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Why do both women and film critics hate Star Wars so much?

Darth Groovy

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That is totally true. I have a general hatred for film critics, because they always like the bad movies. This goes the same for Oscars/Academy Awards judges. This is the formula:


Celebrities, real-life setting, down-to-earth plot, Steven Spielberg, crying women = GOOD.


Science fiction, grandiose good vs. evil adventures (besides Greek mythology), action scenes = BAD.


Of course, those are general statements, and the first Star Wars won 8 Academy Awards, but still. Last year's winner, A Beautiful Mind? How many people saw that movie?


Monster's Ball? I never even heard of that movie until after the Oscars.


I have yet to see one sci-fi to win an award for Best Picture.

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A beautiful Mind was very good. Very good.


And I dont see where the generalization about critics hating action came about. Look at Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, Gladiator, ect. And as for critics hating sci fi...most of it is crap. The OT was great (with the exception of Ewoks....*shudder*), but I do feel the Prequals are a little too formuliac (sp?), and did too many things the exact same way as the OT. There isnt enough innovation. Sure, I love them all, its STAR WARS!! But, I'd like them to be better. I'm crossing my figers with Episode III.

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A lot of sci-fi movies are crap, like lime-light said.




Event horizon(stupidest acting i ever seen)


LEGEND (with tom cruise :rolleyes:)


and I didn't really like


Star Trek: TMP(obvious reasons)



And there was some really poor acting in Episode II. THe movie was good to a star wars fan, but not for the average movie-goer.


and yes, A Beautiful Mind was very very very good. I really enjoyed it.

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If I were a judge, I would have voted for Lord of the Rings.


I probably should have explained "action" more in detail. The movies you said are historical, real-world type. You never see things like Blade, The Matrix, Batman, or Mortal Kombat there, do ya? (Well, I don't know about Matrix, but still.)


Alright, I'll hand it to you that most sci-fi movies are bad. But, that's just because they're not directed well, too corny, etc. I liked The Lawnmower Man, Independence Day, Fifth Element, Matrix, and a slew of other good sci-fi's out there, though. And, of course, Star Wars.

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And I didn't say Beautiful Mind wasn't good.


However, I will not ever even remotely say that I enjoyed Titanic. I mean, it didn't SUCK, but I totally missed the big deal that all the film critics made about it.


But, I think you got my general idea about how critics think, right?

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Ok, Batman and the Matrix, but Mortal Combat? And I would have gone for LoTR too. A Beautiful Mind was touching, scary, real, but LoTR made you feel like you had just witnessed something grand, something amazing and important, even though it never took place.


I agree with you about your favorite Sci-Fi movies Shadow (except MK, hehe), but there are outnumber by the crappy ones. I did like Event Horizon, just becuase it scared me, and was an interesting idea, but I would call it a horror flick more than sci-fi.


I dont like critics very often, just becuase they hate everything, and most only like certain movies, and so everything else is deemed crap. You can find flaws in everything.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

For a really good movie,


"Final Fantasy"


Kick but movie!!!!


what do ya think?


As a stand-alone film, it was excellent. The CG was breathtaking, too. But it had, like, no relation to the Final Fantasy game series at all. And that's what I came to see the movie for. Thought I would get swords or gunblades clashing against a 6-foot long Masamune until a vampire-like dude shoots 'em all up with his guns, some cool magic spells, a rich guy with a big-ass cannon on his penthouse suite. As you can tell, I was a bit disappointed.


And Homo Ewok, I'm not sure I want to see a film called "Orgazmo."

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Originally posted by Shadow Angel


And Homo Ewok, I'm not sure I want to see a film called "Orgazmo."


Dude it was funny as Hell.

It is one of those wickedly twisted dark comedies about a Mormon porn star. The guys that do South Park made it. It really is a tame movie, except for the language.


I am not a big fan of pop culture; at least in the sitcom pop music sense.

I always found it funny to watch people get bent out of shape over a silly movie, this is one of those movies.

