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Do you believe in Alien's?


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Originally posted by lexx

Have any of you heard of RODS? They are long creatures that have been captured on video and can only be seen when you slow the tape right down. They travel hundreds of miles an hour and this is why people believe them to be not of this planet.


I'm gonna try a find a website about them so you know what I'm talking about!


hehe, i saw a programme about 'RODs' on Sky 1....i was taken in at first but then i got skeptical. There are so many flaws to this theory and all the flaws can be dismissed by making up another property by the RODS.


For example, no ones actually found a body of a ROD?


Solutions: They live forever, they go back to their planet before they die, their bodies disintegrate within seconds of them dying


Do a google search for RODs and you will find the 'official' site. and also a site where someone totally slags off the theory.

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Yea Divine Spirit, I've heard that theory too. They supposedly used to line up with a certain constellation, but changes in the universe as well as Earth, have made sure that they don't quite line up anymore. But, they have figured out which ones they originially pointed to, I just can't remember which. Something else that's eerie. Not only do the Egyptian pyramids line up with specific ones, the Mayan and Incan pyramids, (on the other side of the world, which means they more than likely didn't have contact with the Egyptians), also line up with specific constellations, different ones than the pyramids in Egypt do of course, but, they line up. Oooh, scary :D

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Originally posted by Divine Spirit

The site that lexx has already mention is the 'official' site for RODs -there cant really be an official site but it was set up by the guy who 'first' made the theory and this is a site that claims the theory is false:




Also try out http://www.flyingrods.com/ for more information


LOL.....more people thought is was flying scrolls like in the bible than cratches in the camera.....

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Originally posted by Reb_Starblazer

Yea Divine Spirit, I've heard that theory too. They supposedly used to line up with a certain constellation, but changes in the universe as well as Earth, have made sure that they don't quite line up anymore.


Im sure scientists or astrologers can make some sort of computer software that can show what the universe looked like thousands of years ago so that we can see if the pyramids line up with the stars....but you're right, the consellations have already been found.

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i hope there is life out there caseu if we were the only ones i think it would be boring but i think when we say life most of you think of aliens but when i mean life i mean bacteria,plants or stuff like aliens or huminoid things i am really inntrested in those ufo things and stuff like that so yes i do think there is life

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You idiots! Here is how the rods got here.....



Captains log, stardate 53612.234.


The Enterprise is orbiting around something-or-other3.We where about to go to warp when a mysterious worm hole appeared from out of no where, and several short, funny looking things came out of it.



Data: Sir, The short funny looking things are coming at us.


Riker: Red alert!


Picard: on screen. Magnify. Magnify again. Magnify 100 times. Magnify 1000 times. Magnify 100000 times. Full magnification factor.


Data: aye sir.


Picard:move us in at 1/3 impulse power, ensign black woman.


Black Woman: Aye sir, 1/3 impulse


Picard: Don't repeat me, ensign!


Ensign: Sorry sir. Not repeating you.


*Picard rolls eyes*


Picard: Mr.Worf, Open a channel.


Worf: Aye sir.


*HBO's "The Supranoes" comes on the main viewer*


Picard: You know what I mean, Worf.


Worf giggles to himself. Sorry sir. Chanel open.


Picard: This is captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. Please Identify yourself. You are in federation space.


ROD: We are the rods. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. YOur technological and biological traits will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.


Picard: That sounds familiar.......


Worf: Sir, I reccomend we blow them to millions of pieces, then eat them.


*Everyone stares at Worf*


Worf: What?


Picard: Get Wesly Crusher up here. He will save us.


*Wesly runs on bridge*


Wesly: you wanted me sir?


Picard: Yes. Do something with the RODS.


WEsly: ok.


*wesly runs to science station and mashs buttons*


Picard: What are you doing?


WEsly: I am sending through the worm hole at a vexed angle so they will go back through time.


Picard: Whatever.......I want some tea. I'll be in my ready room.


*Picard goes to Ready room*


Wesly: I did it. Say bye bye to the RODS!


*RODS go through worm hole, and end up in the year 2002, at Earth*


*que TNG end theme*

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lets take the egyptians


imagine u live in the middle of the desert .... uve got f all too look at BUT the sky at night .....sure .... u gonna put some stay with it ... u bury ur kings and u want em to goto the stars (or whatever) so u build their pyramid under a star ... same with the incans


yeah sure theres prolly life sumwhere


but i dunno exactly how it came about ... but the set of circumstances that lead to life here ..... were pretty unlikely ... so i doubt it much is there


equally .... the life might not be much like us it could be nething .... planets could be sentient


ahhh bored now .... think it out amongst urselves :D

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I say there are things not of this world.

Some, not a heck of a lot.

