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JEDIMOD v1.0 Problems


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ok first off i have no stance indicators, i can do all the moves from blue-red, but i stay in blue stance. None of my autoexec.cfg's activate while loading the game, and nothing works. I have reinstalled this mod and JO several times yesterday and still nothing so B4 anyone types up their autoexec.cfg's that they r using keep in mind even the slightest difference in one of my files can throw this whole thing off. I'm just about ready to flame this mod i have done everything i know how to do including the "illegal" ways to get it working and still nothing.

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Someone said that JediMoves messes up the stances so make sure that isnt in your base directory. And make sure all the files from the zip end up in gamedata/JediMod


When you reinstalled JO did you make sure to delete all files left over from the uninstall? It might have left the other mods there when you uninstalled and they may be what is messed it all up.

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how come some of tckouchy`s commands don`t work in jedimod 1.0 ?

I edited the bots.txt so that certain bots could use a double sith saber


e.g darth maul, i added tck_doublesaber 1 command

but when i ran the game he did not have it ? I also made sure g_botdoublesaber was set to 1

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Its better than what you can do Emon... cause as far as I know, you don't own a film studio, you don't own any professional video editing utilities, you don't own any kind of choreography talents, nor do you have the money to buy the cameras needed to produce a quality film... and I'm not being mean, I am just tired of people who say it sucks, when they can't do any better, more less, any thing even remotely CLOSE to what Mark Thomas and Dave Macomber put into it...

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Problem is fixed i uninstalled everything erased every file, and re-installed. The jedi moves <or anything that changes stances around> should not be installed. Saber mods make no difference. But i repeat NO JEDIMOVES MODS SHOULD BE INSTALLED or this will not work. Thx for all the help DEST i figured it out this mornin. I am just now posting this i have not read anyone's post's yet but i'm sure they say what i just wrote.

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1. I CAN do better (that's irrelevent anyway) choreography than that. It's NOT hard. All you have to do is aim at the person instead of at their lightsaber blade.


2. The quality of the film is excellent, especially the CGI stuff, that stuff kicks ass. There is, however, no excuse for the poor choreography. It takes like 10 minutes to make something more convincing than that (they stand in place spinning their lightstaffs like morons, don't actually try and hit each other)

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when binding the key, I tend to use these combination key


go to console and type something like

bind home model yoda no slashes or or hyphens


"bind ins model mrbig" or whatever but without the quotations


and binding keys like the taunt can be used by keys normally assigned to just SP, like Third Person view if you are mostly a person who tends to use the saber most of the time.

and make sure when doing this new layout to spend time learning it OFFLINE, that way when you get in a server match, you won't be scrambling to find the key to switch to s different saber stance/hilt(when the new hilt in JediMod v1.1 is released... ) :D

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Changing the size of your character is related to the tckmodel.cfg file. Just open that up in Windows notepad, and follow the instructions in the Jedimod readme to enter correct calculations. Ive noticed that the name in that file must correspond with the bot name of the character whose size you are changing. After the change is made, just load the mod up as usual. I hope that helped.


I followed the instructions and bound a key to the function


Im not sure exactly what you mean by that, but the above should get your characters to scale.


On another note, I have a question myself. In the readme file, Dest mentions a "special move" does anyone know how to do this, or what it is?

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I have installed and successfully run JediMod 1.0. However, whenever I go to 'New List' I only ever get JediMod servers. The mod is not loaded up, and I don't get why this is happening. Failing a solution, what files do I delete from Gamedata to get rid of JediMod? Im not sure which files belong to JediMod and which to the base Jedi knight.:confused:

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The special move DEST is referring to is the special move executed like the yellow special move, only under the purple...DEST was just looking around at animations, and saw this one, and decided to make it an attack.. Great Job Dest!

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no, to enable two sabers, you need to add a line to the autoexec.cfg file in the JediMod folder that says


seta mod_dualsaber 1


and for the doublebladed, you add the line


seta mod_dualblade 1 (or 2 for dual destroyers)


you also need the line


seta mod_debugcheats 1 (so you don't get the unknown cmd twosaber errors or any errors that might accompany the JediMod


And bot support for dualblades doesn't work as of yet, DEST will have it fixed for JediMod v1.1

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Originally posted by Andy867

no, to enable two sabers, you need to add a line to the autoexec.cfg file in the JediMod folder that says


seta mod_dualsaber 1


and for the doublebladed, you add the line


seta mod_dualblade 1 (or 2 for dual destroyers)


you also need the line


seta mod_debugcheats 1 (so you don't get the unknown cmd twosaber errors or any errors that might accompany the JediMod


And bot support for dualblades doesn't work as of yet, DEST will have it fixed for JediMod v1.1


You mean to autofig and the MPfig

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