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Back Sweep


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Depends when you hit them with the heavy stance...


Both small and Heavy stance work on the principle that more damage is done during the swing than at the start or at the end whereas, medium kept the same priciples from 1.02 and anywhere in the hit will give you the same amount of damage.

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3/4 through heavy stance does about 300 damage, so watch out when you are running forward onto somebody doing heavy stance;)


personally i would use medium over heavy though because the heavy stance backsweep is a lot harder to pull off because of how slow you swing, besides, medium is almost always a one hit kill anyways

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When I pull off a heavy backsweep, they die, period.

I haven't tested it, but I believe that the yellow stance backsweep only does like 95ish damage...therefor not killing a completely-healed player, but almost.


I prefer to use backsweep in the middle/near the end of a fight, so generally I'm fighting in blue or yellow, get in a good position, switch to heavy, and backsweep, but that's only if I don't think I've hit them before. If I KNOW I've hit them at least ONCE, I'll use yellow backsweep, and if I think they're almost dead, I'll either use the yellow finisher, blue backstab, blue lunge, or a blue/yellow spin attack.

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I don't know about you mythren, but my saber backslashes a new spawned player (100 life, 25 shields) dead in one go, in yellow stance.. oh well, maybe my 'saber making' skill is higher then yours :p

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Really? I haven't tested it, but heck, if it'll 1-shot them as well as red, I might start using it...although I don't backsweep very often, cause I think it's kinda cheap, I only use it in the manner it was intended (as a finisher after a long fight, ONLY if my opponent ends up behind me, I don't run up to them and turn around).


Of course, there are exceptions to the rule...when I do something fun like wait till someone jumps and force-push them off the edge in whatever maps those are, and they yell at me and call me names, challenging me to a duel and what not, if I feel they are True Idiots (not Newbies, newbies are just new to the game, not moronic players), then I backsweep em once, and everyone laughs at em, calls em names, and tell them they can't read good.

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First of all, red stance backsweep's max damage is bigger than yellow stance backsweep's damage. I know this for a fact, unfortunately don't have the figures handy... :rolleyes:


However, keep in mind, that it also depends on how you hit your opponent with the moves. Depending on where and how close exactly the opponent stands, you can hit him up to three times with a yellow backsweep through the animation. Best position is when the opponent is at about 8 o'clock.


I still find myself using red backsweep more because it somehow is more lethal... :D

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....by gently turning round during your backsweep - in this case you'll pass through them once, and if thats not enough, you'll catch them again at the end of your swing, where your sabre will stay imbedded until they die!


This on medium, is certain death for all except the quickest & healthiest of the get-uppers!

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Here are the figures for the Backsweep Moves in yellow (medium) and red (Strong) stance as published by ArtifeX:

Medium Backsweep -- Back + Attack (with enemy close behind)


Speed-- Fast

Range-- Short

Defense Piercing-- 100%

Damage-- 80-250 points

Tactics-- Upon knocking your opponent down, run up to where he lays, spin 180-degrees, and perform this move. Done properly, this means instant death for your target.


Strong Back Sweep - (opponent close behind) back + attack


Damage - 120 or 240 or 360(!)

Recovery - Moderate

Usage - This has the potential to be more powerful than the strong finishing move. I've backed someone into a corner and hit them 3 times with this one swing. Once with the wind up, once with the start of the swing, and once with the end of it. I'll try to duplicate it and post a demo later. This should be possible with the medium version as well since they're the same animation, but I haven't tried that yet. This beats the medium version anyway for just that reason: same animation, more damage.

Check his Website http://www.oculis.org/asc/guides/saberguide_103.html for saber combat and force guides, too.

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Thanks for that link. I never knew that the lunge breakthrough effectiveness was cut in half if you jumped before lunging (which is what I have been doing until now).


Gonna keep my feet on the ground while lunging from now on.

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Referring to the source code, yellow stance does indeed do less damage than red stance.


Yellow is set at a base damage of 25. Red is set to 30. Every other value (randomness, falloff, minimum damage is the same).


Thing to note is that hits are apparently calculated "per tick", meaning that each update cycle that your saber is in contact with someone's body, the saber is doing damage, as viewed by the server.


Since backstab is unblockable it does so much damage because it spends so much time inside an opponent's body. Since the average damage of a normal backstab appears to be around 90-100 damage, it seems that the saber does damage for about three or four ticks.


Normal attacks apparently do less damage because they get parried away before they can do multiple ticks worth of damage.


It's hard to be certain if this is how 1.03 standard actually plays. The source code that was released compiles as 1.03a, and has a number of other changes so it's possible that the damage difference would have been a new addition.

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While I still firmly believe that red does more damage, I started a local LAN game against about 6 bots and my poor daddy who was playing for his first time, and I got to test these manuvers against them.


Didn't seem to matter if I hit them with a yellow or red stand, if I pulled until they fell down at my feet, turned and Backstabbed...they died. Period. With both stances.


A few times 2 or more were together and when I backsweeped I killed them all, even with yellow, but I seem to be able to kill them if they're further out with the red...so if I was going against 1, I'd use yellow, against 2 or more, I'd use red.


I still think that Red does more than Yellow, but so far, it's always been lethal. Maybe a player/bot could survive a yellow if they had 100hp and 100 shield, but I dunno.


Also, if you're in a light fight, think about making a few blue backstabs...I mean, fight with whatever stance you usually duel with (I switch all the time depending on what my opponent is using), and once you feel you've gotten some damage done, switch to blue and see if you can get off a backstab WITHOUT using the force, it not only looks cool, but has lead me to believe it can do 60+ points of damage.

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