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What an amateurish hacking attempt...

Guest King Andrei

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Guest King Andrei

I was posting on GF Forums, when the Internet Explorer became kinda dark, slowly and creepy. Then a strange creepy sound came outta my speakers. Then a window appeared: Guess what it says:


"Click here for the golden opportunity!" or something like that.


I didn't click on it, I just closed my IE. Stupid hackers! I don't know who it was or what it was but I'm notifiyng the forum administrator soon.

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has anyone tried the us army game? it is very very bad.


i was talking to someone and they started telling me about this time someone from the us army recruitment center called them and started asking them all sorts of question like "what your name" "whats your full name" and asking about family history and what they liked doing. finally the caller asked for the person's social security number and the person asked why he wanted it? and the recruitment officer goes "well don't you want to join the army."


i think that's the lowest way to recruit some one, he almost tricked him into joining.

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Join the army, and get a free chocolate bar!


It's always seemed to me that the army is a self-regulating democratic system. If people approve of the uses to which the army is put, there will be a tendency for them to join. That's why the draft is so undemocratic.

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I consider myself a militant pacifist.


I'd go to great lengths to avoid joining the armed forces. To many, it would sound like I've gone pinko on the good old US of A, but honestly it seems like too many of the "wars" that America has been involved in, in recent history, have been waged primarily to protect investments, rather than ideals.


Granted, much of the time, all it takes is a war to boost a sagging economy. And what god-fearing, red-blooded American family wouldn't mind sending off their sons to war, knowing that the rest of us will be able to get our gasoline $3.00 cheaper per gallon (none of that metric stuff, thank you very much) than the rest of the industrialized world as a result?


Anyway, all sarcasms aside, I signed up for Selective Services today, over a year late, because I would have eventually gone to jail for not doing so. I'm still not entirely sure what being "registered" means, since there's no draft anymore, but it still freaks me out.

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Are these the same guys running that "linnucks" hacking program that can turn your computer into a bomb, Andrei555? Or are they the 1337 ones who use the "Shockwave" RAT/DOS tool?


I assume, from your "wanted" poster in your .sig that you have the m4d sk1llz to be able to hack them back, since they were so stupid.


Why not do so and teach them a lesson for all of us? After all, they have hacked me twice today. :(

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I don't think I ever had a virus. I downloaded some joke ones once to wind my dad up, that was fun - all the icons on the desktop kept slipping down the page. Actually, whenever I type in the word 'job' on my computer - its just done it - a window pops up to some website http://www.ilostjob.com/ or something. I always close it straight away, though. A good job too - oh buggery...

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Get 'Ad-aware' and wipe all that evil spyware and adware from your computer. Watch out though, becuase some programmes may need the adware to run - but you can reinstall them. http://download.com


Oh, Kazaa is evil. Uninstall it now, and get Kazaa lite. It's the same, without the spyware. http://www.kazaalite.com


Finally, watch out for the gator programme that comes with Realplayer

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Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by manny_c444

Hey do you think you could maybe delete your signature? Its morbidly obese, and annoying as hell.


Hey do you think you could maybe do me a favor and ban yourself?;P


Besides, I've seen sigs bigger.

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