And we may find aliens on other worlds.

They'd probably have the intelligence of a dog, but heck!

And there's no such thing as, "primitives"

Only ancient people.

They were actually quite intelligent.





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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Originally posted by Darth Clem

lets take the egyptians


imagine u live in the middle of the desert .... uve got f all too look at BUT the sky at night .....sure .... u gonna put some stay with it ... u bury ur kings and u want em to goto the stars (or whatever) so u build their pyramid under a star ... same with the incans


:eek: :eek: the egyptions didnt sit around in the desert all day! They were one of the best empires in the history of Earth...not as good as the British Empire but maybe even better than the Roman empire! :p im sure they can find something else to do apart from star gaze! hehe :D

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Originally posted by Camus

Yes but there are illigial aliens all over Oklahoma... even had a very large family move into a house 2 houses down the street...


I live in Miami... Illegal aliens? I see them all the time. :rolleyes:


Seriously though... It's a big universe. As Waterson, author of Calvin and Hobbes, put it...


"The best proof there's intelligent life out there is the fact that they haven't contacted us yet." :p

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Just to clear it up, the 3 Great Egyptian pyramids lined up with the constellation Orion, specifically the 3 stars in Orions belt. This is indeed a great feat of engineering and many people believe it was beyond the Egyptians to achieve this. Someone (I think of his name right now) has actually proved that the Pyramids were built b4 the Egyptians which makes this mystery even more intriguing.

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Darth Clem somewhat has a point, about us being the cavemen of the universe. Especially our arrogance (at least of the western 'civilization') points to this. One of you wrote that if we were the only sentient being in this universe it would be a waste of space. That statement implies that the universe exists for us; that somehow its creation and evolution through billions of years was all meant for human kind, the peak of creation. It's the old mideaval 'The-Earth-is-the-center-of-the-universe-and-the-Sun-evolves-around-us-not-vice-versa' arrogant assumptions born of ignorance. We are infinitely smaller than a speck of dust and if the universe decides to throw a meteor the size of Greenland in our collective heads it will do so and not even think twice bout it.


Looking apart from any allmighty, divine will designing and directing all for the mostly pathetic human race, the odds are greatly in favour of alien sentient beings. That any of those should have evolved beyond us technically and/or mentally is also easily possible.


Imagine a planet far away being a virtual copy of 'our' Earth, with the same evolutionary story of life upon it. Now, imagine this planet was formed 50,000 years before Earth, not a big chronic difference by universal standards at all. Then simply imagine us 50,000 years from now; given that they have prospered and not faced extinction or retrogration their tech capabilities for space travel could be rather awesome. Obviously they need not be anything like us in body, mind nor culture. Just making easy reference.


This leads us to aliens having visited this planet. Not impossible, but take into account that even if there were like 500 million spacefaring sentient races out there (not unlikely, really), it would still take them a hell of a time to cover all known space. And if they have visited, are visiting, or will visit us, it's not unlikely they'll adhere to a 'no interference' policy, thus hiding themselves for us to allow our natural evolution. Who knows, maybe they allow themselves to be spotted from time to time to inspire us to believe that interstellar, even intergalactic travel is obtainable.


Hell, they could have visited this planet a couple of hundred of millions years ago and said 'Life...interesting, but boring....hey, let's zap that bit of bacteria with our Evolution Stimulator Ray...the red one so it will sting a bit....love to tease bacteria....where's my pizza already?!'.

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Originally posted by Divine Spirit


:eek: :eek: the egyptions didnt sit around in the desert all day! They were one of the best empires in the history of Earth...not as good as the British Empire but maybe even better than the Roman empire! :p im sure they can find something else to do apart from star gaze! hehe :D


Hahaha the brithish empire better than the egyptian and the roman?? Lmao hahahahaha.


You must be british. The british empire only toke the poor, defenseless lands and gave them lot of taxes. The roman empire, for example, was one of the best warrior empire of all times. The whole empire was so complexe and genious that it is strange how it could fall apart.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn


Hahaha the brithish empire better than the egyptian and the roman?? Lmao hahahahaha.


You must be british. The british empire only toke the poor, defenseless lands and gave them lot of taxes. The roman empire, for example, was one of the best warrior empire of all times. The whole empire was so complexe and genious that it is strange how it could fall apart.


ur american right?!


lol the british empire was pretty big my friend .... including unless my sources are incorrect ..... america :)

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn


The roman empire, for example, was one of the best warrior empire of all times. The whole empire was so complexe and genious that it is strange how it could fall apart.

i dont know why they fell in the first place but if you see the great romen arena that is one of the wonders of the world youll see that it was impossable for them to build it. and the army was unstopable they almost concured the entire world

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