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What computer game or video game are you buying next?

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Well, GTA3 just came out not too long ago for the PC. GTA2 has been out for years. I downloaded that from a website I found. You can find most games on some peer 2 peer file networks and clients (like Napster, but for all files not just mp3s) that are out there.


I can't tell you exactly the names of specific places and sites to find stuff because that would be against the rules of the forum. But with a little searching and some research, you will find all that you want. :c3po:

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well my list really has changed from the last time you asked so...


1. Neverwinter Nights (got it now Sherack, you are right this is a must have!!!)

2. Knights of the Old Repulic

3. Age of Mythology

4. Star Wars Galaxies

5. Yu-Gi-Oh Advanced (i heard rummers about this one, but i don't know a release date)


That is most likely the order i will buy them in weather the come out in the that order or not...

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Yeah but the age is 17 and before that getting to the store without an adult is hard so it's affect is debatable. Also it’s WAY to sensitive and isn't consistent IMO. AOK got a teen rating cause when units die you can kind of make out a little bit of blood and they swing silver objects at each other. Yet with 1 Command in the console (which MANY people use) you can cut guys in half in JK2 it gets away with it by not having it on without a code in the console but it's still their ready to go with one line of text which is listed all over the net. Even without the code hands can be sliced off, you can push guys off of cliffs, choke them to death, and so on. But it still has the same rating as AOK. Where as Half-life cause theirs blood and you shot people instead of aliens and masked men is rated mature. my mini rant on game ratings.

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  • 8 months later...

Well the last game I "Got" was Xenosaga, mostly cause a friend of mine is lending me his PS2 for awhile and that's satisfied me for awhile, but the next one I'm planning to buy is either C&C Generals or Masters of Orion 3

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Originally posted by Clefo

Again: Save your money


Clefo- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!


SWGBKing- GB was okay... sort of... kind of.... Multiplayer is worth about $5 (that was when people still played). Maybe wait for prices to go down a bit! ;)


...Maybe that was a bit harsh. I suppose if you have NEVER played AOK, I suppose you might get a few bucks worth of enjoyment from GB. I payed $70 for that game... so excuse my bitterness. ;)

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