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Ur worst loss evar


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Well aside from the countless losses to ass players; you know the type, 1-4 kicks followed by pull then backstab. I think my worst was on the bespin duel map. I had worked the other guy down to about 10 hp or so, I had 100/25. Then proceeded to run myself clear off the pathway. :)

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I never die to ass players anymore...come to think of it I dont die to people who just run around swinging either.Hmmmm....But I must say my worst lost to date was to ASP FETT..we have great battles..some go on for 10 mins or so...once it was so long my fingers were killing me on both hands....I got a thumb cramp..and being the good fighter he was...took advantge and rolled through me with his sabre....was a great fight....and close too.....so yes that was my worst defeat to date

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My worst loss was when I was guarding my flag at ctf_ns_streets,then I sniped someone(with a disruptor!!),who,incidentally,camped.It might have been lag,but just after that I tried to snipe someone(he lagged,too),then I lagged!Then,some @$$fella came and stole my flag,and sniped me with the Disruptor!That was so embarassing!


And then I had to find,and then I tried to fight 2 MP players.I had brought someone down to about >50/0 or so,then,someone just did something(it wasn't kick,it wasn't push) to knock me down,and when i came up he just diagonally upper-cut me.

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Originally posted by darth dragon

Never lost so don't know why i am posting here. By the way get Broadband and there is no lag.


Wow, gee what a great idea, and what about the people who can't get Broadband?


My worst loss... probably losing in a fight where I would have easily gotten the kill if I had about 400 less ping.

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I've had a number of bad experiences. Once, I was chasing a TK-421 (stormtrooper) bot down a hallway and was right about to behead him with my saber when he turned around with a bowcaster a fired a single shot right between the eyes (or somewhere on the head.) I had 100 health, too.

Another time, I got a little trigger-happy with the Repeater and quickly ran out of ammo. Then it auto-switched to the E-11 and whddya know, ran out of ammo there, too, which left me running around like a panicky chicken with nothing but a stun baton. I actually lasted about 2 minutes like that.

Finally, I was Force Gripping someone in the Death Star map near the two elevators and was about to drop him down the bottomless shaft when he broke out of it, then proceeded to Grip ME and throw me down to my doom.

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When I'm in a duel and "This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down" comes up, or the screen just freezes and I have to reboot. I hate that so much, I wish Raven would fix the freezing bug.


Also, it sucks when fighting someone on a bridge or plank and I fall :D.

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Originally posted by Master Xavier

Originally posted by darth dragon-----------

"well togh luck if you can't get broad band."




Your dumb Darth Dragon! 'SO' dumb your even dumber that me!....well not that dumb :D but still quite dumb!


Coming from a guy that doesn't know how to quote?

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Loosing a 5min full force duel because I jumped too high and took damage when hitting the ground.


The other guy had 2 health when it happened.


I've died countless times by my own hand. Usually I wall-walk or roll down "The Void"... but I'm quite used to that now, so it's no biggie :D


"Live fast, Die Young"

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Yesterday. No force server, except for throw. This guy (named "Dark Master,") was going 10/0 before I arrived many a time, because well, if you swung, he hit you with a throw. So, I get in, I say, "Hey pal how about no throw?" And, he replied, "Sure, I can pwn anyone anyway." So, I procceded in owning him, I must have hit him about 3-4 times with heavy, (he must have been low on hp), then started SPAMMING throw, so I couldnt swing, and had to play his game in order to win, he was running away from me in a DUEL map, throwing throwing throwing throwing......just as he jumped over my head and threw this one time, i lunged and nailed him out of the air....then i play all the other players on the server, and lo and behold for the 10th kill i need to kill this guy again. The following match was the worst **** I have ever experienced in JKII, it was a 10-15 minute saber throwing chess match, heh. I would have just got bored and tried swinging and would have died, but when someone like that is SO DAMN cocky, you just have to put them in there place.


I REALLY REALLY hope there arent more people like him that play this game. That was the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.


-Look me up, I play under the names Rosco: The Prince Of Space, and more recently, Yukon Cornelius.


I would very much like getting a challenge in a duel server =)

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