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WHere do you play JK2?


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HI, I play usually on the zone and was wondering where else if any I could play it. Where do you all usually play and if differnt tell me how to get there. I think its possible to play through raven but would never load for me. Waiting to here from you all.

Vigilanty TpS - Saber extroadinare of the Zone :(

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Well, typically I use 3 methods:


1) The in-game method, if I'm headed straight for one of my favorites.

2) The All-Seeing Eye, if I need to find a pub. I find the eye to be a bit faster than the in-game server locater, and it finds most of the servers that the game misses, too.

3) /connect in the console, but only when I'm too lazy and know exactly where I'm going. :p


Of course, these methods have the obvious lack of the pre-game chat window a la Gamespy or MSN's Zone. No matter. I like to let my saber / Tenloss DXR Disruptor Rifle do the talking anyway. :cool:


Merc out. :fett:

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

I play in front of my computer ^.^ Using IP games with my friends. I stay well clear from those big servers.


It's all the about the big servers. That's when the fun begins.



I like the Wookie Beer Party :wookiee: and JediForces NT.



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I use All Seeing Eye

it ROCKS! you can filter out full or empty servers

as well as finding ffa, ctf, saber only or what ever you are looking for very easy to use very fast and you don't have to register like you do for gamespy just download and go.


Like I said before it ROCKS!!

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home :D









































actually, i uses the in-game browser... third party? AHAHAH!!!@ :D

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Originally posted by HellFyre69

why would yall even use gamespy or zone... Seriously.. the in game browser is a lot faster to connect to a server


Gamespy works good on other games, but yeah, I agree the in-game browser is the best.


Which servers do you guys usually play on? :confused:

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