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You know what makes me so mad? When you are liking dueling on MP and you do your little bow out of respect before you fight, but your opponent decides that bowing is to "high" for them and they just decide that death from above is the best thing to do instead and just kill you instead. That kind of bull crap is what makes me almost not bow anymore. Ughghhggh... I could just squeeze their little....



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Yeah, then crouch over their corpse and slash their body. It doesn't do anything, but that's how I show disrespect for someone who fights without honor.


I've been almost DFA'd in mid bow, but if I kill them, I show my disrespect with the above method. It pisses them off. I can't explain how, it just does. Or maybe I've just been doing that to the right people. :D

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Bowing... depends on the bow. If it's a quick 1-second roll-the-mouse-forward-then-straight-back bow then I'll bow back, but if they crouch for two minutes all they're doing is making the people in line for a duel wait longer, and that's more disrespectful in my book.


:gben:The Force will be with you, always

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1. They shouldn't attack you with your saber down wether the bow or not.


2. Some people think bowing is lame and rediculous, and I certantly understand why. It is a video game, afterall. Most people don't think that they are too high for it, they instead think that it's lame. I sorta agree, but I do it anyways just because other guys do.

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If you bow quick enough, you shouldn't get caught by surprise. The way I see, if your bow takes long enough for you to get whacked, bow quicker. And from further away.


Anyway, said it before and I'll say it again, there's something wrong about black-hearted evil sith giving a nice honourable bow.

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Yes, we all know that when you select the Dark Side in JO, you become an evil Sith incapable of bowing and that you can never again turn back to the light side of the Force, and you become a terrorist because of the intense evil and hatred that is burning in your heart.



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Uh, yeah, basically, otherwise every bowing sith in the game is a sith who has just a tiny grip on the ligh-side, which manifests itself as honourable bowing. Hmm.


Anyway, Vader killed kenobi when his Saber was off. I just can't reconcile blowing up planets and bowing. Doesn't quite... fit.

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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

Yeah, then crouch over their corpse and slash their body. It doesn't do anything, but that's how I show disrespect for someone who fights without honor.


I've been almost DFA'd in mid bow, but if I kill them, I show my disrespect with the above method. It pisses them off. I can't explain how, it just does. Or maybe I've just been doing that to the right people. :D


If you land a slash on the body just right it will dissapear.

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I bow, I guess its nerdish, but I find it an honorable custom :p


If the other guy doesn't then i dont give. For me its just a quick nod, not that crouch down for an hour crap. If the bastard goes for me right off then I roll back, bow, and fight. Simple. I dont care if other people don't do it.. it IS a video game. Though sometimes I get pissed if they give me that "I'm a sith" bs...

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I'm a Sith. They're right, a Sith wouldn't lower himself down before an opponnent. But it's still cheap to kill em while they bow. Where's the challenge in that? A Sith loves a good challenge, at least this Sith does. I nod in return to anyone who bows, to sorta say "bring on a worthy match!" Hell, even taunt if you think it's outta character for a Sith to bow or nod. But what's the point if it's just a quick single strike of death over and over again? I can see that kind of reasoning in an FFA, but the duels are for some challenging saberfights.

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Originally posted by Elegy

I'm a Sith. A Sith loves a good challenge, at least this Sith does. I nod in return to anyone who bows, to sorta say "bring on a worthy match!"


Well Darth vader in ep4 ANH............ Spoiler ahead



Vader killed Old obi one kenobi or old ben kenobi, when his saber was down... I dun see wuts the challenge in that!


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Originally posted by Kanubis

Uh, yeah, basically, otherwise every bowing sith in the game is a sith who has just a tiny grip on the ligh-side, which manifests itself as honourable bowing. Hmm.


Anyway, Vader killed kenobi when his Saber was off. I just can't reconcile blowing up planets and bowing. Doesn't quite... fit.


1. Uh, this is a VIDEO GAME YOU MORON. Playing with the Dark Side doesn't, at all, influence a person's actions in the outside world. What kind of obsessed sick bastard are you?


2. Obi-Wan's saber was ON, and he LET Vader kill him. Duh.

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k..yall do realize that this is only relevant if you assume all players even care about being honorable?


*Hint* If they aint now, they aint going to be...


So save your breath your crying about something that aint going to go away.

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LOL!!!!!!! This is GOLD


Are you guys for real? Honest to god. Bowing........ LOL


I call it squating. It's the jedi's, non complaining way of saying "I have to go peeee!!!!"


And the players who kick you for not bowing and acting all gay...... :swear:


I'd love to meet them in real life to see if they're really that weird in person. :lol:

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