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What Muppet are You?


kermit.jpgKermit Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.


Which Mutant?


remy.jpgRemy LeBeau Look out and lock up your daughters, everyone, we're in the presence of Remy LeBeau. That's right, you're that smooth-talkin' Cajun boy with a flare for making women swoon and a great love for all things shiny and steal-able. Sure, you're forever on the run from your past, but there's no reason why you can't run from it in style, oui?


And finally, what Transformer Gestalt/Citybot are you?


metroplex.jpgMetroplex Possessed of startling versatility and staggering strength, you are the one everyone depends on as a last resort. In battle, you are a mighty instrument of destructive force, unwavering and ever-valiant when you attack. And for when you are not in battle, you are a helpful and observant protector as Autobot City. But despite your enormous amount of power, you are also extremely modest. You often berate yourself for not being able to contribute more to the Autobot cause.

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Muppets: My score is 53.



Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.


I DO NOT AGREE! If I had to be a muppet I would definately be Gizmo or Kermit.






remy.jpgRemy LeBeau (Gambit)

Look out and lock up your daughters, everyone, we're in the presence of Remy LeBeau. That's right, you're that smooth-talkin' Cajun boy with a flare for making women swoon and a great love for all things shiny and steal-able. Sure, you're forever on the run from your past, but there's no reason why you can't run from it in style, oui?


I'm ok with that :cool:



Transformer Gestalt/Citybot:



omega-supreme.jpgOmega Supreme!

You are recognized for both your great strength and being the ultimate defensive force, but it is your even greater courage which truly distinguishes you. Against overwhelming odds, you will stand and fight with every mechanism of your being. Your fellow Autobots consider you serious, even grim, but you know the real reason why. There is an enormity of the responsibility placed on your shoulders. You are the Autobots last line of defense. Which is something you find both challenging and chilling. But you would have it no other way.


huh, last line of defense? me? :confused:

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I'm a little disappointed in the Muppet test; I was trying for Gonzo. :p


As for the others, the first time I took them (i.e., when I first found them), I ended up as Rogue and Omega Supreme, respectively.


Hmm. Rogue and Gambit. . . Does this mean I'm in love with myself? Though, who could blame me, really. . .

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Originally posted by Rebel Loyaltist

Like I would waste time to write out the stuff and post images. :p


It's called Copy and Paste and it's quite effective, besides you've already wasted time by actually doing this "who are you?" thingamabob.


BTW is it Gizmo or Gonzo? I now think it's Gonzo, if so that's the muppet I expect myself to be...Were I to be a muppet that is...

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Created in the spirit of vengeance by Starscream to act as his personal army against Megatron, you were created from the derelict hulks of 5 World War 2 vehicles, and then given the personality components of 5 imprisoned Decepticon traitors (Onslaught, Vortex, Blast Off, Brawl, and Swindle). In separate forms you are a crack team of Decepticon military specialists who's shear firepower and tactical genius make you one of the deadliest gestalt teams ever created. As Bruticus you are a force to be reckoned with, having proven that you are virtually unstoppable by both Autobots and Decepticons.

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I am:





Huzzah, you're the fabulous Miss Jubilation Lee, also known as Jubilee. You're a smart-mouthed little bundle of energy who never lacks a snappy come back or witty retort. You're a bit irresponsible at times, but you can't help it if there are better things to be doing with your valuable time than studying or practicing. Pschaw!

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optimusprime.jpg I am Optimus Prime!


Vast, red and ready to turn into a lorry at the slightest provocation, you are a robot to be reckoned with. Although sickeningly noble, you just can't resist a good interplanetary war, especially when Orson Welles is involved. You have friends who can shoot tapes from their chests. Tapes that turn into panthers. And other friends who are dinosaurs. Dinosaurs who jump out of planes. Will you have my children?




rickets.png I'm Rickets!


Caused by insufficient phosphorous, vitamin D and/or sunlight, you cause those unlucky enough to suffer you to have swelling in the joints, and bending of the longer bones (such as those found in the legs) in growing children.


You're not very prevalent in affluent societies any more - but don't worry, there's always the third world!

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Bruticus! (Combaticons)


Created in the spirit of vengeance by Starscream to act as his personal army against Megatron, you were created from the derelict hulks of 5 World War 2 vehicles, and then given the personality components of 5 imprisoned Decepticon traitors (Onslaught, Vortex, Blast Off, Brawl, and Swindle). In separate forms you are a crack team of Decepticon military specialists who's shear firepower and tactical genius make you one of the deadliest gestalt teams ever created. As Bruticus you are a force to be reckoned with, having proven that you are virtually unstoppable by both Autobots and Decepticons


and finally

Hey ho, you're Calibretto!


Kick. Arse.


Five metric tonnes of hulking, steam powered robo-meat, you are the pin-up boy for death robot technology. Although you are in fact a war golem, you know how to use a minigun, and you can benchpress small settlements. Relatively new to the colossal death robot scene, you were first pencilled by comic legend Joe Maduriera in 1998. Sensitive, stylish, and yet still massive, if you were female and not made of iron I would probably propose to you.

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You are Fozzie!

Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.







Scott Summers (Cyclops)!

Yup, that's right. You're Scott Summers aka Cyclops: Fearless leader of the X-Men. You are responsible, wise beyond your years, mature and probably the greatest stick in the mud in the history of mankind. And sure, your peers probably talk about you behind your back, but when it comes right down to it, they know they can turn on you in a crisis.







I am Rail Racer! (Team Bullet Train)

The 3 robots of Team Bullet Train (Midnight Express, Rail Spike, and Rapid Run complete their three-bot fusion with Rail Spike as the brains of the whole. Thanks to the accelerators he's equipped with, he carries himself swiftly. Wields a giant gun combining Rail Spike 's Beam Gun and Midnight Express' Rifle. As Rail Racer you use Midnight Express's compasion, Rapid Run's youthfull determination, & Rail Spike's limitless experience to win in any situation.



The Horrible Affliction Test




Congratulations, you're rickets!

Caused by insufficient phosphorous, vitamin D and/or sunlight, you cause those unlucky enough to suffer you to have swelling in the joints, and bending of the longer bones (such as those found in the legs) in growing children.


You're not very prevalent in affluent societies any more - but don't worry, there's always the third world!


-Wraith 8-

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jacktheripper.jpg I am Jack the Ripper!


Perhaps the most famous serial killer ever, you placed fear into the heart of Victorian London in 1888. You prey upon prostitutes; while they lift their skirts for you, you seize their throats and strangle them. Then you lower them to the ground and cut their throats; perhaps, if you feel like it, you'll slice out a kidney or cut open a leg.


The next morning, the body will be in the open for all the world to see; the newspapers will echo the screaming out on the cobbled streets.




I hope none of you are prostitutes or I'll be forced to kill ya, I mean it!

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