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Sam & max in JKII


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  • 2 weeks later...

He's not in JKII. Apparently LucasArts legally can't put him in games (though some people try harder than others, sneaking him into EMI and some other more recent titles). It's sort of a shame. I emailed Steve Purcell a long while ago about it and he said he liked that they were still sneaking them in... Oh well.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Max is referred to once in EMI at the palace of prostheses, and he shows up in the background at least once, in the rafters of that pirate school place. There's a possible second time you see him in the game, face down on a table at the International House of Mojo, but it's hard to tell.

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I mean because I think all of these references in the link are utterly stupid, (ANY MANATEE YOU SEE MUST BE A REFERENCE TO SAM AND MAX) but they don't have the table listed there.


But it was nice to hear the Bigfoot Shuffle remixed... but then I'm sure Lucas Arts owns the right to that song.


They did use Max in Grim Fandango... did they still have a contract going then? I always figured it stopped at CMI.

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Originally posted by SyntheticGerbil

That's not him in the school, but I have not checked him out in the Mojo house.

Yes it is. I'm not talking about the big rabbit there. There is...another. It's dark in this pic: http://www.worldofmi.com/features/funny/mi4in/sam&max1-1.jpg , but you can see to the immediate right of the "plunder bunny" is another rabbit's head, with the trademark ears and fishbowl head.
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