How people can sit through predictable garbage like Seinfeld and Friends and actually manage to laugh is something I just don't get.

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Most of my immediate family likes Star Wars, but I'm the only die hard fan (no, I'm not an obsessive little nerd :p).


I was watching Episode V a little while ago, and I realized that Ep1 isn't really that bad.


If you look at TPM and the original trilogy, they are quite similar.

There are only a few good actors in each movie (Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson, Ewan Mcgreggor, etc).

I think that bad acting runs in the Skywalker family.

Mark Hammil can't act.

Little midget kid from ep1 can't act.


I was really glad when Hayden Christenson broke that family curse.


The only real difference between ep1 and the OT is how well the plot was constructed.

In ep1, they rushed everything WAY WAY WAY too much.

Ep2 was a lot better, since they actually took a little more time for each scene (I just didn't like the beginning, cuz they rushed it a little bit).

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Originally posted by Redwing



Excuse moi???


Isn't that a bit of stereotyping there??


I can personally tell you you're wrong...


Redwing,I've always wanted to know if your a boy or girl,can you tell me?

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There are alot of good points here. But the sad truth is that for every good Sci-Fi movie ever made, there are at least 20 bad ones mad. Here is a short version of my list, I know this will stur up alot of flames, but then again alot of critics made me mad back in 1999. I also want to say that I though Lord of the Rings was pretty amazing, yet I was dissapointed because the movie was that long and had no real closure. Still I want to see the next one, because I know very little about Tolkein or the LOTR so I want to see how this ends. Also I wanted to say that The crap thing about Oscars, is that even if all the movies made during a particular year absolutely suck, some movie is still going to get an Oscar. Not much insentive for a director. Anyways...here is my list. I shortened it to 10 each.


The Bad:


1. Dune

2. Mission To Mars

3. Battlefield Earth

4. A.I. Artificial Intelligence

5. Contact

6. Waterworld

7. The Postman

8. Alien Nation

9. Solarbabies

10. Megaforce


The Good:

1. Star Wars

2. Forbidden Planet

3. Alien

4. Predator

5. Robocop

6. Terminator

7. Blade Runner

8. The Time Machine (old)

9. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

10. War of the Worlds

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Originally posted by darthgroovyii


The Bad:



10. Megaforce


Dude! Not even!

That flick had it all, flying motorcycles, groovy mullets, it sooo rocked.


Actually, I thought it was cool when I saw it as a little kid, but yeah it is pretty cheesy.

BTW I think this is the first time in my life that I have ever see/heard anyone mention that film, most people don't remember it.

All top-secret commando squads were baby blue headbands..



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Mark Hammil can't act


Have you even seen Star Wars?? :rolleyes:


1. Dune


The 80's movie was cool in a cheesy sort of way, and the recent miniseries was just plain awesome.


5. Contact


:rolleyes: Lemme guess, another example of good Sci-Fi is the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers?...


6. Waterworld

7. The Postman


The critics hated Waterworld!! It cost a lot of money to make!! Everyone criticize this actually decent movie. Not at all worth the money it cost to make, but a fun movie nonetheless.


Then we have: omg, Kevin Costner made ANOTHER post-apocalyptic movie?? When will he learn??? Ugh. You probably didn't even see The Postman, which, incidentally, was a good movie.

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Originally posted by Vestril

The 80's movie was cool in a cheesy sort of way, and the recent miniseries was just plain awesome.


Dang Straight! The Dune movies Were AWESOME!!!!!!!!



My Favorite part is when they rode the worms. Somethin about that just.........kicks arse...........

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Did you see Star Wars?


Mark Hammil cant act. He did ok in the OT, becuase thats a pretty easy character to pay. But you'll notice he never made any other notable movies. Thats becuase he cant act.


And Contact was pretty good, but I would have liked to see some kind of Alien...


As for groovy's list, I think you could remove Robocop and tack Aliens there instead.

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