of posts here in this forum I see people complain that they were beaten last night by so and so and they must be a scripter because there is no way they could hit two lunges and then a dfa all perfect without a script to do it. That is just not true. You can win this game without using any type of attack scripts. Saying that people who beat you did so by cheating just shows your lack of skill and unsportsmanship.


Suck it up and just play the game. If you do not want any scripts in your game say so. But do it on your own server under your own rules. Do not try to impose a code of conduct upon the entire gaming community. If you do not run a server then, in my opinion,you should keep quiet. Because I know that I am about ready to shut down my server and put this game on a shelf because I have never heard so much complaining in my life. Get over it and try to enjoy the game.


I will look into the "anti-script" script, but maybe no one who is opposed to scripts should use it because it may make you no better than the rest of us "scripters". Think about it. Also this is just my opinion this morning. Flame me if you want but I am no longer going to let this get under my skin.

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Sith is right. The only time I did complain about someone on a sever the previous night was when a guy TOLD me he "scripts his ass off!", exact words. The guy was arrogant and obnoxious, and to me, he represents most of the JK2 scripting community. Sure I've seen what looks to be respectable scripters on this thread, but not once have I run into one in a regular playing environment.


You know why this is the most popular thread on the board? Because ppl who suck ass at this game, see the title, "Scripts here", and immediately get into, start cutting and pasting, and whala, they're off.


BTW Sith, I disagree. I think that scripts DO make a poor player better, definitely. They might not make them exceptionally better than a lot of players, but it definitely helped them with their skillset and provided them something to build on.


But, I've given up on scripting and the debate. Like Sith and Remark have been trying to pound into my brain, I've come to accept it. They're here and they're not going anywhere. However, I AM.


Madden comes out today. My star wars days are limited. No I guess I'll have to start dealing with the cheaters on EA. O well, it never ends...



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Thanks for looking into it Sith. Class act....


And Sith, scripts do make a bad player at least average, and certain scripts are bad if not only for the fact they take away from the way the game was intended to be played by the developers and programmers. We SHOULD be able to alter the game don't get me wrong but thats what MOD support is for.....like an easy moves mod. Some fighting games offer these easy or beginning modes that allow you to to multiple motion and button press moves with a single button and I can see where something like that could come in use but again no place for it in public servers where noobs who dont have a clue are getting annialated by these "simple" that they do not even know exist, and yeah yeah there is a learning curve but these scripts turn it into a peak valley death drop line which diminishes the gaming community and lowers the number of people that would want to play. Why learn the nuances of how to play the game when there are scripts that do all the moves for you? I cant tell you how exciting it was for us as gamers to find new and undocumented moves in the early days of this games life by playing through the game and trying things out to discover them almost by chance then learning how to apply them in MP. Just more of my 2 cents I guess.....well hope you find an anti script method to run a server. I would love to battle with you on a server either yours or mine soon....


Dont write any scripts for Madden2003 either....



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I don't think I agree with the idea that a script can make you a better player. For example: You're playing on a server against another player who is just spanking you. The two of you come at each other for a volley of attack and defend, you happen to land a good blow that throws your oopnent into a broken parry. At this time you know that a lunge would most likely connect and do some decent damage. At this point a player using a lunge script could just press a key and do it, whereas someone else would perform the key presses and have a chance of failing. Either way, your actual skill level never changed. If you do connect with a scripted lunge, does that mean that you know to instantly side-step? or jump backwards (my personal choice, with a little downward stab :) )? The answer is no, things like that, true true examples of skill, only come from playing and learning. It took me about 5 duels to figure out that when I lunged, I was always left open on both sides for about a second, thus the backwards flip-stab. The same goes with a DFA or the Medium flip-slash. I guess what I'm trying to say is that scripts can't make you a better player, because you can't script the experience that it takes to react the right way to any one of a thousand situations that can arise in a saber fight.


On another note, I don't really see how you can block scripts on a server, unless it's a MOD with the code included, or blocking all console commands from clients (the primary way to execute CFG files).

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I don't know exactly what you wanted to relay to us. Your point that you were trying to make was that scripts don't make you a better player. Given the situation that you stated, if a player has lunge scripted, he'll have a better chance of landing the lunge then a normal player would. Umm, does that not make you a better player? Do you do damage to your opponent? Maybe enough damage to win the duel? Maybe?


You're right about one thing, and that is learning and reacting to the familiar situations that you encounter during saber battle. I agree with that, but your example of how scripting does not make you a better player just doesn't fit the bill. Scripting makes you do the moves easier, and you pointed that out. In your situation, the scripters has the advantage, opposed to someone who presses the three buttons to perform the move.


(BUZZER) Try again

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Sith Maximus, check your PMs dude :)


and the only combo/attack scripts I have are the crazy spin thing (I do it on the emotes in JediMod 1.2) and the kick script (I kick much better normaly but this one I use with JediMod in slow-motion mode, right Hannibal ? hehe :D)...there is also one Maximus is fixing up for me *cough*right?*cough* but that one isn't much either


all the rest of my scripts are filled with insult messages to target, attacker, my quotes, my player models (with names and saber colors), the video recording thing, messagemode# binds, jedimod binds, all the basic control binds and some other small and fun things.....to me it makes the game a lot more fun when I can switch to a player model and a name with a press of a key....and NOT take like 3-4 min doing it ingame...


I hope more ideas come through....I'd like to see something really original scripted ^_^


Max, do you have time to do the scripts I PMd you ? or should I post them here for grabs and see if someone else can finish them ? (I know you're busy with stuff, that's why I'm asking).

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Well hello guys. About scripting theres just one thing to it.


Primesghost it right. Scripting doesnt impreve you're fighting skills.


As a fact, when inganged in a lunge front to front confront you will almoust for shure loose. Its simple. The second you loose with a script will give you're opponent a chance to lunge again faster than a scripter would. Wich means say goodbye mamma cause Kansas is going to fly.


One other thing. Yes, i use scripts. I have to admit that a good script can be fatal but for what? DFA? Lunge? Kick? Come on, you can do those things you're self and get better results. Scripts where strong at 1.03 because of bs but now.... just use them for do certain things from different saber styles and go back auto for red.


There isnt much to be said really. Complainers about script... Instead of complaining just prove that you are right. Give us an example about a script that will instantly kill you're opponent (during the fight).


This is all bul****. I have found scripts here very usefull and funny. Thanks everyone for that.

I have found a new move that will let my Jedi make the standard 360 degrees red style movement on air and make a DFA from air. Probably is just a bug but the fact is.... i can do it. And if it wasnt for scripts i could never have found it. I made it once during a fight then i tried with scripts to do it again. Now i can do it without the script but only thanks to scripting.


So calm down everyone and just play.

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