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The Flying Backstab?

Darth Gecko

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Ok, this is a new one to me. Earlier today I dropped into a server where a clan was practicing along with a few other dropins like myself. FFA so the first person I come upon (whom I later learn to be their leader) initiated a duel with me. As soon as it started he jumped and executed a perfect backswipe in midair. It was so fast I barely had a chance to react. Needless to say I didn't stand a chance. To top that off, his backstwipes spun about 5-6 times around (really high mouse sensitivity?). But that flying backstab that he could do... scripting?...bug?...or hack? Or was he just really reeeally good? Also, is there some secret to get more power into a push? On the next map, Nar Shadaa Streets, I was standing totally still down by the 2 pits, facing him (same guy) and with 1 push I was sent off the edge of the platform. This happened several time while each time I couldn't budge him even from behind. Is this all just scripting? Or is there some big secret I don't know about? I just can't get over that flying backstab though. While I was there he privately taught one of his clanmates to do it, but I just couldn't figure it out no matter how much I tried, yet he seemed to get it every time.

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I may be wrong but i think it has to do something with Absorb.

Try this with a friend :

Let your friend just stand some meters away from you on an edge and pull him without you having absorb on.

Try the same then WITH Absorb on.

I dunno why but most times when i pull with Absorb on i can pull ppl faster and over a bigger distance.

If your friend also has Absorb on you shouldnt be able to pull him, if he s not moving.

If you play on maps like NS streets you should always have absorb on when near an edge.

Hope that helped a bit ;)

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Maybe this will give you some insight:


I have been able to successfully and quite repetitively pull off a mid-air backstab. No it is not scripting. It is a move that is quite humiliating to the victim and quite impressive to watch. And it is quite simple. You can do it while the person is standing or while they are in the air and it takes a bit of timing. Its not easy to get the timing but pulling the move off is fairly easy. But basically if you are a good backstabber you should be able to pull this off quite easily. Just jump towards the person like you are going to kick them or jump into them (if they are in the air or on a higher ledge) and right before you get to them turn around and do a backstab. Thats it. Easy huh? The hardest part is timing. I would start practicing with a friend, and have them stand on a ledge just above you while you stand down lower with your back turned to them. Then jump up and backstab them without landing on the ledge. Just jump straight up. Once you get that timing down start jumping towards them spining around 180 degrees and doing the backstab. With enough practice you will get it.


As far as someone being able to pull you off of a ledge while just standing there: There are several possibities. If someone was standing with in range to pull you, this guy might have pulled you and then someone else pulled you a split second afterwards and that would pull you off. WHen you stand still you should not be vulnerable to pulls but you can be if someone knows how to exploit it. That split second when someone pulls you and you see your hand go up, during that split second you are vulnerable to attack. Someone could pull you and immediately throw their saber at you and cause damage even though you are facing them and you should block it. Sucks huh? So in your case he could have pushed and then immedately pulled you (with help from a script) or someone could have pulled you and then he pulled you in that split second that you were vulnerable... Exploits suck and raven sucks because they wont fix them or they are taking their sweet ass time fixing them. blah.

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Nah i've seen people fly turning so much it's looks stupid

i didn't read the 1st psot properly actually, he says backsatb ion midair, that's pretty easy liek you say it's all down to timing but i'm pretty sure it stupdi mosue sensitivity or scripting when someone comes throguh the air spinning rapidly and kills when it toucehs.

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Just setting your mousesensetivity that high cannot make you do the midair swing. You'd never be able to control it. People script it so they turn around and make the swipe, then it sets mouse sensetivity up and starts turning around.


It sux, but it happens... alot =-(

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I think the spinning-effect can be done in a number of ways. Mouse sensitivity is one, but I doubt many of us can play well with a hypersensitive mouse... not as many people as you see spinning anyways.


A bind does the trick, as well as tampering with yawspeed..?



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Its mainly a bug as you are not suppose to spin while doing a backstab, the midair same thing. Chret all the bugs have been addressed by raven actually in 1.03a its just that lucas won't let them release it probably because they want to hold raven back to do a expansion. Raven just programmed the game they don't own it so they are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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Mid-Air Backstab:

Actually, no big deal. To do a backstab, what do you do? back + attack w/ opponent behind you. Does it say anything about "need to be standing on the floor"? No. Duh.


Quick Turning:

Granted, there's people who use scripts and mess with mouse sensivity and/or yawspeed. But before you accuse people for scripting or cheating, make sure that what they do is not doable in fair game. However, just do a regular Backsweep move or a yellow dfa and while doing it, move the mouse in long strokes left and right. You'll turn pretty fast doing that already.


Push/Pull issue:

Ok, normally if you stand still, you shouldn't be able to be pushed down like that. Reasons might be that your opponent had a higher level of force push than you had in force pull (needed to counter this). Also it is possible that your force pool was empty and you didn't have enough force left to counter the push effectively.


As you might know you are generally more vulnerable to push/pull, when you are moving, attacking or jumping.


Also, are you sure he didn't kick you rather than pushed you? ;) I don't mean to offend anybody, but I have been accused for cheating because I kicked somebody on a server where push/pull were disabled because people didn't know how to kick and thought I would push them. Especially when you experience lag, you might not see the kick coming and all of a sudden fall...

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why are people so obbsessed with the fact that a script is behind every damn move in this game. Welcome to one of the most buggiest games on store shelves ladies and gents. you need no script to execute a mid-air backstab, its a BUG. try it for your self. ever thought about what adding jump to the backstab might do? try it, you'd be surprised.

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I think that it should be a requirement for a CLAN to title their server accordingly. Alot are, but not all. I would avoid them completely. I hear the same thing everytime I win a fight with multiple clan members online.. Either "OMG", or "Can't believe he got both of us.." Just shows how arrogant and invulnerable people get when they belong to a club..

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Mind your tongue whoever :p


Personally, I think they should have never made pre-determined move. Instead of the backslash, it should been where all you do is put your saber into a position, then turn around YOURSELF. It's alot more fun doing that, than pressing a " key combo" and sitting back watching your guy do moves for you.


Scripts, an yes...always with the scripts. Hate them.




The backslash multi-spin is a simple command. You can turn about 10 times in 1 second with it. Pretty funny to watch someone standing still with their saber out and then creating a saber-tornado :p

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod



The backslash multi-spin is a simple command. You can turn about 10 times in 1 second with it. Pretty funny to watch someone standing still with their saber out and then creating a saber-tornado :p


What is this "simple command" Explain? is it a script?

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